Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Minceraft ~ Ultimate Survival (Version 1.0) [WIP]

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h373's Avatar h373
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
A datapack based around fixing flaws in Minecraft's Vanilla basic survival.
Minecraft tends to focus more on its building aspect which is why I created this datapack to fix Vanilla Minecraft's biggest flaws.

This datapack makes big changes such as overhauling Minecraft's farming system, enchanting system, and combat system.

There's a lot (I probably forgot some) so...

Hunger System

Natural regen is OFF. You regenerate a certain amount of health ALMOST INSTANTLY when eating foods. Certain foods give more regeneration. I call the amount of regen a food gives 'instant health points.'

Certain foods also give certain effects to reward players for seeking out strange food items.

Certain foods also clear effects.

Now for actual combat changes:

Thick potions clear ALL negative pot effects.

Pickaxes do damage to armors and shields (inspired by Stoos)

Tridents do 12 hearts of damage.

Crouching and jumping at the same time lets you dodge attacks. Just press A S W D when jumping so you dodge in that direction.

ADDED NEW WEAPONS! Arrows are no longer craftable and only found in loot chests or villager trades. Knuckles and war hammers. War hammers are found in loot chests of bastions and do armor piercing damage. All knuckles give you speed. Iron knuckles can be crafted in crafting tables using the following recipe:

" i ",
i=Iron ingot.

c=Copper ingot.

G=Golden nugget.

You can repair tridents like so:


#=Prismarine crystals.

P=Prismarine shards.


Added dragonite armor. It gives no kb res or durability improvements but it gives extra protection.

When you kill the ender dragon it drops dragon scales. Put these in a smithing table with netherite to get dragonite. Enchantments won't be saved in this process. (Sorry... I might find a better way in the future.) Dragonite armor gives you slow falling whenever you fall from a distance of 40+ blocks.

Added totem of immortality (spawns in sky islands). They give you slow falling when you fall from 22+ blocks and give you constant resistance. Constantly removes the poison and wither effects (I think).

If you have a nether star it will give you constant regeneration. It can also tp you out of the void (inspired by Stoos).


Piglin wards are structures that spawn near lava level. They have piglins spawn naturally in them and, besides bastions, are the only places piglins spawn. These structures generate in crimson forests.

The sky islands are a structure filled with loot that spawn in the sky. They have sky pirates so beware!

Mountain ruins are simple structures that spawn in mountain biomes. They give you starter loot.

Nether fortress and ruined portal chests have books in them to make it easier for noobs to get started. Also lore.


Bats drop guano every minute. Guano/cocoa beans can be crafted into bonemeal when combined with a bone (or a nautilus shell can be turned into bonemeal).

Guano can be dropped on crops to help speed up their growth. (Not as good as bonemeal.)

Animals that are feed crops will become slower the more you feed them. Once you feed an animal once, if you don't continue to feed it for a LOOONG time it will eventually die.


Enchanting tables are uncraftable.

To enchant, you must throw an air heart (found in woodland mansion and jungle temple chests) and book on a wither skull. (Placeholder system.)

If you use an amethyst shard, quartz, ghast tear, or fire heart (found rarely in nether fortresses) instead of an airheart it'll give you specific enchants for certain tools. (a-Utility, q-Weapon, gt-Ranged, fh-Armor)


Netherite gives 10 secs of fire res every 20 seconds.

Ocelots can steal your items if you get too close to them or they get too close to you. Hit them with a stick to get your item back.

When you uncrouch near a sleeping fox it might steal your item.

The only other way to get piglins (other than a piglin ward) is to cure a zombie pigman. Throw a weakness potion on a zombie pigman and hit it to make it lose its item. If it can pick up items throw a gap on it and watch it become a piglin.

Path blocks give speed.
Being near endermites gives you strength.

Polar bears agro nearby mobs that got too close.

If an endermite attacks you, you will get the enderiovirus. The enderiovirus will kill you in 10 minutes unless you drink a milk bucket, chorus fruit, or honey bottle.
Insomnuella is gotten rarely from phantoms attacking you. If you get it, it will go away on its own eventually. The disease gives you blindness every now and then, though.

Revamped wither boss fight.

When you respawn withers or enderdragons they get harder each time.

The longer you've been alive the bigger slimes and phantoms start becoming.

Mobs under y-0 are OP???? (inspired by Devonsdesk).

Illusioners replace all evokers in raids.

Raiders have random weapons.
Desert temples are... Scarier...

Wither skeletons can spawn with bows. WISPS can also spawn near wither skeleton archers.

The rumaging gust is a mob that spawns in soulsand valleys. Don't even try to fight it, it does insane damage, has insane health, and phases through walls. The best way to deal with it is by dropping an item. It will get stuck to the item you drop if it is close enough.

Thunderbirds spawn rarely in groups of 1-3 during thunderstorms. When struck by lightning they get regenerated.

Rest... Coming soon...
(This thing will never be fully complete until 1.19 drops so...)

(1.0) [​WIP]
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

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03/09/2022 9:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AdamlolYT's Avatar
Imma sub to see the updates!
05/08/2022 1:18 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
h373's Avatar
Ok sorry it took so long but I finished 1.0 (finally).

I'll try to get 2.0 out eventually.
03/12/2022 11:13 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
h373's Avatar
Lol thanks! I'm litterally so close to releasing version 1.0! I appreciate your sub!
01/24/2022 9:58 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
h373's Avatar
More coming to this datapack soon... To see snapshots and get more [​ER] come check me out on Curse Forge. I upload my datapacks on Curseforge before I upload on PMC!
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