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What does 'Max FPS' really mean?

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the_ceed's Avatar the_ceed
Level 28 : Expert Modder
Most Minecraft players struggle with making their Minecraft client as smooth, and as fast as possible. We tend to go to 'Video Settings' and set things to the lowest, and then make one big mistake. We change the 'Performance' setting to Max FPS.

What is Max FPS?
As defined on the Mincraft Wiki: "Max FPS sets no limit to maximum FPS."

What does this mean?
This means that your FPS will jump from 1-120+ constantly, making your game experience choppy and un-enjoyable. Sure, you can enjoy the uncapped FPS, but once Minercraft starts loading chunks, your FPS will start changing rapidly.

What should I do?
It's simple. Use the 'Balanced' setting.

Why should I use 'Balanced'?
1. It saves power and RAM. You may not notice it at first, but using the 'Balanced' setting will keep your computer cooler, and running faster everywhere else.
2. It keeps your frame rate smooth. This setting keeps your FPS stable and your experience more enjoyable!

The bottom line: Using 'Balanced' does NOT lower your FPS, it caps it. It makes your gameplay smoother and makes Minecraft more enjoyable.

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05/12/2017 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kmw326's Avatar
what does fps stand for
11/06/2017 7:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Gam1ng_Netw0rk's Avatar
Frames Per Second.
08/06/2013 1:50 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
btw001's Avatar
What the 'Max FPS' setting does is push your minecraft to the limits with fps. It will give you as much fps as possible but will slow down other programs. The 'Balanced' setting lowers your fps to keep other programs running fast. On 'Balanced' I only get around 30-40 fps, while on 'Max FPS' I get 100-300. The 'Balanced' setting does lower your fps and I do not recommend using it if you have a slower computer. Also, about 'Max FPS' setting being chunky, I don't notice that, as when your in the 100-300 fps area, you don't see much of a difference when you go from 200 down to 100, and I only go down to 20 fps about once a month and only for about 5 seconds.
08/06/2013 3:47 pm
Level 28 : Expert Modder
the_ceed's Avatar
The 'Balanced' setting doesn't lower your FPS whatsoever, it finds a stable rate and caps it at 120. It will be choppy with 'Max FPS' whether you notice it or not. 'Balanced' does exactly what it says. Balances your max FPS with your lowest so that can play with a smooth frame rate.
10/21/2013 12:52 am
Level 46 : Master Pixel Painter
LetsPlay2D's Avatar
I would be extremely happy if my Laptop would even reach 40 FPS... and "Max FPS" DOES give me more FPS!
08/06/2013 1:14 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie
The_BEast24's Avatar
Sadly my minecraft has lag issues i turn everything down and it still lags.
