Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

What you can do to fight low FPS rates.

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DudeitsJG's Avatar DudeitsJG
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
A problem that I had faced for the longest time while I played Minecraft was a low rate of frames per second.
Recently, I came across something that was actually able to fix it completely. First off, this was a factor that helped me get higher fps: having absolutely no other programs open while playing, which normally only applies to 32 bit operating systems, as I had come to find out.

The second possible thing you can do to reduce slow gameplay is to simply create a start batch file for Minecraft. I found that it helped quite a bit. all you need to do for it (and you'll find this sort of stuff all over youtube) is to make a new text document preferably using notepad. After you have done that, just type in: javaw -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar "C:Users******DesktopMinecraft.exe" -the asterisks represent your computer name, which, if for some reason you don't know what that is, can be found at the top of the start menu on windows. not sure if any of this even applies for mac users, however. After you have typed that in, go under "file" and click "save as". save as type: all files. After you have done that. add ".bat" to the ending of the name. (ex. "Start.bat")

The last method I know of to eliminate low fps rates is to download the Optifine mod. Before I had downloaded that mod, I lagged heavily with 64x64 texture packs. After I installed it, I selected Bigre's "Another Planet" 128x128 texture pack, and after the memory crash I got from switching to it, I was able to play with amazingly smooth frames per second.

I hope this helped anyone who was struggling with these issues. Feel free to leave some comments if you have any questions or other useful tips that I may be able to add to this blog. and remember, don't be angry at me if none of these work for you. I am just trying to offer a few suggestions. :)

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12/31/2011 4:41 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Musician
GuyFromEarth's Avatar
thanks for this, but something happened that it wont let the bat file load. it shows up:

Unable to access jarfile C:Users******DesktopMinecraft.exe

(asterixes are just to hide my name). thanks anyway but if you know what could be the problem could you let me know?
01/13/2012 5:41 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
DudeitsJG's Avatar
I have had similar experiences on different computers and can't tell you what I can do about it. It did, however, work the first time I tried it. Things that may be able to help you are looking up "allocating memory to minecraft" on google or youtube. You may be able to find something helpful there. I'm sorry about the late response.
