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Ideas to build in your house!

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
Here's an alphabetical list of stuff you can add to your Minecraft home. Don't forget to give me a diamond and to subscribe!

Green: Functional rooms

Red: Non-functional rooms

Blue: Multiplayer only

Pink: With mods only


Armory/Weaponry: A room to store all your weapons and armor. Display your finest armor with armor stands!

Art gallery: Build a museum to show off your paintings. Place some of your own art as well like statues, pixel art...


Bathroom: A room to wash yourself after a hard day of mining.

Bedroom: A room to place your bed in. Sleeping in a bed resets your spawn point to the last bed you slept in. Make sure your walls are 2 blocks wide or monsters will spawn in the bedroom. Building underground or in the sky will also prevent this.

Block museum: A museum containing every solid block in Minecraft.

Brewery: The room where you brew potions. This room needs a few brewing stands, some cauldrons and some chests with ingredients and potions.

Bridge: Build bridges to easily cross rivers near your home!
Bunker: A room where you can flee to if some hostile mobs or players broke into your house. Make sure you can only open and close the bunker from inside. A bunker is made of a strong material like obsidian. Also there must be a crafting table, a furnace, a chest with basic items (food, tools, weapons, crafting materials...) and a bed. Place some torches to avoid monsters spawning inside.


Cactus farm: A cactus farm isn't that useful like other farms. However, cactus farms are easy to build and it's a good use for mob traps, walls or other defensive purposes.
Carrot farm: A carrot farm in your base provides a valuable food source that keeps your hunger bar up. For farming methods see wheat farm (carrots can be harvested the same way as wheat).

Cat kennel: A small perk with all your cats and some chests with some raw fish. Don't forget to make the cats sit so they don't teleport to you when you're exploring.

Cocoa bean farm: Just cookies...
Cow farm: Cows drop leather, used for armor, books and item frames, and drop raw beef. Cows can also be milked by using a bucket on it.
Crafting room: The basic room for a Minecraft house. A crafting room contains (obviously) a crafting table, at least 1 furnace and chests with the basic crafting materials. It's a good idea to make this room near you're mine, furnace room and storage rooms.

Chicken coop: A chicken coop provides a source of eggs. Throwing eggs on the ground will have a 1/8 chance to spawn a chicken. After you have 2 chickens, it is easier to breed them with wheat.
Cobblestone generator: A cobblestone generator provides a safe and fast way to gather cobblestone, typically by mixing water and lava.

Dog Kennel: A small perk with all your wolfs and some chests with rotten flesh from zombies, because wolves can eat them without becoming sick. don't forget to make the wolves sit so they don't teleport to you when you're exploring.

Doorbell: When players want to visit you, they can push on a button to let a note block play a sound. You can make this even more sophisticated by making chimes or even a whole song that plays upon entering.


Elevator: Easy vertical transportation with the help of boats, minecarts, pistons etc.
Enchanting room: This room should have an enchantment table and chests with your enchanted tools and weapons.
Enderman farm: Enderman traps are best suited to the End because they spawn at a considerably higher rate there. They drop ender pearls.
Escape tunnel: If there are hostile mobs in your house, you can easily escape with an escape tunnel. It's always better to have more then one exit out of your house.


Fishing pool: A small lake of at least 2 blocks deep, 1 block wide and 7 blocks long for fishing purpose.

Furnace room: This room has more furnaces then a crafting room and some chests with all the ores you've gathered. You should certainly build this room near your mine entrance.


Garden: A garden to relax in with flowers, trees, hedges and maybe a small pond.

Gravel-to-flint room: Once you have many stacks of gravel, it can be useful to convert most of your gravel into flints. This is just a big empty room, which you fill with gravel. Keep replacing and destroying the gravel until it drops as a flint. This room may include a chest with shovels, as well as ingredients and a crafting table for quick production of arrows or flint and steel. An even faster way is to put torches below the flint blocks, which will break them.

Graveyard: Every time you die you make a new tombstone with a sign. The sign tells when, where and how you died.


Harbor: If you find yourself using boats in a general area often, making a dock or two is a good idea. They can help prevent your boats from drifting off into the ocean or slamming into a wall when you exit, thus breaking the boat. Dispensers can also be placed here and filled with boats for convenience.

Herobrine altar: An underground altar made out of Nether materials to worship the Herobrine and sacrifice pigs.


Ice farm: An easy way to gather ice.
Incinerator: Get rid of unwanted items.
Iron golem farm: An iron golem farm is an easy way to acquire loads of iron ingots (and less usefull poppies).

Jail: Lock up all those griefers!


Kitchen: Pretty useless, can be used to store food though...

Library: A room with many bookcases. It's a great use for any excess sugarcanes and it can double as an enchantment room. You can store your self-written books here as well!

Light house: A tall tower with some sort of light source on the top means that you can see your base from a long distance away. Usefull if you go exploring a lot, your spawn point is a long way from your base or you have not made a bed yet.


Melon farm: Another valuable food source that keeps your hunger bar up.
Mine: A mine to get a source of ores and cobblestone. You can make the entrance to your mine in your furnace room or crafting room.

Minecart railway: A railway system to transfer quickly to all your different mines and bases.

Mob farm/grinder: The purpose of a mob farm is to automate and maximize the process of spawning mobs, killing them, and funneling the resulting items to a collection point.
Music room: A room filled with noteblocks or a jukebox to enjoy melodies. Some cool songs build with noteblocks in Minecraft:
Mushroom farm: A big room with a flat floor. You can light your mushroom farm by torches or glowstone, placed on the ceiling, to prevent mobs from spawning. Just make sure that there are no places on the floor where the light level is greater than 12 so the mushrooms can spread themselves.

Nether portal room: The room where you make the portal to the Nether. A chest with some exploring materials is always usefull.

Nether wart farm: No need to find another hidden nether fortress when you've build this farm!

Obsidian farm: It's possible to farm obsidian on a safe way without wasting any lava!

Pig farm: PORKCHOP!
Potato farm: More food! For farming methods see wheat farm (potatoes can be harvested the same way as wheat).

Pumpkin farm: A pumpkin farm in your base provides a source for pumpkins which can be used for Jack-O-Lanterns and to create snow golems.
PVP arena: A big arena to fight with other players in MP.


Rabbit farm: Rabbits drop rabbit flesh and the rare rabbit leg which is an ingredient for the mundane potion and potion of leaping.
Race Circuit: Saddle your horse and race against your friends!
Redstone lab: A laboratory is a large, clear, secure area where you can safely test designs without distractions. When building large projects with complicated parts, it can save you time and effort if you test the ideas first.

Roller coaster: You can make huge roller coasters with powered rails. Some examples:

Security room: Afraid of the dark? Do you always check if your doors are closed? Fear no more with the SecurityCraft mod! Mines, laser tripwires, cameras and more!
Sheep farm: A source of food and wool!
Snow golem defences: Snow golems throw snowballs at hostile mobs up to 10 blocks away. A large group of snow golems push the hostile mobs away, keeping them away from your house.
Snow golem farm: An infinite source of snow!
Spleef arena: Spleef is one of the most popular minigames in Minecraft. Typically, Spleef games take place in a arena, or elevated surface which consists of a generally large platform of blocks. The platform is usually surrounded by a building for people to spectate. The goal is to destroy blocks on the platform near or under the opponent to cause them to fall. Those who fall from the platform lose the round, and can fall into a pit, lava, or many other cruel fates designed by the stadium constructors.Squid farm: An excellent source for valuable ink sacs! 
Storage room: When your chests in the crafting room starts to overflow, you can make storage rooms. There are 2 types of storage rooms: an item storage room for items and a block storage room for blocks.

Stable: A place where you can keep your horses safe.

Sugarcane farm: Sugar cane is the only source of sugar and paper and must be planted on a grass, dirt or sand block that is directly adjacent to water. Sugar cane can be found in almost any biome except tundra, due to the low occurrence rate of open, unfrozen water.Swimming pool: A big pool of water to swim in.


Toilet: A small room with a toilet. You can make a secret entrance in into your treasure room.

Treasure room: A room build with high value materials like diamond blocks or gold blocks with chests filled with your most valuable items.

Tree farm: Producing wood in your own base can eliminate a major reason for venturing in the dangerous outside. Make sure your farming room has a torch next to each sapling and has enough space upwards. A chest with axes, saplings, and spare wood can be helpful as well.

Wall: A defensive wall around your house to prevent hostile mobs reaching your house. Don't forget to make the wall higher then 4 blocks or make an overhang because spiders can climb 4 blocks high!

Watchtower: A tall tower to keep an eye on the surroundings.

Well: A well can be very usefull if there aren't any natural water sources nearby. 

Wheat farm: Wheat can be crafted into bread, and is a necessary ingredient for cake and cookies. So a wheat farm is quite important. For efficient farming, click the following links:

Zombie pigman farm: A source of rotten flesh and gold nuggets.
CreditMinecraft wiki, ice374, moldemann, Brainfreezer001, Dinosawr, Mayor 676, Supersniper15,

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Seppinjo 07/17/2015 5:10:57 pmJul 17th, 2015

  • New blog picture
  • Grammar and spelling mistakes fixed
  • New links added
  • Bridge, carrot farm, cow farm, elevator, enderman farm, ice farm, incinerator, kitchen, nether wart farm, pig farm, potato farm, rabbit farm, sheep farm, snow golem farm, squid farm, well and zombie pigman farm added!

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09/19/2019 6:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
The glass balconies are pretty nice on this modern house tutorial. They could be a nice addition?
03/03/2019 11:58 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
I love this!
03/30/2018 7:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
great ideas i will definitely do some of these in my survival, . Such a very informative post which will help everyone who try to find best ideas while making their home. Serenity Garden Rooms also best Garden room building suppliers.
10/14/2015 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Very useful! I will use this for some ideas on our whitelisted server and post videos about our rooms and designs we come up with..
08/01/2015 7:26 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cowboy
great ideas i will definitely do some of these in my survival, diamond for you :D
07/17/2015 5:38 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
useful :D
12/14/2014 11:32 am
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
This realy helped to make my house a "Shiny" Place.

a sub for you
02/08/2013 11:29 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
another way to get flint is to make a tall pit and put torches below. then the torches will break the blocks for you at the cost of a lower chance of flint
06/26/2012 1:41 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Programmer
ive been watching this project for a few months now ive had it in my favourites for a long time and im likeing wats happening with it :)
06/26/2012 7:55 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
I was busy with lots of other minecraft projects (and I still didn't finish one of them) and school. But I have vacation now so I've got plenty of time to update this blog frequently.
