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What "Trolling" Really is

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SoulDoesPMC's Avatar SoulDoesPMC
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
Trolling. It is a word that is tossed around too much. I've done some research, ranging from local PMC blogs, to YouTube videos, and even to scholarly 4chan articles and I've discovered there are a few misconceptions on what "trolling" really is. Let's break it down.

Trolling is Malevolent
There's no such thing as "good trolling." This is especially found in blogs written by young children. No, replacing some blocks in your friend's house, telling him about it, then helping him rebuild what you destroyed is not trolling. In virtually any trolling situation, there is at least one predator and at least one prey. Someone is suffering. This is often in the form of traps, grief, and illegal tampering.

Trolling is Comical :D
"Hey, it's not funny!" Don't worry, I know. This is a fairly commonly-agreed-upon element of trolling. Griefing someone's houses for their resources or even because you hate them is not trolling. There's needs to be a "punch-line" of sorts. How clever it is is entirely up to the intellect and creativity of the troll. Trapping someone in lava with a sign in the pit that says "you suck, we took all your stuff, go die" is indeed a bit cruel, but trolling nonetheless. Hell, you may have just made a little kid cry!

Trolling has an Effect
We've all seen the children who come on servers saying something along the lines of "hi guys im from pmc here to review ur server plz give me op so i can test the commands ty." As frustrating and hilarious as it is, it isn't trolling. Why? There isn't an actual effect. Only a slim slice of the large server pie will actually believe the kid, let alone give him OP. You could almost call this "fail trolling," but arguably so.

The Troll is Unharmed
This is somewhat of a no-brainer, but it needs to be stated. If jump off a cliff with someone you hate telling them there's diamonds at the bottom... wait, what? You really believe this could be trolling? As I said in my first reason, there is "always at least one predator and at least one prey." All the time. Where's the predator in this scenario? Even if you're causing someone misery and it's funny to no end, if you were harmed, it's not a successful troll attempt, just a stupid joke.

I hope I enlightened some of you. This is my first blog on this website, I'm tired, and didn't revise. Please take my writing with both a grain of salt and a sample of sugar.

Thanks for reading, remember to Diamond, Favorite, and Subscribe, but only if you liked my article. If you didn't, please don't; that's misleading. unless you really want to troll me

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02/12/2014 8:35 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Scribe
Arsenous's Avatar
Stupid blog. You suck.
02/11/2014 10:39 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pony
AznNinjaForever99's Avatar
"I'm from PMC to review your server" is trolling sometimes because it makes everybody frustrated on the server, is funny because you're mocking the people that actually try this, and you remain unharmed unless you think getting banned is harmful.
02/12/2014 4:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
SoulDoesPMC's Avatar
On my server, one of the admins would tell the person to stop. Continuing to repeat the message would be considered spam and the player will be muted. Then, an apology is sent out in public chat. Besides, not many people even glance at these people.

So hilarious, right?
02/11/2014 8:39 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Hunter
theIgloo's Avatar
The pmc-staff-review thing isn't a troll, or at least didn't start as one. It's just kids looking up on YouTube how to get OP so they can grief, and a video from when it actually used to work frequently would pop up. They'd be none the wiser and try it out.
02/11/2014 7:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
SoulDoesPMC's Avatar
The size is messed up in some areas. How do I edit a blog; I don't see a button?
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