Minecraft Data Packs / Other

More Projectile Sounds

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Level 58 : Grandmaster System
Add some aesthetic sounds to your throwables when they land!

Created by: PvPqnda

For Minecraft 1.17+

Datapack Features:

Adds sounds to projectiles when they land that normally don't have any sound upon landing at all!

Landing sounds are added to snowballs, eggs, and ender pearls.

Admins may toggle each projectile's landing sounds with these commands:
"/function moreprojectilesounds:toggle/snowballs"
"/function moreprojectilesounds:toggle/eggs"
"/function moreprojectilesounds:toggle/ender_pearls"

Survival & Multiplayer friendly

More datapacks on my website! PvPqnda.com
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CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.19

1 Update Logs

v1.1.0 : by PvPqnda 02/10/2023 4:23:56 pmFeb 10th, 2023

- Added 1.19.4+ support

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Lentejas Con Marichuelas
09/08/2023 1:45 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Friend, thank you for creating this datapack, could you update it to 1.20 please?
09/08/2023 9:22 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
The pleasure is mine! Though, it should work in 1.20. Are you having issues with it?
Lentejas Con Marichuelas
09/10/2023 6:11 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
I haven't tried it yet, I was just wondering if it worked.
09/11/2023 9:39 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
For the future, if my datapack has a "+" at the end of the MC version, it should work in any version above the one stated as well.
02/11/2023 8:06 am
He/Him • Level 64 : High Grandmaster uwu Strawberry
what's the point of obfuscating datapack code

like, it isn't a project like PhysicsMod pro version, or any spigot premium plugin, this is a datapack which plays sounds whenever snowballs land XD
02/11/2023 3:03 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
then why did you look at it
02/11/2023 4:33 pm
Level 29 : Expert Procrastinator
He was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to obfuscate datapack code
02/11/2023 7:47 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
why is it ridiculous?
02/11/2023 4:30 pm
He/Him • Level 64 : High Grandmaster uwu Strawberry
i was curious to how it is done

whether you used new /ride command, or just detecting if there are blocks under the projectiles

but geez, is your code THAT precious you want to make it unreadable? maybe you should even password protect the zip xD
02/11/2023 7:44 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
a small datapack like this idc but it takes 2 seconds to run my script so might as well
