Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Easy Froglight Obtaining

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • 165 views, 6 today
  • 18 downloads, 1 today
Level 29 : Expert Grump Grump
Feed the different frog types magma cream and they will drop their corresponding froglight type. Here are how to obtain each froglight:
  • Feed a temperate frog magma cream to obtain an ochre froglight.
  • Feed a warm frog magma cream to obtain an pearlescent froglight.
  • Feed a cold frog magma cream to obtain an verdant froglight.

Here is a showcase of how the datapack/mod works:

A gif showcasing how the datapack works.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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