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Why People Still Believe in Herobrine

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Ultimatemaster6's Avatar Ultimatemaster6
Level 27 : Expert Narwhal
Okay, so the majority of us know that Herobrine doesn't exist. But there are those of us who still believe that this mythical bug/mob/thing exists. I wondered why for a long time, and after researching various YouTube videos, I think I have finally come to some different reasons why people do.

First off, there are SOOO many hoaxes online, misleading many people into thinking that Herobrine exists. These are usually titled things like "Herobrine found in *insert current version of Minecraft here*", "OMG I FOUND HEROBRINE!", and stupid things like that. If you have seen one of these videos and thought it was real, I am sorry to say you have been trolled. Hey, at least you didn't get rick roll'd! Another reason is there are alot of mods that insert Herobrine in the game. Over the past month I think I have seen at least 5 different Herobrine mods pop up online, and the majority are retextures/remodels of zombies. Finally There is the fact that it always appears in the changelog that he was removed. This was originally a reference to the Human mob, and Mojang has admitted that after it was removed it was a complete joke that they do to basically troll people.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and side affects of reading this post may include bloating, chest pain, crying, whining, and possibly squaids(squirrel aids). :P

CreditVarious youtube vids.

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06/15/2013 5:41 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Star's Avatar
*rips out eyeballs*
I never read your blog... >.>
06/16/2013 10:32 am
Level 27 : Expert Narwhal
Ultimatemaster6's Avatar
Well that escalated quickly... xD
06/16/2013 3:00 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Star's Avatar
11/22/2012 10:44 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
marius_3_3_3's Avatar
Herobrine does not exist.

Tweets from notch about herobrine bieng fake:
Here and Here

More statements from the mojang staff

Also as stated by the OFFICIAL wiki http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Herobrine

"Herobrine is not in Minecraft.

There are no references to him at all in the source code, and there is no code to allow for any entity to act like Herobrine. There is no level terrain code to generate redstone torches, 2x2 tunnels or elaborate dungeons with traps.

There is no possible way Herobrine can ever exist in any unmodded clients or servers. Any claims that he is in Minecraft are completely false. Any appearances he may have are caused by mods being installed.

The Minecraft Wiki and Forums do not partake in any viral Herobrine hoax. Any deletion of herobrine-related comments or stories are purely because Herobrine doesn't exist, and the stories are either fictional, with an intent to mislead others, or the result of users playing mods installed on their game without their knowledge."
11/23/2012 8:57 am
Level 27 : Expert Narwhal
Ultimatemaster6's Avatar
I know he doesn't. I posted this because some people don't understand that he doesn't and the reasons they may think that he does, even though it's quite the contrary.
11/22/2012 6:53 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
Cassteal's Avatar
I beileve it is possible herobrine exists although you are right on the hoaxes...

I am just a big fan of him anyway he is like the slenderman of Minecraft XD
11/23/2012 6:54 pm
Level 27 : Expert Narwhal
Ultimatemaster6's Avatar
11/22/2012 6:50 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
I beleive its possible to find herobrine, because I have. but just so you know, its most likely a bug or glitch that you have herobrine in your game.
01/09/2014 7:27 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
Moeztar's Avatar
Herobrine can't exist. Bugs and glitches can be found in the code.
01/09/2014 6:00 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
sorry my cousin was logged into my account when he posted that xD
