Minecraft Data Packs / Minecraft, but

Random Item Giver Datapack [Minecraft 1.16.5 - 1.20.4]

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • 262,764 views, 276 today
  • 78,089 downloads, 81 today
Louis9's Avatar Louis9
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Random Item Giver

In this datapack, you get a random item every 15 seconds!

You can also modify the timer and the items you're able to get!

This datapack is really simple, but I hope you like it!
You can update it yourself and edit the code. I will try to update this datapack for every stable minecraft version and maybe some snapshots.

Please don't repost this exact datapack or it may be taken down. If you want to upload a modified version of this datapack, contact me on my discord or here on Planetminecraft.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ or ask them in the comments. It usally doesn't take long for me to answer.

If you want to see development, or access the code you can check out the datapack on Github!
Visit Github page

If you want faster support, better information about the updates and more I suggest you join my Discord Server!
⇒ Join the Discord Server


Random Item Giver for Snapshot 24w14a -> Last updated on 10.04.2024

Random Item Giver for 1.20.3 - 1.20.4 -> Last updated on 22.04.2024

Do you want to add new items to the datapack? The Random Item Giver Updater is now available!
Please note that the software is currently in beta and unstable. Use at your own risk.


If you have a question, check if it's already answered in the FAQ or in the comments before you write a comment.

Q: I want to use another version of the Datapack. Where can I find it?
A: You can find other versions, like older versions or modified versions on the GitHub repository.
⇒ Visit Github page

Q: Can I upload a video in which I use this datapack?
A: Yes, you can. You can also put a link to the datapack in the video description, that would be a great way to support me!

Q: Is it possible to use this in multiplayer?
A: Yes, it is. Every x seconds every player on the server gets a random item.

Q: What items are you able to get?
A: Every single one in the game as of version 1.20.4.

Q: Does this work with the newest version of Minecraft?
A: Yes, it does! It is confirmed to work with up to 1.20.4 and possibly higher. I always try to keep it up to date.

Q: How do I change the time you get an item?
A: You can change the time in the settings which you can access through the menu or with /function randomitemgiver:menus/settings

What versions of Minecraft is the datapack available for?
Here is a list of all versions that are or were supported:

1.13: Not available
1.14: Not available
1.15: Not available
1.16: Available, no longer receives updates
1.17: Available, no longer receives updates
1.18: Available, no longer receives updates
1.19: Available, no longer receives updates
1.20: Available, receives updates
1.21: Beta available, receives updates

Please note that I most likely won't backport the datapack to older versions as it utilises a lot of 1.16+ features and porting them into an older version is really time consuming and would need a lot of modifications.


If you upload a video using this datapack, please paste a link to this page in the video description. You don't have to, but it would be a great way to support me.
Datapack review by The Resource Pack:

Awesome Video Series by Clippey:


Here you can find information about the milestones of this datapack. Thanks to all of you for supporting this project!

50000 Views ✅ (20.03.2021)
50000 Downloads ✅ (October 2022)
100000 Views ✅ (08.09.2021)
150000 Views ✅ (July 2022)
200000 Views ✅ (May 2023)

Thank you so much for all the support, I truly appreciate it!


The original creator of this datapack is Phoenix SC! I just updated it to newer Minecraft versions and added some additional features to it. I'm also doing this with his permission. I contacted him over Email and got the permission to keep updating the pack and publish it as long as I give credits.

You can find his channel and the original version here:
⇒ Original datapack by Phoenix SC

This datapack uses the Random Number Generator by CloudWolf.
You can find him here:
⇒ CloudWolf on Youtube

You can find a list of all the amazing people who helped me by contributing to the pack in the CREDITS.txt in the root folder of the datapack.

Important Note: I am not responsible for anything that breaks when using this pack. If something goes wrong, you can write a comment and I'll try to help. If you use this pack in your one of your maps or projects, then please credit me.
CreditPhoenix SC who originally made this in for an older version and allowed me to update it, CloudWolf who made the Random Number Generator used in older versions of the datapack, as well as many other amazing contributors
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.20

88 Update Logs

Version 1.4.5 (22.04.2024) : by Louis9 04/22/2024 4:44:32 pmApr 22nd

* Updated outdated information
* Renamed all scoreboard objectives to make them more unique
* Renamed cases of "Plop Sound" to "Sound Effect"

* Fixed several spawn eggs appearing in normal loot tables
* Fixed 'Items Received' count not working correctly in multiplayer
* Fixed suspicious stews not having any effects

Compatible with 1.20.4

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05/03/2024 11:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5124107G's Avatar
Hi! Im trying to make an event for my server and for that to be possible i need to filter out who can get items. So is there a simple setting to check for a tag or team? or do i have to change it in the datapack myself?
05/05/2024 9:19 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Louis9's Avatar
There is an objective called "rig_CanGetItems" that when assigned to players can be set to 1 to stop them from receiving items and 2 to make them able to get items.
04/28/2024 7:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5117696D's Avatar
if I play in multiplayer, say with 3 people, do we all get the same random item?
04/28/2024 7:23 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Louis9's Avatar
Nope, everyone gets a random item!
04/16/2024 2:33 pmhistory
Level 1 : New Miner
User5102989G's Avatar
How can you change the items that you get every 15 seconds without messing up the whole datapack. For example I want to remove all these items and only make it one item that i can get every 15 seconds.
04/19/2024 7:22 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Louis9's Avatar
You'd need to modify the loot tables in order to do that. If you don't know how loot table structures work, you could use my software as it provides a simple GUI. You'd realistically only need to modify the 01item/normal_items.json loot table, as the other ones are only called when using settings. I could help you with that as well, if you tell me which item you want.

Also, in case you really only want 1 item, you wouldn't even have to use the datapack. You could have a command block and a redstone contraption that makes it tick every 15 seconds.
04/12/2024 9:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
caseoh's Avatar
How do you start it
04/13/2024 11:06 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Louis9's Avatar
Doing /reload should start it automatically.
04/12/2024 4:43 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
RobloxianOfSkill's Avatar
hi, this datapack is really cool, but i want to know if its possible to set the amount of time it takes to give you items on a command block, as im trying to play this with my friends on a challenge server, and one of the gamemodes is called rapid. just wanted to know if you can set the time using command blocks, thanks :)
04/12/2024 5:42 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
RobloxianOfSkill's Avatar
nevermind, i figured it out :)
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