Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Farlander/White Enderman Origin Datapack (Requires Pehkui)

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    Level 35 : Artisan Waffle
    A custom origin datapack I created based off of the myth of the farlander/white enderman. Most passives are things I find would fit well in terms of lore/theming for the origin.

    Hope you enjoy!

    NOTE: You have my permission to reuse any assets/powers for this origin for your own work so long as you give the credit to the original source & don't just copy paste the entire thing & claim you made it. At least put your own spin on the pack. So long as you follow this condition you are free to do as you please.

    CreditBig thanks to Cosmos/Cosgos & Kawatowo for helping in debugging this origin.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
    toMinecraft 1.19

    2 Update Logs

    Update #2 : by Rynnex 06/29/2024 10:47:19 pmJun 29th, 2024

    Added buff to magic damage dealt by the player.

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    05/08/2024 9:57 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Waffle
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Do note that the teleportation ability is prone to accidentally teleporting you into walls. I can't really do much for this sadly since I am still relatively new to the coding side of origin creation so all I can suggest is to be extremely careful of how you use it as teleporting to try & get unstuck may likely just dig you further into the wall in question.

    Sorry in advance for any untimely deaths due to a unfortunate teleport.
    04/20/2024 8:59 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter
    where can i find pehkui, and what is it
    04/26/2024 10:17 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Waffle
    Pehkui is sort of a add-on mod that in a nutshell just allows you to resize entities/players as you see fit. Which is mostly required because of the whole being 2.5 blocks tall power of the origin.

    Here's a link to the mod's page

    It could be said it isn't exactly required if you prefer not to have the whole size power for the origin however I don't recommend playing it without the mod as idk if it's absents could cause potential bugs with the origin.
