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Required Resource Pack
1.18 is not currently supported! There will be an update soon to add this support.
If you're curious about this pack, I recommend taking a look at this phenomenal showcase by skunkmunkee!
Fishing in Minecraft is bland, and the rewards are limited beyond food and some treasures. But what if fishing was a viable method of gathering resources? What if you could catch more fish than just the basic four by exploring and visiting different biomes? What if there were unique tools for fishing just like any other activity?
From the creator of Undermagic, Florcraft and Grappling Hooks comes a new pack centered around expanding fishing. Marina is a revamp to fishing rewards foremost, but also adds new mechanics, such as the ability to fish in lava, and new rods to facilitate this.
Marina adds 37 new fish and other aquatic creatures obtained from specific biomes. Specific fish can only be found in certain biomes, and are roughly based around the habitats of real-life fish. In addition to real-life fish, Marina also has custom fish obtainable from Mushroom Islands, each of the five Nether biomes, and The End. Lastly, Marina includes rare fish, which are exceptionally hard to find specimens unique to specific biomes.

Marina adds lava fishing. Your bobber is indicated by a flame particle on the surface of the lava. When you are about to catch something, there are two smaller gouts of flame; when something is hooked, there is a larger burst of lava particles and a sound. Otherwise, the mechanics are identical to vanilla fishing. (The bobber drops through the lava visually because of a vanilla bug.)
Marina also replaces the existing treasure mechanics with the ability to fish up crates, containing various resources such as precious minerals and items that were able to be found in treasure before, such as saddles. This also includes the previously unobtainable Potions of Luck, as well as the custom Potions of Luck II and Suspicious Stews of Luck. Luck potions are very helpful for fishing more and better crates as well as rare fish.
In addition to crates, fishing-related items can be obtained from the Wandering Fisherman. He replaces Wandering Traders half of the time, offering emeralds in exchange for rare fish specimens, and allowing you to purchase fishing-related goods.

Junk catches are also replaced by hostile mobs. Normally, Drowned will spawn, but if you are fishing in lava, Magma Cubes will spawn instead.
Marina adds several custom fishing rods that modify fishing loot and mechanics. Each rod has its own specialties; for instance, the Dual Rod has a luck penalty but reels two fish per catch, and the Emperor Rod gains increased luck while fishing on beaches or the ocean. In addition to rods, Marina adds chum, which can be scattered in water or lava to apply different buffs to your fishing, such as increased luck, higher crate chance, or preventing junk catches.

Lastly, Marina revamps luck by adding environmental luck. Certain actions like trading with fishermen villagers or staying near dolphins can buff your luck, in addition to environmental effects like the time of day or weather. To measure your luck, Marina adds the Luck Meter, which can be bought from wandering fisherman and shows your luck when activated in your inventory.

Obsidian Rod (enables lava fishing)

Reinforced Rod (+1 luck)

Diamond Rod (common crates do not drop, making rarer crates more common)

Netherite Rod (can fish in lava, +2 luck when doing so and does not catch common crates)

Emperor Rod (+2 luck when fishing on beaches or oceans and fishes guardians instead of drowned)
Dual Rod can only be obtained from epic and legendary Overworld crates (-2 luck but reels two fish per catch)
Midas Rod can only be bought from the Wandering Fisherman (all drops replaced with gold)
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Re-uploading this datapack on other sites without my express permission, or claiming ownership of it, is bad, illegal, and wrong. If you see this message somewhere other than Hashs's Planet Minecraft profile, do not download this pack and instead download it from its rightful owner and creator here: Hashs's PMC Profile. Thank you.
If you're curious about this pack, I recommend taking a look at this phenomenal showcase by skunkmunkee!
Fishing in Minecraft is bland, and the rewards are limited beyond food and some treasures. But what if fishing was a viable method of gathering resources? What if you could catch more fish than just the basic four by exploring and visiting different biomes? What if there were unique tools for fishing just like any other activity?
From the creator of Undermagic, Florcraft and Grappling Hooks comes a new pack centered around expanding fishing. Marina is a revamp to fishing rewards foremost, but also adds new mechanics, such as the ability to fish in lava, and new rods to facilitate this.
Marina adds 37 new fish and other aquatic creatures obtained from specific biomes. Specific fish can only be found in certain biomes, and are roughly based around the habitats of real-life fish. In addition to real-life fish, Marina also has custom fish obtainable from Mushroom Islands, each of the five Nether biomes, and The End. Lastly, Marina includes rare fish, which are exceptionally hard to find specimens unique to specific biomes.

Marina adds lava fishing. Your bobber is indicated by a flame particle on the surface of the lava. When you are about to catch something, there are two smaller gouts of flame; when something is hooked, there is a larger burst of lava particles and a sound. Otherwise, the mechanics are identical to vanilla fishing. (The bobber drops through the lava visually because of a vanilla bug.)
Marina also replaces the existing treasure mechanics with the ability to fish up crates, containing various resources such as precious minerals and items that were able to be found in treasure before, such as saddles. This also includes the previously unobtainable Potions of Luck, as well as the custom Potions of Luck II and Suspicious Stews of Luck. Luck potions are very helpful for fishing more and better crates as well as rare fish.
In addition to crates, fishing-related items can be obtained from the Wandering Fisherman. He replaces Wandering Traders half of the time, offering emeralds in exchange for rare fish specimens, and allowing you to purchase fishing-related goods.

Junk catches are also replaced by hostile mobs. Normally, Drowned will spawn, but if you are fishing in lava, Magma Cubes will spawn instead.
Marina adds several custom fishing rods that modify fishing loot and mechanics. Each rod has its own specialties; for instance, the Dual Rod has a luck penalty but reels two fish per catch, and the Emperor Rod gains increased luck while fishing on beaches or the ocean. In addition to rods, Marina adds chum, which can be scattered in water or lava to apply different buffs to your fishing, such as increased luck, higher crate chance, or preventing junk catches.

Lastly, Marina revamps luck by adding environmental luck. Certain actions like trading with fishermen villagers or staying near dolphins can buff your luck, in addition to environmental effects like the time of day or weather. To measure your luck, Marina adds the Luck Meter, which can be bought from wandering fisherman and shows your luck when activated in your inventory.
Fishing Rods & Recipes

Obsidian Rod (enables lava fishing)

Reinforced Rod (+1 luck)

Diamond Rod (common crates do not drop, making rarer crates more common)

Netherite Rod (can fish in lava, +2 luck when doing so and does not catch common crates)

Emperor Rod (+2 luck when fishing on beaches or oceans and fishes guardians instead of drowned)
Dual Rod can only be obtained from epic and legendary Overworld crates (-2 luck but reels two fish per catch)
Midas Rod can only be bought from the Wandering Fisherman (all drops replaced with gold)
Special Thanks
Thanks to the following people:
- Ravioli/MrMcAwesumz
- AcerHighAspire07
- Naka
- CEO of Squeakers
- YoannBB2
- CreeperMagnet_
- Ravioli/MrMcAwesumz
- Ravioli/MrMcAwesumz
- AcerHighAspire07
- Naka
- CEO of Squeakers
- YoannBB2
- CreeperMagnet_
- Ravioli/MrMcAwesumz
Join my Discord server for more in-depth help and discussion about this pack and others. https://discord.gg/UYxhxDj
Credit | Ravioli/MrMcAwesumz for help with the 1.17 update |
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.17 |
Tags |
8 Update Logs
v1.3.2 : by Hashs 08/20/2021 12:37:48 amAug 20th, 2021
Hotfix to fix Clownfish not dropping.
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