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Minecraft Blogs / Art

What Now?

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mrsomeone194's Avatar mrsomeone194
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
An obstacle every Minecraft player had to face at least once in their life.
Literally drew this while under the influence of several energy drinks, so don't judge it too much, will you?


The player built a small shelter for their first night and placed a lot of torches around.
"What now?" they asked themselves.

The player went down a cave and found some minerals.
"What now?" they asked themselves again.

The player then constructed all the armor and tools he needed to enter the other dimension, only to die seconds after doing so.
"What now?" they asked themselves, frustrated.

The player repeated the same process many times, always resulting in their death.
"What now?" they always asked themselves.

The player's small shelters were slowly growing into large skyscrapers, their experience increasing with each new world created.
"What now?" they asked themselves.

The player has finally achieved the highest goal of satisfaction, completing everything they could and even things they had no idea they could, they've truly done everything.
Yet, one question still remains:

"What now?"


A game without a goal shall be afraid of.

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04/19/2023 4:10 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Witch
autumn's Avatar
very nice thanks for entering
Planet Minecraft


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