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What I want to see in Minecraft

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LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar LightlySaltedBuilder
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
So as you know, even though minecraft has advanced a lot from it's early stages. Even though it has advanced a lot, I think a lot of people feel as if there are still a lot of things that could be added and improved. So I'm writing out my list of what I think should be added to minecraft. I'm going to have the main ideas in text so that it's easy to read, and I'll put the details in spoilers for everyone who wants to see them.

Improved Villages
Villages are a really cool feature, but I personally feel that they could use a lot of imporvement. The main thing that bugs me about them is that after getting iron armor and a good farm they basically become useless.
For one, they don't offer a lot of featrues that will remain useful later on in the game, and the trades are expensive for a player in a new survival world, and useless to the peron who can afford them. The only good loot is found in the blacksmith, and sometimes you can't even find one in a village. The one person I can say is useful later on is the librarian, but that's merely becuase he sells enchanted books.
Basically I think more stuff that will be useful anytime in the game should be added, so that a village can become a more central part of survival, instead of merely being a structure you find.
How villager trades could be improved
I think trades could be improved in three ways: lower the prices on cheaper goods(cheaper as in easier to obtain or not as useful), allow villagers to sell better items(for higher prices of course), and make it easier to obtain emeralds.

As you know emeralds are kind of hard to find in survival, and it's not easy to buy them from villagers. If you go mining for them, by the time you've found them you don't need to buy any of the things the villagers are selling. I think the villagers should have lower prices for their emeralds (for example:5 wheat=1 emerald) Also i think the price on cheaper goods like wool from the sheperd should be lowered, or the amount you get increased(for example:1 emerald for 10 wool, or 5 emeralds for 64 wool)

The main reason I think villagers should be allowed to trade better items is because that way the keep their value for most of the game, instead of losing value after a certain point. They would be allowed to sell things like a diamond sword or armor, or level 3 enchanted books, however these would be at a higher price so that it isn't too op.

The third thing I think could be done to allow villagers more usefullness is to add a few more types. Some I was thinking of would be a potion brewer (so that you don't have to make all your own potions), a baker which would sell cake, bread and cookies(so that you don't have to get so many ingredients for making them), a herbalist who sells netherwarts, mushrooms, or other types of flowers, and a tanner that can sell you saddles and horse armor.

As you know, the only place in the village which has good loot is the blacksmith(unless your into farming), and unfortunately some villages don't even have one. I think villages could have better loot simply by adding some chest with thing in it, kind of the ways adventure maps sometimes have. Also the loot in the chest can differ depending on which type of house your visiting, for example a butcher's chest could have some raw pork in it, but the librarian's would have some books, and maybe even some enchanted books. Just something simple like this could improve the whole finding a village thing as you would be able to get some good loot from finding one.

Loot found in chests would include:
string, leather, iron ingots(not as common), emerals(rare), seeds, random pieces of leather armor, xp bootles, and random stone/wooden tools or swords(not as common).
Village Aesthetics (things that would look nice but are useless)
You've got to admit, villages are not the most beautiful thing you've seen. However I'm not proposing that we get grian to go and create new village buildings or something like that, I thought of few things that could improve the overall looks of a village, while not turning it into the equivalent of a small build project, though there should be a few improvements to the build quality.

There should be more height difference in the building/village. this could simply be done be adding two story houses and tall trees like the ones that naturally generate. Some other things that I think could be cool would be some small aesthetic designs, like maybe some crates or chests lying around, signposts, maybe even gallows could be cool.

Some other things which I think should be implemented is more distinguished buildings. You know the way the blacksmith is easily recognizable, well something like that that would help distinguish certain buildings, like the librarian and the butcher from the others. For example, if a potion brewer got implemented, a wizard-ish tower for him to live in. For a herbalist(if it got implemented) a shop with a garden out back or a small greenhouse, etc.

Two other things I think that would be cool if added to a village would be 1) a small castle, nothing complicated, just something simple with towers, a throne room, and a dungeon. However this castle would have a 33% chance of spawning if the requirements are fulfilled, which are just that the city have at least 10 buildings, meaning that just because you find a village you won't have a castle. 2) A market place, it would just be some tents in a part of a bigger village that contain villagers that sell random objects that aren't sold by other villagers. I also think it would be cool if a village had more that 10 buildings it would have a small wall. It wouldn't be anything huge or fancy, just a simple wall to keep zombies out and make the city look protected.

Custom Paintings
I think we should be able to have custom paintings. The main reason is if you're a builder this gives you so many options when it comes to decorating, and you can make great looking signs, televisions, pictures, etc. It would offer a great replacement for signs that can be designed however you want, plus if your building a city or something along those lines you can make custom signs for the stores complete with their own picture and logo. And you can also read them from far away unlike signs.

How it works
The way it would work would be kind of simple. In the .minecraft file there would be a folder named paintings. Inside it are different folders for the different sizes of paintings, for example 1x1, 1x2, etc. you just drag the .png file into the correct folder. It would also have a pixel limit the same way the world icon does. Then you would get a custom painting, a new item that you use to get custom paintigns. The recipe would just be a painting surrounded by 3 yellow dye, 3 red dye, and 2 blue dye. I chose this recipe simply becuase those are the primary colors used to make any color used in painting, and the painting is just the canvas your using. But back to getting them into your world. When you place one a GUI pops up the same way it does on a sign, and from there you select a painting from the file, similarly to the way the resource pack chooser works. Then, bang, you have a custom painting in your world.

This is a idea suggested by MuffinManatee on MinecraftForums, I'm mainly putting my version of the idea and the parts I like, however here's the link to the original post by MuffinManatee
The basic idea is gloves that give you small buffs for example like faster mining speed, slower attack cooldown, and stuff like that. My idea for them was that they can be enchanted, with certain enchantments that allow you things like faster bow reload, increased mining speed, more bow damage (because you pull the bow farther back thus giving the arrow more strength)
What they do
However it would work like the sword enchantments, you can only get one of a certain type. For example if you got faster bow reload, you wouldn't be able to get extra bow damage. This would allow the player more specialization into their preferred form of gameplay or pvp, for example if you like sword combat you can enchant your glove for reduced sword cooldown. If you like sniping people you can enchant your gloves for increased bow damage so you can kill people without having to shoot them lots of times.

More Enchantments
This leads me to my next idea, more enchants. I think there should be more enchants that allow you new features, instead of imporving current stats. An example would be two new bow enchants: Sniper and Machine-gun.(The names wouldn't be the same they're just temporary) Sniper does basically the same thing the glove enchants do, increases bow damage and power, allowing you to shoot farther, and increased precision. With max level of this you could probably kill a player with no armor with one fully drawn hit. However the time it takes to fully draw a bow would be longer with this enchant. As for machine-gun, it's also basically it's name. It allows you to fire arrows very fast, however the range is decreased and so is the damage, meaning it would take more hits to kill a player.

List of Possible Enchantments
Berserk- Goes on sword. Gives you high chance of critical strike but doesn't improve the regular damage, meaning you could hit a 15 damage hit, then a 7 dmagae hit from a diamond sword
Breaker- Goes on pickaxe, allows you to have a 10 second period of haste 2 every 25 blocks broken. However gives no increase to regular mining speed.
Storm- allows you to shoot three arrows at once instead of only one, increased reload time however.
Ender Fire- allows you to shoot fire/acid the ender dragon does
Wither blast- allows you to shoot a wither skull from your weapon every 10 seconds that effects target with wither, can't destroy blocks.
Fireball- allows you to shoot a fireball every 10 seconds. can set things on fire but can't destroy blocks
Blast- the enchantment required to have Ender fire, Wither Blast and Fireball. This book is put in an anvil with a nether star for Wither Blast, blaze powder for Fireball, and a dragon egg for Ender Fire.

More Unique/Iconic Biomes
I don't know about you but for me exploring gets boring because eventually the biomes get boring and repetitive, And we already have unique biomes, but they're rare meaning there's not much chance you'll find them that much. The main idea would be more iconic biomes, like for example spiked mountain, which would be very tall, peaked, steep mountains. Others would be coral reefs in oceans, new swamps with tall jungle-like trees and lots of water, and canyons that would resemble the grand canyon in mesas and desserts. There could be meteor craters, maybe an actual sky islands biome, volcanoes, etc. Basically there are a lot of possibilities for this and it would be a welcome addition to exploring.

Cubic Chunks
This isn' originally mine, and some of you may have already heard of this as it is the most supported suggestion on MCforums. The basic idea is change the chunk size and model from it's current 16x16x256, to 16x16x16, since currently the whole height of the world is redered in. This means that without the whole world height having to load in, you could have no build limit or void! As a builder this sound awesome to me, since this would mean I could build so much more giant things without having to worry about reaching the build limit. Also the infinite depth thing is pretty cool as now giant caves systems could possibly be, infinite cave systems(actually this might make finding my way out of caves impossible). Basically it would overall be an amazing addition if it could be implemented.

That's all I have for now, If you enjoyed this list please diamond or favorite, or even do them both. (cmon just do it :p) But in all seriousness, I'll make a second list if this one gets enough support, so if you want to see another then make sure to diamond. Also comment anything you want added, and it might be featured in the second list if it happens.

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07/07/2017 10:54 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
subpartikel's Avatar
I agree a lot

the custom paintings are a must! ^^
06/21/2017 7:34 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice System
MabelPevensie's Avatar
Sounds pretty cool! I like a lot of these ideas.
02/10/2017 8:24 am
Level 21 : Expert Button Pusher
SimplySteak's Avatar
02/10/2017 6:20 am
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda
Devi The Panda's Avatar
I mean, you could contact Mojang and see if they'll take some notes of what they should do for later updates.
I also agree with the whole village thing... they seem useless besides the fact that it's a free home (more wood for us!) but compared to dungeons, strongholds, ocean structures, even the lack of loot nether structures are more useful findings then the villages scattered across creation.
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