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Required Resource Pack
Level 23 : Expert System

Make fried eggs!

Cook an egg in a furnace, smoker or campfire to make a tasty fried egg! Fried eggs give 4 food points and 5 saturation points and take less time to cook than most items (using a smoker halves the time like with other food items). They stack to 64.

Why fried eggs?

I like fried eggs, plus eggs are kinda useless after you make a chicken farm.


Click on the download link, select a version, and download both the datapack and the resourcepack. Put the datapack zip (the name has DP in it) in your world's datapacks folder, and the resourcepack zip (the name has RP in it) in your .minecraft resourcepacks folder.


The pack is translated in English (All), French (France), German (Germany), Spanish (Spain) and Italian, it will follow the game's language automatically.


The fried texture was made by me with GIMP, it could be better so I'll probably change it in the future.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

1 Update Logs

Version number fix : by ArrotinoDeluxe 01/14/2025 12:17:42 pmJan 14th

The datapack now has the correct version number

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01/14/2025 1:01 am
He/Him • Level 1 : New Crafter
I’m honestly surprised this isn’t already in the game lol. Great work!
01/14/2025 10:36 am
Level 23 : Expert System
Thank you!
