Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Advance Some More (More Advancements Pack!)

  • check_circle Advancements
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  • 8,848 views, 13 today
  • 1,507 downloads, 1 today
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Required Resource Pack
NTDan's Avatar NTDan
Level 49 : Master Crafter
Hello there! A new update for this data pack is here! This one adds a whole new tab just about mining, and more advancements will be added once 1.18 comes out!

Shameless plug
Join my discord server! I'm quite active there, and I'm very welcome to just chatting about stuff!

This is an advancement pack called: Advance Some More!
This data pack adds over 170 advancements, with varying difficulties. There are advancements that serve as a guide for new players, but there are also many challenges for experienced and veteran players! There are also some very dumb advancements for your enjoyment (lol). All advancements are doable in hardcore too, so for the hardcore players, don't worry!

If you want to suggest a new advancement, please head over to this thread and comment on it, thanks!

This pack works in version 1.17.x of Minecraft Java Edition and may or may not work in past or future versions. It WILL NOT WORK with other editions of Minecraft.

Currently, 4 languages are supported: American English, Brazilian Portuguese (Portugues do Brasil), Japanese (日本語), and Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), and more will come soon!

List of advancements
Click this link to view the list of advancements in this data pack.

Refer to this blog for a PMC guide on how to install data packs.
Refer to this Minecraft wiki page for a full in-depth guide on how to install data packs.

Here is a summarized version of it:

The resource pack:
For singleplayer:
1. Open the Minecraft directory.

  - One way to do it is to do Win + R (or the equivalent of Win for other editions + R), type %appdata%, and then select .minecraft.
2. Select resourcepacks.
3. Put the resource pack into the folder. Do NOT unzip the file.

For multiplayer: Refer to this Minecraft wiki page.

The data pack:
For new worlds:
1. Open Minecraft

2. Select Create New World.
3. Select Data Packs.
4. Drag and drop the data pack. Do NOT unzip the file.
5. Select the data pack and select Done.
6. When you have created the world, put on the resource pack.

For existing worlds:
1. Open your world save file
  - One way to do it is to do Win + R (or the equivalent of Win for other editions + R), type %appdata%, select .minecraft, select saves, and then select your world folder (usually the same name as your world).
2. Select datapacks.
3. Put the data pack into the folder. Do NOT unzip the file.
4. Go into your world OR run /reload if you are already in the world.
5. When you have done that, put on the resource pack.

For servers and realms:
1. Open your server folder.

2. Select the folder of your server world (default is world).
3. Select datapacks.
4. Put the data pack into the folder. Do NOT unzip the file.
5. Start the server OR run /reload from the console or as a level 3 operator if the server is already running.

Changelog (data pack)
You can also view this in the "changelog.txt" file in the data pack download.

- Added new tab, "Excavation," along with more than 20 new advancements for that tab.

- "Horsin' Around" now shows up in the advancement tabs.
- Changed icon of "Horsin' Around" to a minecart instead of a saddle.
- Advancement count:
+ Recent new advancements: 23
+ Total new advancements: 172
+ Total advancements: 263

- Changed icon of "Diamonds!" to a diamond ore instead of a diamond.
- "A Balanced Diet" is now after "Overpowered," a new advancement, instead of "A Seedy Place."
- "A Balanced Diet" now gives 250 experience points upon completion instead of 100.
- Changed icon of "A Seedy Place" to wheat seeds instead of wheat.
- "A Seedy Place" now includes carrots and potatoes.
- "Total Beelocation" is now after "Bee Our Guest" instead of the root advancement for "Husbandry."
- "Bee Our Guest" is now after "Best Friends Forever" instead of the root advancement for "Husbandry."
- "Two by Two" is now after "Artificial Selection," a new advancement, instead of "The Parrots and the Bats."
- Changed icon of "Hero of the Village" to an emerald instead of an ominous banner.
- Changed icon of "Arbalistic" to a spectral arrow instead of a crossbow.
- Increased experience reward of "Arbalistic" from 85 to 100.
- Changed icon of "Two Birds, One Arrow" to a feather instead of a crossbow.
- Increased experience reward of "Two Birds, One Arrow" from 65 to 100.
- "Free the End" is now a goal advancement.
- "Sniper Duel" is now after "Archer," a new advancement, instead of "Take Aim."
- "Ol' Betsy" is now after "Take Aim" instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "Voluntary Exile" is now after "Home of the Nosy," a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "What a Deal!" is now after "Home of the Nosy," a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "Sticky Situation" is now after "Bee Our Guest" instead of the root advancement for "Adventure" and in the tab "Husbandry" instead of "Adventure."
- "Adventuring Time" is now after "Before Things Go South," a new advancement, instead of "Sweet Dreams."
- Changed icon of "A Complete Catalogue" to cooked cod instead of raw cod.
- "A Complete Catalogue" is now after "A Feline Friend," a new advancement, instead of "Best Friends Forever."
- "Who is Cutting Onions?" is now after "Oh Shiny" instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "A Terrible Fortress" is now after "This Boat Has Legs" instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "Those Were the Days" is now after "This Boat Has Legs" instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "Oh Shiny" is now after "Those Were the Days" instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "Return to Sender" is now after "Tears of Regeneration," a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "Take Aim" is now after the root advancement for "Adventure" instead of "Monster Hunter."
- "A Throwaway Joke" is now after "Take Aim" instead of "Monster Hunter."
- Changed icon of "Very Very Frightening" to a potion instead of a trident.
- "Very Very Frightening" is now after "Charged!", a new advancement, instead of "A Throwaway Joke."
- Changed icon of "Is It a Bird?" to a feather instead of a spyglass.
- Changed icon of "Is It a Balloon?" to a ghast tear instead of a spyglass.
- Changed icon of "Is It a Plane?" to a dragon head instead of a spyglass.
- "Is It a Bird?" is now after "Look! Up in the Sky!", a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "Postmortal" is now after "Provoke, Evoke, Revoke," a new advancement, instead of "Monster Hunter."
- "Surge Protector" is now after "Very Very Frightening" instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "Light as a Rabbit" is now after "Before Things Go South," a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Adventure."
- "Hidden in the Depths" is now after "Stone Age... Again?", a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Nether."
- "Local Brewery" is now after "Wart Is It?", a new advancement, instead of "Into Fire."
- "Whatever Floats Your Goat!" is now after "Premium Milk," a new advancement, instead of the root advancement for "Husbandry."
- Advancement count:
+ Recent new advancements: 149
+ Total new advancements: 149
+ Total advancements: 240

Changelog (resource pack)
- Added support for Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
- Brazilian Portuguese: Changed the translation for "entity.minecraft.elder_guardian" from "Guardião-mestre" to "Guardião Ancião."
- Changed "The Haggler" to "The Negotiator."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.poison" from "Độc" to "Ngộ độc."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.nausea" from "Choáng" to "Choáng váng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.wither" from "Wither" to "Héo tàn."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.weakness" from "Yếu đuối" to "Yếu ớt."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.unluck" from "Rủi ro" to "Xui xẻo."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.strength" from "Sức mạnh" to "Sức lực."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.speed" from "Tốc độ" to "Tăng tốc."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.hunger" from "Đói" to "Cơn đói."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.health_boost" from "Tăng sinh lực" to "Bổ tim."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.dolphins_grace" from "Ân huệ của cá heo" to "Uyển chuyển."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving the status effect Hero of the Village from "Người hùng của ngôi làng" to "Anh hào của làng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.conduit_power" from "Sức mạnh thủy triều" to "Thủy năng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.title" from "Quái vật bị săn đuổi" to "Đã săn quái vật."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "entity.minecraft.spectral_arrow" from "Mũi tên ma quỷ" to "Mũi tên phát xạ."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "item.minecraft.spectral_arrow" from "Mũi tên ma quỷ" to "Mũi tên phát xạ."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving mooshrooms from "Mooshroom" to "Bò nấm."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "item.minecraft.suspicious_stew" from "Súp đáng ngờ" to "Súp bí ẩn."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving striders from "Kẻ sải bước" to "Strider."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.bullseye" from "Bắn trúng hồng tâm của một khối bia bắn từ khoảng cách ít nhất 30 mét" to "Bắn trúng hồng tâm của một khối bia bắn khi bạn cách xa ít nhất 30 mét."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel" from "Giết một bộ xương từ khoảng cách ít nhất 50 mét" to "Giết một bộ xương khi bạn cách xa ít nhất 50 mét."


- De-capitalized a lot of words for advancements.
- Capitalized "is" in "Who is Cutting Onions?"

If for whatever reason, you want to uninstall this data pack, it is extremely simple.
1. Run /function asm:uninstall.
2. Delete the data pack and resource pack files.

That's it! It's that easy!

Plans for the pack
- Translation for many other languages (Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and even more) and even joke ones (Pirate Speak, LOLCAT, Shakespearean English). This one I can't do alone, so please help me!
- Decorative items as trophies for hard challenges.
- Re-balancing XP rewards.
- Monthly updates.
- Many more advancements to come!

Suggestion for a new advancement? Found a bug? Want to contribute to the pack in general? Questions?
Let's say you want to contribute to this pack with your creative ideas for advancements, how would you do that?
Or, if you encountered a bug, and want to report it, what do you do?
OR, you know another language, and want to help translate it, how can you help me?
OR, do you have a question about the data pack?

Well, the answer is all that is quite simple! Just join my discord and talk to me there! I'm quite active so there shouldn't be any problems contacting me (also ping me if you want I don't mind that much).

misode.github.io is good advancement generator, it allowed me to speed things up and finish this pack substantially more quickly than I would have (This data pack wasn't generated purely from this website, though!)
BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack is somewhat of an inspiration for me to make this pack
Luul for translating the pack to Brazilian Portuguese.
dorlonkho for translating the pack to Japanese.

If you like this data pack, consider giving it a diamond! If it's one of your favorite data packs, click the heart! If you want to say something about the data pack, comment and/or join my discord server!

That's it, see you next time!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

2 Update Logs

v1.1.0: The Excavation Update : by NTDan 10/23/2021 9:27:35 amOct 23rd, 2021

Data Pack:
- Added new tab, "Excavation," along with more than 20 new advancements for that tab.
- "Horsin' Around" now shows up in the advancement tabs.
- Changed icon of "Horsin' Around" to a minecart instead of a saddle.
- Advancement count:
+ Recent new advancements: 23
+ Total new advancements: 172
+ Total advancements: 263

Resource Pack:
- Added support for Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
- Brazilian Portuguese: Changed the translation for "entity.minecraft.elder_guardian" from "Guardião-mestre" to "Guardião Ancião."
- Changed "The Haggler" to "The Negotiator."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.poison" from "Độc" to "Ngộ độc."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.nausea" from "Choáng" to "Choáng váng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.wither" from "Wither" to "Héo tàn."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.weakness" from "Yếu đuối" to "Yếu ớt."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.unluck" from "Rủi ro" to "Xui xẻo."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.strength" from "Sức mạnh" to "Sức lực."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.speed" from "Tốc độ" to "Tăng tốc."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.hunger" from "Đói" to "Cơn đói."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.health_boost" from "Tăng sinh lực" to "Bổ tim."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.dolphins_grace" from "Ân huệ của cá heo" to "Uyển chuyển."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving the status effect Hero of the Village from "Người hùng của ngôi làng" to "Anh hào của làng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "effect.minecraft.conduit_power" from "Sức mạnh thủy triều" to "Thủy năng."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.kill_all_mobs.title" from "Quái vật bị săn đuổi" to "Đã săn quái vật."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "entity.minecraft.spectral_arrow" from "Mũi tên ma quỷ" to "Mũi tên phát xạ."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "item.minecraft.spectral_arrow" from "Mũi tên ma quỷ" to "Mũi tên phát xạ."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving mooshrooms from "Mooshroom" to "Bò nấm."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "item.minecraft.suspicious_stew" from "Súp đáng ngờ" to "Súp bí ẩn."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for lines involving striders from "Kẻ sải bước" to "Strider."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.bullseye" from "Bắn trúng hồng tâm của một khối bia bắn từ khoảng cách ít nhất 30 mét" to "Bắn trúng hồng tâm của một khối bia bắn khi bạn cách xa ít nhất 30 mét."
- Vietnamese: Changed the translation for "advancements.adventure.sniper_duel" from "Giết một bộ xương từ khoảng cách ít nhất 50 mét" to "Giết một bộ xương khi bạn cách xa ít nhất 50 mét."

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02/11/2022 7:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PizzaBoi8178's Avatar
Uhh how do I do Diamonds to You! in my solo hardcore world
10/27/2021 7:10 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
HomelessPetey's Avatar
love it!
10/23/2021 4:22 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Jpsm322's Avatar
Thank you for remembering us Brazilians! Here, have a diamond!
10/25/2021 4:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
Milwit's Avatar
My condolences.
09/08/2021 2:56 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Herobrine
Ribinator's Avatar
Papa Enny
09/07/2021 10:41 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Sounds great
I will try to check it out
09/06/2021 2:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Withershadow's Avatar
If you need some help i can speak fluent Swedish so just hit me up if you need help.
09/06/2021 4:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Crafter
NTDan's Avatar
Thanks for the offer! You can either join my discord server or add me as a friend, my discord is SuperBuildcraft#5080.
