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Why 1.8 Does Not Ruin Your Life

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ThePopcornKings's Avatar ThePopcornKings
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
T'sup guys. It's Griffin here with another blog post. I have read on the forums how Minecraft 1.8 is "Not worth the wait" "Pointless" and "Super laggy". We will touch on all these subjects if you just scroll your scroll wheel, well I can't its broken, and read through.

And without further ado....
the new update added mobs, structers, improvements, blocks, and a dozen pages more of features. I have still seen lots of people dissing how nothing really does much more in Minecraft. I mean I don't see a granite pickaxe in Too Many Items do I? What about those rabbits, they are the most adorable mobs in the game (except baby mooshrooms) but what do I do with them? Well Minecraft already has a hundred items at least (I don't actually know the amount). They have a necessities: doors, windows, trees, stone, cows, water, lava, etc. But Minecraft is a game about building, it wasn't created to recreate Suzanne Collins fight to the death game or raid other's bases. that was made by the community. Not your stone mansion that your friends mistake for a prison can regain it's charm with diorite foundations and red sandstone walls. (Warning! Lame Pun Ahead!)Minecraft 1.8 was called the Bountiful update and it bounded ahead in variety of blocks and mining. These blocks aren't useless if they are used the right way.

Not only are they adorable but they add more than a useless thing for you to stare at. Rabbit farms are easy to maintain and they drop food, hides which can be turned into leather, and a foot which makes you jump sky high when squeezed in a brewery. I just don't see how they are useless because they are one of the most useful passive mobs in the game in my opinion.

The Doors and Fences:
Okay, this is possibly my favorite feature because now I can build in the jungle and taiga without my inner OCD making me ragequit and punch my screen. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but do you know what I mean? Maybe not a new feature but definately a big help for all builders who want their creations to match.

The Lag:
Someone call the riot police because this is where it all falls apart. I am personally expiriencing plus 15 FPS and LAN worlds are working for me again (was that just me or nawh?). This is super controversial because lots of people are decreasing in FPS as well. The cause is unknown to me but can we get a genius backstage sometime? I just think that it isn't affecting me for the worse so it doesn't tip my canoe.

We are going to need reinforcements because this is going to be crazy. Tons of people are near punching a hole in the wall because apparently "Bukkit is dead". I can assure you that it isn't because a larger fraction of the Minecraft community reside in MultiplayerVille  than those in the countryside of SingleplayerPlains. So why would Mojang but out Bukkit if they weren't going to do anything with it? Sure no incredible changes since they took control but why lose half their fanbase over it?

In conclusion today hopefully you can un-knot your hair because I hope I reassured you that 1.8 is not going to ruin your life and cause World War 3.

Peace out!

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09/08/2014 9:54 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
FennecFox's Avatar
I THINK 1.8 is great ;0
09/08/2014 6:17 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
nagalaga's Avatar
well i see point i'd have to agree that lag is an issue but with this modders will be more productive in making thier own version of optifine and other lag reducing mobs. This will inturn help everyone else that has problems with minecraft late ron.
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