Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Errorian - Origins Data Pack

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    FutureFrost's Avatar FutureFrost
    Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator
    This data pack is made for the Origins Mod.

    If you are enjoying the Data Pack, I would appreciate if you subscribed to me here on Planet Minecraft as well as over on YouTube.

    if you encounter any bugs or have any questions, my Discord Server is a great place for resolving both.


    Upon joining the world your code became corrupted. Because of this you have new abilities, but you also lost some important parts of your code. The game isn’t happy with what has happened to your code and is trying to fix it, but the only thing the game can think of to terminate the issue is to terminate you.

    Impact: šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“

    šŸŸ© Focused Teleport [ā€‹primary]: Teleport to where you are looking.

    šŸŸ© Unfocused Teleport [ā€‹secondary]: Teleport to a random nearby location.

    šŸŸ© Focused Teleporter [ā€‹sneak + primary]: Teleport a target, which you are looking at, to where they are looking.

    šŸŸ© Unfocused Teleporter [ā€‹sneak + secondary]: Teleport a target, which you are looking at, to a random nearby location.

    šŸŸ¢ Defensive No-Clip: You have the ability to phase through blocks, but it only activates when you glitch inside of a block.

    šŸŸ¢ Corrupted Hunger Bar: The code for your hunger is corrupted and therefor you don’t need to eat.

    šŸŸ¢ Splicer: Upon killing an enemy, you splice their code into your own which restores your health.

    šŸŸ” Hit Misdetection: When you take damage, there is a chance for you to take 1 extra or 1 less damage.

    šŸ”“ Debuggers: Every Minecraft day (20 Minutes) Debuggers will spawn and try to kill you.

    šŸ”“ Glitched Health Bar: Your health will randomly fluctuate somewhere between 10 and 20 health. Your health also doesn’t naturally regenerate.

    šŸ”“ Corrupted Off-Hand: You cannot hold anything in your off-hand.

    šŸ”“ Instability: If you don’t use any of your teleportation abilities for a while, you will begin to take damage.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

    2 Update Logs

    Update #2 : by FutureFrost 07/01/2023 12:21:14 pmJul 1st, 2023

    Rebalance Update.
    • Removed Corrupter ability.
    • Added Splicer ability.
    • Increased rate at which the Glitched Health Bar ability activates.
    • Health no longer naturally regenerates.
    • Health is no longer set to 20 when the Debuggers Event activates.
    If you would like to download the version that does not have these changes, you can do so on my Discord Server.

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    ā€¢ 04/23/2023 10:39 am
    ā€¢ Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    Francesco_09's Avatar
    work on the snapshot 23w16a?
    ā€¢ 04/23/2023 3:23 pm
    ā€¢ Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator
    FutureFrost's Avatar

    This data pack is reliant on the Origins mod, and to my knowledge the Origins mod does not currently have a version that runs on 23w16a. Unless I am wrong and there is a version that works on said snapshot, no, it will not work.
