Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Essentials Vanilla 1.13 (Datapack) Without bukkit/spigot

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Lxct's Avatar Lxct
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Essentials Datapack (by Lxct) is a light datapack for the Garden server, and I decided to release it to the public.
It is based on the "Essentials" plugin, without the need for bukkit.
This is an update of the datapack "Vanilla Kit - Vkit By Lxct" done by myself.

Traduction Française / French Version
Essentials Datapack (by Lxct) est un datapack fait pour le serveur Garden, et j'ai décidé de le mettre en public.
Il reprend le concept du plugin "Essentials", sans avoir besoin de bukkit ou de plugin.
C'est une update du datapack "Vanilla Kit - Vkit By Lxct" fait par moi-même.

Essentials Datapack est open source, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez modifier le code du datapack a votre guise.
Cependant je vous serait reconaissant si vous laissez les crédits : "(by Lxct)".
Vous pouvez développer vos propres plug-in et me les envoyer par message sur Discord : Lxct#9971

Cependant il y a une démarche important à suivre avant de mettre le datapack sur votre serveur :

-- Comment mettre en place le datapack ? --

1 - Aller dans le fichier Essentials_Datapack\data\vkit\functions
2 - Ouvrir le fichier "spawn.mcfunction"
3 - Remplacer X Y Z (ligne 2) par les coordonnées de votre spawn.
4 - Sauvegarder, fermer le fichier
5 - Ouvrir le fichier "new.mcfunction"
6 - Remplacer X Y Z (ligne 4) par les coordonnées de votre spawn.
7 - Remplacer "Server" avec le nom de votre serveur (ligne 6 et 8).
8 - Sauvegarder, fermer le fichier
9 - Glisser le dossier Essentials_Datapack dans le dossier datapack de votre monde.
10 - Faire /reload
11 - Amusez vous bien !

-- Comment ce datapack fonctionne ? --

En plus de vous ajouter un message de bienvenue quand un nouveau joueur se connecte, ce datapack affiche,
vos coordonnées de mort.
Il ajoute aussi beaucoup de commandes utiles, voilà la liste :

/home est maintenant /trigger home
/home2 est maintenant /trigger home2
/home3 est maintenant /trigger home3
/home4 est maintenant /trigger home4
/sethome est maintenant /trigger sethome
/sethome2 est maintenant /trigger sethome2
/sethome3 est maintenant /trigger sethome3
/sethome4 est maintenant /trigger sethome4
/spawn est maintenant /trigger spawn
/afk est maintenant /trigger afk
/back est maintenant /trigger back
/tpa [PSEUDO] est maintenant /trigger tp set [ID]
/tpaccept [PSEUDO] est maintenat /trigger tpa set [ID]

Chaque joueur possède un ID qui lui est personnel.
Afin d'afficher l'ID d'un joueur il suffit d'appuyer sur TAB et de regarder le chiffre à coté de son pseudo.
Par exemple, pour envoyer un tp à un joueur qui a un ID égal à 8 on peut faire /trigger tp set 8.

Pour accepter un tp il y a deux solutions :

a) Cliquer sur le message de téléportation.
b) Faire /trigger tpa set [ID de la personne qui envoie un tp]

Si vous rencontrez un soucis, si vous avez des questions, envoyer moi un message sur Discord : Lxct#9971
Je serais également heureux de venir découvrir vos serveurs !
Merci à vous, bon jeu et amusez vous bien !

Available in 2 languages : French and English

Datapack Essentials is open source, which means you can change the datapack code as you see fit.
However I would be grateful if you give credit: "(by Lxct)".
If you make your own plug-in for Essentials Datapack you can send it to me on Discord : Lxct#9971

(Thanks to CatPasswd for the english translation)

-- Installation and configuration --

1 - Go to the Essentials_Datapack \ data \ vkit \ functions file
2 - Open the file "spawn.mcfunction"
3 - Replace X Y Z (line 2) with the coordinates of your spawn.
4 - Save and close the file.
5 - Open the file "new.mcfunction"
6 - Replace X Y Z (line 4) with the coordinates of your spawn.
7 - Replace "Server" with your server name (line 6 and 8).
8 - Save and close the file.
9 - Copy the Essentials_Datapack folder into the datapack folder of your world.
10 - Issue the /reload command on the server as op, or in console.
11 - Have fun!

-- How this datapack works --

/home is now /trigger home
/home2 is now /trigger home2
/home3 is now /trigger home3
/home4 is now /trigger home4
/sethome is now /trigger sethome
/sethome2 is now /trigger sethome2
/sethome3 is now /trigger sethome3
/sethome4 is now /trigger sethome4
/spawn is now /trigger spawn
/afk is now /trigger afk
/back is now /trigger back
/tpa [USERNAME] is now /trigger tp set [ID]

Each player has a personal ID.
In order to display the ID of a player just press TAB and look at the number next to his nickname.
For example, to send a tp to a player who has an ID equal to 8 we can do / trigger tp set 8.

To accept a TP there are two options:

a) Click on the teleportation message.
b) Do /trigger tpa set [ID of the person sending request]

If you encounter a problem, if you have any questions, send me a message on Discord: Lxct#9971
I would also be happy to come discover your servers!
Thank you, good game and have fun!
CreditLxct (Author) CatPasswd (English Translation)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

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05/02/2019 11:29 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
PickleMonstr's Avatar
For some reason the /trigger home and /trigger home2-4 all break randomly and players either can't set a home, or they have to reset it. Does anyone know why this might happen?
05/06/2019 10:03 am
Level 1 : New Engineer
Diablo050189's Avatar
its just super buggy, people on my server randomly teleport into walls and the ground when using the commands. ended up just removing it from my server because of the number of issues it had
05/12/2019 4:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
PickleMonstr's Avatar
Yea :/ I'm just using a heavily modified version of it rn that might as well be my own datapack xD
04/30/2019 12:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
VoidsShadow's Avatar
On a pre-existing server's world, I ended up teleporting to spawn when I logged in. It hasn't happened since. Will this happen to all players on their first login after the datapack is installed?
04/24/2019 9:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
Hyperly's Avatar
So if you already have a home set and you teleport to spawn once you try /trigger home it just sends u back to spawn or wherever u were last standing for 1 second
02/07/2019 11:52 pm
Level 1 : New Engineer
Diablo050189's Avatar
How can I remove all the features from the datapack except for 1 home command and the spawn command, those are all I need, I don't care about anything else I this pack just those 2 commands
04/28/2019 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
HHHjb's Avatar
unzip the hidden files
and do what the txt file says
05/06/2019 10:00 am
Level 1 : New Engineer
Diablo050189's Avatar
Are you talking about Important_!_README_!.txt the file that tells you the exact same thing it says on here about setting up spawn but now how to change the functions
01/27/2019 7:32 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
Lamco's Avatar
Hello, This seems like such a useful datapack, but I installed this on my server and it doesn't work at all. Minecraft doesn't seem to detect it even after using /reload. Please help :)
10/12/2018 6:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
Hyperly's Avatar
Is there a way to set a delay for using the teleport commands?
