Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Datapack Creation tool

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    michael_bd's Avatar michael_bd
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    Herramienta de creación de paquetes de datos es una herramienta para crear paquetes de datos, esta tiene las funciones de:
    -añadir marcadores
    -crear bloques personalizados
    -crear mesas de crafteo personalizadas (por crafteo o por intercambio)
    -puede crear todas las carpetas necesarias para un datapack fácilmente
    - permite crear diferentes espacios de nombres y seleccionarlos posteriormente
    -permite crear objetos con efectos de poción dependiendo de su lore, customModel, des slot, o si el jugador esta encima de un bloque
    -puede generar la gui de una mesa de crafteo automáticamente(para ello recomiendo poner una textura blanca para los structure voids o solo a los structure voids que tengan el lore "gui")
    -Para generar bloques y mesas de crafteo se tiene que crear el modelo 3d basándose en que si un armorstand lo tiene en la cabeza este se vea como un bloque (no se usar CustomModelData por lo que se utiliza mediante texturas optifine poniendole la textura por el valor "lore")
    Datapack creation tool is a tool to create datapacks, it has the functions of:
    -add scoreboards
    -create custom blocks
    -create custom crafting tables (by crafting or by exchange)
    -you can create all the necessary folders for a datapack easily
    -allows you to create different namespaces and select them later
    -allows you to create objects with potion effects depending on their lore, customModel, des slot, or if the player is over a block
    -can generate the gui of a custom crafting table automatically (gui can be setted using optifine, put a white texture to the structure_voids or only the structure_voids that contains the lore "gui")
    -to generate blocks and crafting tables, you have to create the 3d model, in which if an armorstand has it on the head, it looks like a block (I don't know how to use CustomModelData, so it is used through optifine textures, putting the texture by the value "Lore")
    -Now in English
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
    toMinecraft 1.16

    1 Update Logs

    Fixed/arreglado : by michael_bd 10/06/2020 9:08:23 pmOct 6th, 2020


    arregle un error con scores con subopciones, ahora funciona correctamente


    I fixed a error with the scores with suboption, now it works correctly.

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    01/07/2021 1:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Khartastrophia's Avatar
    ¿Se puede colocar un objeto encantado en el resultado de la receta?
    01/16/2021 8:59 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    michael_bd's Avatar
    Si, solo tienes que poner el objeto con sus NBT, en el espacio que dice resultado.
    10/06/2020 9:14 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    michael_bd's Avatar
    Now in the file you can find a document with information of how use the program
    10/01/2020 10:07 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Crafter
    Ruddi's Avatar
    esto se ve genial Compadre!!!!!!
    tengo muchas ideas para datapacks y esto me viene como anillo al dedo!

    muchas gracias por compartir!
    10/01/2020 6:35 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    michael_bd's Avatar
    No hay problema, hago estas por diversión, Me alegra que le sirva
    Avíseme si alguna función falla o tiene alguna duda.
    09/26/2020 5:20 pm
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Imposter
    RewindNoob's Avatar
    i cant run it. pls help
    09/26/2020 9:03 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    michael_bd's Avatar
    Just download and unzip, then open the English version, the version ends in "_en".
    try to run it as administrator
    If it doesn't work, I mean, don't open any windows, please tell me more about the problem.
    09/26/2020 4:44 pm
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Imposter
    RewindNoob's Avatar
    pls how does it work
    09/26/2020 9:12 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Miner
    michael_bd's Avatar
    To use it.
    First you must generate the folders, then you can select the namespace to work with, then you must select the option called "Package file" and fill the text fields, then click the "generate" button, then simply select the option you want .

    for example: if you want to create a recipe that gives the player a modified weapon, select the option called "NBT recipe" and select the value of the key, select the key in the square that represents the crafting table and place the item with NBT data, without the amount, press the "generate" button.

    If my answer isn't sufficient i can make a document with all documentation about the custom blocks and crafting tables later.
    10/02/2020 11:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User3247563G's Avatar
    If possible, a document that serves as a guide for the tool would be awesome!
