Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

Countdown Timer

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PizzaBombz's Avatar PizzaBombz
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
A simple datapack that allows you to create a timer that will count down to 0.

To control the time easily, do "/function timer:givebook". From there, you can change the number of minutes it counts down to. Then once you decide how long you want it to go for, press start. A bossbar in the top will count down and show the live time update. You can go back to the book and pause the timer by pressing stop, and then start it again by pressing start.

If you want to reset the timer, just reload.

- - - Modifications and Media - - -
- Feel free to modify as you wish
- You may not publicly upload the modified datapack
- It must be clearly stated that it is a modified version- Customizing the timer (such as color) is not considered a modification

- You may post this on any media
- Links and credit must be provided
- If using a modified datapack, it must be stated (remember, customization of the timer does not need to be stated)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

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07/09/2021 5:32 pm
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Miner Archer
notnew12345's Avatar
It shows timer at 0:0 which should be 0:00 to be more accurately.
07/09/2021 5:31 pm
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Miner Archer
notnew12345's Avatar
Does it show timer being at 2:00 minutes left or is it 2:0 cause it would be weird for a timer having 1 zero for seconds instead of 2?
07/09/2021 7:43 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
Yeah, I'm aware that it only uses 2 0's instead of one, but the only way I can really think of fixing that problem is by using a 10's digit for seconds as well as a 1's digit, which would take a large redesign. It's not impossible though, and I might fix it if I am really bored
