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Why Networks Just Don't Work

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-WaffleKing-'s Avatar -WaffleKing-
Level 40 : Master Electrician
Hey guys! Waffles here, and before I start, if your wondering why I'm posting like 10 blogs a day, it's because I found some blogs I never posted. Anyway, on with the blog! Today, I'm talking about why networks just don't work.

1. The Hive and Mineplex

The Hive and Mineplex are two of the biggest Minecraft networks out there.  They recieve hundreds of pounds/dollars in donations on a daily basis. To be honest, it's hard to compete with that. You, a dinky server with some minigames, against the Hive, with custom lobbies, VIP ranks and custom plugins. You're not going to get anywhere.

2. Cost

Remember- unless you are hosting the server yourself, it will cost to keep it going! You shouldn't fully rely on donations to keep the server going, for the simple fact that they are too unreliable. Also, when you make a network, chances are you will want multiple servers/world connected together. The bill piles up and eventually you won't be able to pay your server for the next month.

3. Staff

To find enough, reliable staff to manage a network isn't exactly childs play. They have to be trustworthy and hard working. Let's face it, not every staff is up to that job.

So, there you go. Leave your opinion below!


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02/22/2014 12:35 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
If you host it yourself, it doesn't matter how popular you get or how much you make in donations -- the cost of keeping it running is next to nothing. A 1U rack server running 24/7 hardly puts a dent in your electric bill, and most home internet connections are capable of hosting some sort of server. I feel that you only brushed over this.

Though, most home connections are not capable of hosting an entire server network. However, if you use something like LilyPad to make the network, you don't need all the servers in the same place.
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