Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Jeff Bezos Origin

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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Lemon
First, I'd like to say this datapack was made as a joke. This is in no way meant to mock Jeff Bezos. It adds the Jeff Bezos Origin to the origins mod. Requires use of the fabric API and the origins mod for 1.17.

Can't wear a helmet
Can't wear armor worse than iron
Can launch themselves into space(secondary key)
Can summon snow golems(primary key)
Moves slightly faster and deals more knockback
Takes a little extra damage from all sources
Spawns in a village
Better villager trades
Heals one heart every ten seconds regardless of food
Can't use a shield
Can't sleep
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

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09/08/2021 8:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Waffle
you should do Danny Devito.

Powers: he's short idk

also nice pack!
