Minecraft Data Packs / Magic

Duplication With Stars [DISCONTINUED]

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Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
This data pack is now discontinued.
This means that it will no longer receive any more updates.

This data pack allows duplication by using a new item called duplication stars, which can be made out of amethysts and nether stars.

How to duplicate

v1.0 to v1.1.1
All you need to do is just to throw the item you want to duplicate and the nether star on top of obsidian and let magic do the rest...

Dupe1.0.1 Dupe1.0.2

v2.0 to v2.1.1
The steps are the same as in v2.2; the differences are that you only need a regular star to duplicate and in normal mode, you won't need the copper blocks.


If you want to duplicate, you will have to make a duplication star.
There are 3 (setup) difficulties: Very Easy, Easy (default) and Normal

Very Easy
In this difficulty, unlike others, you won't need lightning. All you have to do is to place down a hopper and disable the hopper with redstone. You can do this by placing a lever next to the hopper and turning the lever on.

In the hopper, put some nether stars in the third slot, and in the second slot, put some amethyst shards. The amount of amethyst shards must be equal or higher than four times the number of nether stars. In other words, you will need (4 * the number of nether stars) amethysts. You can change the amount of amethysts required for each nether stars in the configurations.

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Now, throw a single copper block on top of the hopper. If you do this, the copper block will disappear, but you will end up with a duplication star: (Ignore the "Hold Ctrl to show more NBT", and the redstone lamp is optional)

Very Easy
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So with this information, You will now need to obtain 2 duplication stars (The amount can be changed in the config). After that, put those duplication stars in the third slot of the hopper you used earlier to make duplication stars. Now, put the items you want to duplicate in the first and the second slot of the hopper.


Now, make a lightning strike happen near the hopper again. (Just like the last time) And the items will duplicate!


All you need to do is to place down a hopper. Optionally, and recommendably, place down a lightning rod next to it.


And in that hopper, put some nether stars in the third slot, and in the second slot, put some amethyst shards. The amount of amethyst shards must be equal or higher than four times the number of nether stars. In other words, you will need (4 * the number of nether stars) amethysts. You can change the amount of amethysts required for each nether stars in the configurations.

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Now, make a lightning strike happen near the hopper. You can do this by placing down a lightning rod next to the hopper and throwing a channeling trident on the rod. If you do this, you will end up with a duplication star (Ignore the "Hold Ctrl to show more NBT"):

2024-01-21_19 22 37

So with this information, You will now need to obtain 2 duplication stars (The amount can be changed in the config). After that, put those duplication stars in the third slot of the hopper you used earlier to make duplication stars. Now, put the items you want to duplicate in the first and the second slot of the hopper.


Now, make a lightning strike happen near the hopper again (Just like the last time), and the items will duplicate!



You will need to place down a hopper, followed by 4 lightning rods next to it and 9 copper blocks below. It should look something like this:


and in the hopper, put some nether stars in the third slot, and in the second slot, put some amethyst shards. The amount of amethyst shards must be equal or higher than four times the number of nether stars. In other words, you will need (4 * the number of nether stars) amethysts. You can change the amount of amethysts required for each nether stars in the configurations.

2024-01-14_17 42 54

Now, make a lightning strike happen on one of the lightning rods. You can do this by throwing a channeling trident on the rod. If you do this, you will end up with a duplication star: (Ignore the "Hold Ctrl to show more NBT")

2024-01-21_19 22 37

So with this information, You will now need to obtain 2 duplication stars (The amount can be changed in the config). After that, put those duplication stars in the third slot of the hopper in the setup you used earlier to make duplication stars. Now, put the items you want to duplicate in the first and the second slot of the hopper.


Now, make a lightning strike happen near the hopper again (Just like the last time), and the items will duplicate!



/function sul4ur:star_dupe2/config Opens the configurations menu. They can look different in each version.



Just use the following command: /function star_dupe2:scores/removethen you can delete the data pack from your world folder or use /datapack disable.


This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.20

16 Update Logs

More Beauty! : by Sul4ur 05/31/2024 1:12:12 pmMay 31st, 2024

Made the page a bit more beautiful!

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03/09/2024 3:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can You Duplicate The Stars?
03/10/2024 4:20 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
No, You can't.
Here is a list of items that have been blacklisted (All can be whitelisted in the config except for nether stars):
  • Nether stars (since the beginning)

  • Wither skulls (since v2.0)

  • Dragon eggs (since the beginning)

  • Shulker boxes and bundles (since v1.0.2)

  • Amethyst and all its variants (since v2.2)

11/14/2023 10:14 am
He/Him • Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
Ah yes, 1 diamond to 2 diamond at the cost of a potential beacon
11/15/2023 8:57 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Oh god I keep getting this comment.
Bro, you can actually duplicate more than 1 item. you can literally duplicate a whole stack with just a single nether star.
11/04/2023 1:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Estatta bueno
11/05/2023 1:27 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Please speak English. I don't really care if your English is bad
09/21/2023 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you explain how the "star_dupe.gamerules.pick_delay_after_dupe" works?
09/29/2023 1:16 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
That no longer exists. I just left it in the files

Edit: It's being re-added!
09/20/2023 2:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I've been looking for a good/simple and sneaky way to dupe items on a server,
and this has finally ended my journey.
But really, good job Sul4ur.
09/20/2023 3:30 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
Oh yeah, do know that it does use scoreboards and even triggers, so anyone can easily figure out what you sent.
Also, it's not like nether stars are easy to get.
