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Why Do We Suck Up?

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Torm's Avatar Torm
Retired Moderator
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
‘Ohai MrFamousModeratorEpicAmazing2Cool4UGuy! How are you?’

‘I love your work, I’m such a big fan’

‘It’d mean everything to me if I could be as cool as you, you’re just so amazing at everything’

These examples may be slightly exaggerated, but we’ve all probably seen something like this. A regular conversation suddenly punctuated by someone who you’d been chatting to normally mere minutes before who is now generally pointing out how the admin who just joined is the best thing to happen since creative mode.

So I pose the question to you all, why do we suck up?


To answer this question we are going to have to delve into deep human psychology. So what better way to do so than with a not so startling revelation?

Humans are selfish, we always want things and we always think of ourselves.

This could apply to even the smallest and most trivial of things. Why would you hold the door open for someone? You may tell yourself and truly believe that it’s because it’s the right thing to do, but is it actually because subconsciously you want to be seen as a good person to put yourself in better standing? Or even to receive that glimmer of gratitude that comes with someone just saying thank you?

This applies to most every one of us. We may not realise it but if you think about it could any action be seen as truly selfless? Even giving your life for another, you would be remembered as a hero and who wouldn’t want that? This is not a slight and it doesn’t undermine the positivity of doing what you think is right, but it’s the way humanity generally is.

“Why are you unhappy?
Because 99.9 per cent
Of everything you think,
And of everything you do,
Is for yourself”
– Wei Wu Wei

In addition to this, or perhaps due to it, there’s another aspect of humanity that I daresay most of us have experienced at some point. The urge to become popular – the desire to appear ‘cool’ to our peers.

Remember when you were in school? Or what happens in school now if you’re still there? When you have the cool kids and then that other group that isn’t cool in itself but just follows the cool group around and does as it does. Generally the second group is made up of the kids who aren’t deemed ‘cool’ enough for the main group, but follow it around anyway in order to look like they’re a part of it.

Because if you can’t become cool yourself, why not let those who are already cool do it for you?


Let’s swing this around to become applicable to Minecraft. When you see all of those people who apply to be staff on a server without ever even having played on it or having any server experience of which to speak, ever wonder why they do that?

The answer isn’t usually because they want to help the server and gain staff experience. It’s usually something along the lines of that they want that power over others, to stand out because they have something that no-one else has. A big fish in a small pond; to become the ‘cool kid’ for a change.

So how do you go about obtaining these epic staff powers of amazingness? Befriend the owner and the other staff by telling them how amazing they are and demonstrate your amazing ‘yes man’ skillz. Then when the owner sees what a fantastic sycophant you are you will definitely get staff. But then what do you do?

Many proceed to then show others how cool they are and how much power they have by using their permissions whenever possible. “Did you just say something when I was about to?” */ban*

And thus we have the abusive staff member. Just trying to appear cool.

We can also observe this on PMC, it’s very much like the school example all over again with the high levels and moderators being the cool kids that everyone aspires to be like. When you can claim to be subscribed by Cyprezz then it’s the next best thing to being a moderator yourself. Who you’re associated with pulls you up, you’re looking cool because you can hang out with those who are cool.


But this is not school. This is not where a cool kid can feel like God because they can snap their fingers and have ten people ready to do anything to earn their childlike image of ‘respect’. This is very much closer to the real world. And in the real world no-one likes a suck-up.

It’s expecting something for nothing. By making the object of your attention feel good about themselves and inflating their ego you will benefit yourself when others who actually try and independently succeed fall by the wayside. But this doesn’t work. Many have caught on by now, what will happen when you’re given what you want? I can almost guarantee that the behavior you were exhibiting to gain your boon will not continue for long once you have it. So of what benefit is it for the ‘cool kid’ to keep you around anymore?

So at the end of the day, all that sucking up does is show that you don’t have what it takes to make it yourself. And you just end up looking worse.

Thanks for reading

- Torm

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01/19/2015 1:26 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
StingRay_FTW's Avatar
Someone made me a house on a server once, just because I'm am admin there :/ (It was a really nice house)
08/21/2015 11:23 am
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Mike_x1's Avatar
Lucky you... Someone made an extremely ugly statue of me near spawn on my server (among other things to suck up)... Annoyed every single member of a higher rank than he was because he wanted to appear cool...

You can't believe how many enchanted stone and iron swords I already got because people apparently need it less than I do (feel free to notice the heavy sarcasm)...
11/09/2014 4:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
Really well written and an interesting take on the topic. Keep it up.
11/10/2014 6:51 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed. =)
11/09/2014 6:09 am
Level 49 : Master Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
You cannot believe the amount of diamonds I've gotten because of people sucking up because of my rank.
11/09/2014 4:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
F4llenW4rlord's Avatar
Ohai MrFamousModeratorEpicAmazing2Cool4UGuy! How are you? I love your work, I’m such a big fan.
It’d mean everything to me if I could be as cool as you, you’re just so amazing at everything

Now, all joking aside (For the blog writer. I am too lazy to make two comments. :P):

I do see a lot of bias towards moderators and higher levels. The motive I see, is that:
  • People just assume Moderators are Earth's Demi-Gods. ( < I mostly see bias because of this, myself)
  • Or they are trying to suck up to be cool like them, like you said.
Though, what I notice myself, is that moderators will notice more constructive feedback ('I like it, but a bit plain. Try adding more of a variety.') than just sucking up ('+1, have my baby plz'.)
As long as you don't give 'OMG, so bad. You got diamonds cause you're a mod. Worst mod evar, -100000000', they usually like the feedback. I've given constructive feedback to mods, and despite sounding like a grunch to myself, it's actually the feedback they wanted.

Fabulous blog, Tormenter. Diamonded. :3
11/09/2014 4:30 am
Level 27 : Expert Taco
spike43884's Avatar
Ok, nice blog, but I have to point a hole in your psycology, yes humans are selfish...But inevitably to that level of depth, selfish is no longer a concept because all acts must be selfish. A Better way to put it is because all humans want to succeed, which derives from primitive times where succeeding meant we survived. By gaining materials we have supplys to do things, helping us succeed, but on the contrary sharing those materials means we gain the trust of other fellow, or a tleast the gratitude of them, allowing us to be protected by a larger number. This though, doesn't nessisarily apply to everyone in the same way or to the same amount of clarity, as some people are just generally kind, they succeed by gaining people, but its just in their nature, this need to succeed just manifests within people in many of ways. You for example, have succeeded by getting onto the pop reel, but also you succeeded by using a in-depth analysis, which to others may make you appear to be more intellectual, thus you have gain the 'childlike image of 'respect'.' In simple words, nobody can not be selfish.

EDIT: Small Expansion to this: Being selfish (and on a basic level un-selfish (which is still selfish)) is a very advanced skill. Animals considered to be intellegent: 1st Place - Humans, 2nd Place - Chimpanzee's, 3rd Place - Dolphins, 4th Place - Elephants, 5th Place - Crows, (And some other monkeys just about fit inbetween 2nd and 3rd place because of the skill im going to mention next).
Ok, recently an idea called 'chimpanzee politics' was dubbed, Humans and Chimps both can be selfish, and unselfish...If a low ranking female in a chimpanzee group knows a higher ranking one has a different perspective on the situation, they may abuse that to get rewards theirself, so the lower ranking female may know where the banana is, so misleads the higher ranking female, then grabs the banana herself...But if 2 chimpanzee's are asked to do the same task, and both get some cucumber, everyone is happy, now in a smaller species of monkey, once one gets grape (the better reward) the other throws a strop, in chimps the one that gets the better reward (a banana here) will start refusing to have the banana until the other gets a banana as well. This on a simple level is being un-selfish (As your using the terms selfish and un-selfish) but deeper down, its selfish (as you would put it...) or, as I prefer to word it, being very, very successful. Now, Humans are the most intellegent creature, and most successful in their habitat(s). Chimps, also are very successful, now not nessisarily top of the food chain, but successful...Theres a slight corrolation isnt there, more intellegent creatures, are more successful...Unusual? No, its because they understand themselves as a single being, so can understand others as seperate beings, thus, they can start to empathise with others, and work with a team, being able to share resources and rewards just right that everyone succeeds and is happy, meaning a bond is formed between the group, making them more dangerous because they are not solo. Chimps in some places started using long leaf stems and prodding them in termite hills, the termites bit on and then the stem was pulled out and it was a lovely termite kebab, ok so that group became very successful...then other groups were told by that group, why did that group tell the others about their new-found trick? Because then the others would be impresed by them, and so they could use that increased positive relationship, for their gain. Selfish and un-selfish are a very basic model of nature, but realistically, its successful, and unsuccessful and how it becomes manifested. Humans are so successful, that it manifests in these unusual ways. In truth though, *Nobody* wants to be unsuccessful, nobody how much they say it.

EDIT EDIT: Ok so I Now shall give an example, another open-world game I play in a game in it (much like a player run server) I was quite popular, I have a creative flare so-to-speak, and I became quite popular, helping people out and teaching the skills onto them, then things changed, I tagged up with this 1 guy who was sort-a new here, and he seemed pretty nice, its only when he started becoming popular, I spotted what was wrong, you see...When people become successful, they often get complacent and make mistakes, such as me tagging up with him, He had put on this false identity, he was actually a core cause of many problems at that game, destroying many of things, and it went really far until I noticed it, thanks to a friend on there, who from rumours spread by the successful person, had become unpopular and unsuccessful, but I brought the friend to about a middle-line because I knew they weren't that bad, they had made mistakes, And I forgive mistakes...I do not forgive a broken trust, not the 'popular-guy' isn't really that popular, and because of the big mess that little game is in, most of us have migrated to a more efficient game, just like leaving a server on MC when its gotten so bad.
11/09/2014 12:34 am
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
99Jonathan's Avatar
Good blog, you have really nailed a number of good topics, keep it up!
11/10/2014 6:48 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
Thanks Jonathan. <3
11/08/2014 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CherryFlower's Avatar
hyperbole I think thats how you say it.
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