Minecraft Data Packs / Item

Artifactia v2 [UPDATE]

  • check_circle Advancements
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  • check_circle Structures
  • 11,200 views, 1 today
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Vladilima's Avatar Vladilima
Level 25 : Expert Mage
Artifactia is a datapack for 1.16.2 that adds bosses, structures and magic items to spice up your gameplay. Partially inspired by Minecraft Dungeons, but the rest is all meeee babyyy.

Except it isn't really. Credit also goes to these folks:
Yormit a.k.a. Emerald man (For making the Redstone Heart ability)
Leaflol17 a.k.a. Leafesque (My datapack sensei)
CloudWolf (For his handy datapack libraries and tutorials. Check out his YT channel.)

This datapack is extremely outdated, my old code is a mess and frankly i didn't know what i was doing. Although if you like the concept, i am currently working on a remake of Artifactia. I'll post updates and stuff on the AlloyTeam discord server: discord.gg/eTmsYZqzkz

Features [Read me!]
Here is a list of the features from this datapack. I strongly recommend you to read this before downloading and playing.

This is a list of all the bosses from this datapack. Here will be listed the lore, description, drops and instructions on how to fight them.

Sandstone Golem

The Sandstone Golem is a magical construct created by an ancient civilization. It can be found in Desert Complexes and they are much more resilient and resourceful than their metal counterpart. Unlike iron golems, the Sandstone Golem is powered by the Redstone Heart, a mechanical pump of redstone that sends the red substance coursing through its body. This allows the golem to detach and control its limbs, and reattach them with the redstone joints in his torso and waist.

The Redstone Heart is perpetually beating, so to defeat the golem you have to disable it temporarily and remove the Redstone Heart. To disable him temporarily, strike him enough times in the head, and after a while, he will stay immobile long enough for you to strike his back. Be careful of its ground pound attack when you get close!

The Sandstone Golem will drop the Redstone Heart Artifact.

Nether Necromancer

The Nether Necromancer is a misterious figure that not much is known about. A tale is told of a Soulsand Tower in which he lives in, located in the Soul Sand Valleys of the Nether. He is corrupted by the energy and souls of the Codex Animus, the Book of Souls, which is the source of his power. With it, he can summon undead minions to fight for him, fire projectiles and project a shield that leaves him invulnerable.

The Nether Necromancer will drop the Codex Animus Artifact.

This is a list of all the structures from this datapack. Here will be listed the lore, description, and instructions on how to find them.

Desert Complex

The Desert Complex was built to contain the volatile Sandstone Golem, and the redstone circuits inside the walls keep the golem dormant... With no outside interference, that is. It can be found in the desert, sometimes buried in sand. It is unwise to enter it unprepared for the worst.

Soulsand Tower

The Soulsand Tower is home to the Nether Necromancer, and it can be found in Soul Sand Valleys. It was built by the Necromancer's minions, and has two spawners inside. You will not survive inside this place without the proper equipment.

This is a list of all the artifacts from this datapack. Here will be listed the lore, description, and instructions on how to use them.

Redstone Heart

The Redstone Heart was made to power the Sandstone Golem. It wouldn't even be able to move on its own without the damn thing. The heart was built by ancient engineers, with techniques and reasons unknown. Some especulate it was to power an early version of the Iron Golem, or maybe it was to be used as a weapon. What you know is that, when activated and held, the energy of the heart can be used by the wielder to extend the capability of the human body, being able to jump higher, run faster, deal devastating blows and heal wounds faster.

Codex Animus

The Codex Animus, or "Book of Souls", has the power to bend the souls of the damned to the user's will.

With the Codex Animus in your hands, it has only a portion of its real power. Unlike you, the Necromancer is able to bend the will of the book in many unknown ways. Although you can use it to shoot forth a ring of soul flames, it makes you wonder, how does one unlock its true potential?

Got any questions, suggestions, need help or want news about the next release? Join the discord server at discord.gg/eTmsYZqzkz !
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

2 Update Logs

Artifactia 2.0 Update : by Vladilima 09/15/2020 6:32:20 pmSep 15th, 2020


  • Added the Nether Necromancer boss, can be found in the Soulsand Tower.
  • Added the Codex Animus artifact, dropped from the Nether Necromancer
  • Added the Soulsand Tower structure, found in the Nether in Soul Sand Valleys.
  • Added Advancements for killing each boss (currently 2 for the Golem and Necromancer)
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            08/30/2022 9:42 pm
            Level 1 : New Explorer
            Oshawott_lol's Avatar
            Wow what a nice datapack! I sure hope it's still being developed!
            11/10/2020 12:47 pm
            Level 1 : New Miner
            RyanPlayz1247's Avatar
            When i download the datapack and put it in the datapack folder, it still wont work. What am i doing wrong
            09/24/2020 10:26 am
            Level 59 : Grandmaster Cake
            Pandemic1's Avatar
            Add an aeroplane boss
            09/25/2020 6:44 pm
            Level 25 : Expert Mage
            Vladilima's Avatar
            09/24/2020 1:42 am
            Level 1 : New Miner
            hANdSS's Avatar
            09/21/2020 11:11 am
            Level 44 : Master Demolitionist
            LucasPer05's Avatar
            Download Artifactia

            09/21/2020 12:54 am
            Level 1 : New Miner
            anonpmc3229589's Avatar
            09/19/2020 9:59 pm
            Level 1 : New Explorer
            Cheesekie's Avatar
            09/18/2020 8:33 am
            Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
            GravermanFromYoutube's Avatar
            Okay, How to summon the sandstone and this necro. I wanna to just record on YT when I am fighting with them and summon from creative. I know that they r in structures but I can find the structure. Your datapack will be first link in the description
            09/18/2020 4:37 pm
            Level 25 : Expert Mage
            Vladilima's Avatar
            Hey, you can use the command /function artifact:worldgen/desert_complex/generateto generate the desert complex and to generate the soulsand structure you use/function artifact:worldgen/soulsand_tower/generate2The structures will have the dudes inside when you generate them and the fight starts when you get close while in survival mode.
