Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Server Sleep - Skip night without all players sleeping in multiplayer

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Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
This data pack is featured on my survival server

Reduces the required amount of players sleeping in multiplayer to a desired percentage to skip night (Defaults to 50% of all players in the overworld). If you wish to change how the data pack determines if it will skip night, then follow the following steps:

Admin Commands
/trigger astrune - Data pack settings (If you need help managing settings for my data packs, refer to this guide)

General Commands
/trigger astrune - opens up a menu that will help players see commands provided by my data packs and some helpful links
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

8 Update Logs

Update 9 : by Astrune 12/15/2020 8:09:11 pmDec 15th, 2020

Added Astrune Library 2.0
Phantoms now dont spawn after the server sleeps for 1 minecraft day (20 minutes)

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12/03/2020 5:09 pm
Level 1 : New Architect
Hey I'm having issues with this pack, I can initially do /trigger astrune, but after that it goes away and when i did /reload the 2 links came up (Command and Links) but when I click on it it says "You cannot trigger this objective yet." I looked in the advancements menu and I see everything there but I want to configure some of the server sleep settings but I am unable to
12/09/2020 5:17 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Try sneaking before you use the command. This acts as a resetter for my trigger commands.
01/20/2021 7:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
and oh yea, the guide link wont work for me
01/20/2021 7:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
alr tried shifting, still wont work for me. 1.16.1 and 1.16.4
11/26/2020 10:20 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
Es perfecto, siempre está complicado decir que todos duerman, con esto me ahorro esos dolores de cabeza, gracias por tu trabajo
