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What If Minecraft Players Had Feelings?:Skyblock part 3 Nether World

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penguin123456789's Avatar penguin123456789
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
So, what if Minecraft players really had feelings?
This might be what have happened to the noob of skyblock.
Day 1:
 Today I have found myself in a peculiar world. Every other place I've been to has either been filled with cows, players, buildings, or things of that nature. Problem with today is that I awoke to find myself on a floating piece of dirt with a chest of ample supplies.
How can I live with only a few pieces of dirt? How can I do it? I guess only time will tell.
Day 2:
  I managed to expand my base today with dirt, I am not sure what to do with these ice blocks, however. Today, two chickens spawned on my island, so i made a coupe just for them. They look so happy! I need to make food tomorrow as I'm going to starve soon. Rotten flesh isnt so appealing after eating more than 2 stacks.
Day 3:
 I found something called a "water generator" Now, my ice is useful! I also am now able to make what people call "cobblestone generators".I made my island paradise 10 times bigger! I think I'll be able to get through this.
Day 4:
Today I made my beautiful cobblestone castle. I am now also a proud owner of 50 chickens and 2 cows. After opening up my farm, I now sustain myself by eating tons of cake. How could life be any better?
Day 5:
Today a pack creeper came into my house and blew it up. So much progress has been removed. I feel like just jumping off and ending my life.
Day 6:
Today I will be doing nothing since my player is off to work, I'll be back soon.
Continuing off on the story:

Day 7:

Today I rebuilt my base, I was feeling in a factiony mood, so I put
water on top to prevent creepers from damaging anything else. Hopefully
now my house will be protected


Day 8:

Today, as I was expanding I saw a floating sand island. The reason I
never saw this before was because I have bad eyesight. My render
distance is only at 2, and sometimes my visions stops and a flashy
number on the top right of my vision goes to 0. At this point, I just
try to stand still. Hopefully I can reach the sand island tomorrow.


Day 9:

The sand island had enough obsidiann for me to make a nether portal,
for some reason there was also a flint and steel, so I was happy. Now I
can explore the nether and get as much lava as I would desire. I need
to be careful however, as if I fall in the lava, I will lose a lot of
important blocks


Day 10:

I gathered all the sand today and made myself a cactus farm! I have
no idea why I made such farm as they are useless, but they could be used
as a defence. I need to make use of my resources after all.


Day 11:

A sheep spawned on my base today, it has it's own pen now! I'm truly
becoming one with the farm! Today was an exciting today here on
skyblock paradise.


Day 12:

My player has logged off again. Hopefully next time when he gots on, I'll be able to go to the nether.


Day 13:

Today, I explored the depths of the nether. I spawned almost directly into lava. Since I have no iron, I had to fen myself offfrom huge ghasts with my trust bow and stone sword. The pig zombies here weren't angered, so they watched me get mauled by ghasts. They didn't even try to help one bit! Hopefully I can find some good items in nether fortresses.


Day 14:

I found a netherfortress today! It was right next to my portal, I just looked the wrong way. I'm going to try to build a blaze farmer for exp and rods for furnace fuel and brewing stands. I'm really getting ahead.


~Part 4 out soon! :)

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08/07/2014 3:49 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
penguin123456789's Avatar
Updated a big again :)
08/06/2014 8:23 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
penguin123456789's Avatar
Adding Day 3 soon guys :)
08/05/2014 6:18 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
penguin123456789's Avatar
thanks for the diamonds everyone! XD
animal 23
08/04/2014 5:52 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
animal 23's Avatar
wow just wow
08/04/2014 1:52 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
penguin123456789's Avatar
LOL piworld. psh. 200 blocks too deep would put you into the void :D
08/04/2014 8:03 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
Exactly xD 200 blocks too deep for him is DEAD

08/04/2014 1:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
piworld4's Avatar
This is too deep for me. About 200 blocks too deep
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