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Required Resource Pack

Do you wish that you could step into a shadow dimension and fight a 3 headed giant boss? Well, wish no more, as with this datapack you can! If you like this datapack, please consider giving it a diamond!
The version you download here is ONLY for 1.17. You can however download the version for 1.16.5 by going to my Discord!
![]() | Twitch If you want to know how I made this datapack and more, go follow my Twitch Channel: CommandWitchery! |

Of course you first will need to travel to the Shadow Lands, for which you need a portal. You cant make these yourself, you need to find them around the world! They spawn in badlands ( or badlands plateau or wooded badlands plateau)!
In order to activate them, you need to right click above the blackstone pillars with diamond blocks in order to fill them in, 1 of them will already have a diamond block!
After every pillar has a diamond block, you will see a portal appear in the center, just jump through to enter the Shadow Lands!
WARNING When you enter the shadow lands, you cant return until you beat the boss!

After you enter the dimension, you will need to find the prison structure, made out of blackstone bricks. Inside of the structure you will find a statue version of the boss. In order to revive the boss, you will need a totem of undying, drop this near the front of the boss.
You should see the totem slowly move up to the center (or teleport very abruptly repeatedly, item entities are the worst). Until it reaches the desired position, you can still pick it up to stop revival process. But after that, it will start circling the boss, and then there is no going back anymore.

Now that you have summoned the boss, its fighting time. I advice you to have full protection IV netherite armor, with a netherite sharpness V sword, but if you want to try with less, go ahead! The boss has hitboxes at its heads and the body, if you hit it you will see the entire boss turn red.
Of course the boss wont just let itself get hit repeatedly, it will attack you back. It can rush at you, bite you, roar at you, and leap into the air. These all have effects on you (big surprise, the biting causes you to take damage from being bitten).
Which of these attacks gets picked is dependant on the distance you are from the boss, but I wont bore you with the specifics.

After the boss is defeated, it will drop one of its heads! This you can actually wear on your head, which gives you some perks. First of all, when wearing the head you have constant Hero of the Village I, which makes villager trading a bit easier.
Secondly, when wearing the head and shifting in the Shadow Lands, you actually open a portal back to the overworld!
Also, just like a normal helmet, you can actually enchant it! Enchantments, renaming, and any other NBT data is stored perfectly! This has a side effect that you sadly cant place it down, however you can put it in an item frame for the same effect!

This datapack adds a multitude of advancements, all connected to the Shadow Lands! They are obtained by:
- Placing in a diamond block on 1 of the pillars at the portal structure
- Entering the Shadow Lands
- Reviving the boss
- Defeating the boss
- Using the head to get buy something from a villager for cheaper

If you want to try this datapack out in creative mode first, there are some things that might help you! First of all, running the commands "/function shadow_lands:give" will give you the boss drop right away!
If you dont want to go flying around badlands to find a portal, you can go there directly by running the command "/execute in shadow_lands:shadow run tp ~ ~ ~" (You might spawn in the floor by doing this, just break your way out)
If you want to just fight the boss without even going to the shadow lands, you can run "/function shadow_boss:summon_model" to summon the boss!

If you want to make your experience even better, some of my datapacks actually link into each other! For this datapack that means that if you also have my Lucky Blocks Datapack you actually have a chance of spawning the boss in a lucky block! Would that just make for an amazing surprise!
But that is about it for this datapack! I hope you all enjoy it!
- Command Witchery
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.16 |
to | Minecraft 1.17 |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Update V1.1.0 : by Command Witchery 07/05/2021 7:54:49 amJul 5th, 2021
- Updated the datapack to work in 1.17
- Changed some of the advancement descriptions to be better
- Updated the datapack to work in 1.17
- Changed some of the advancement descriptions to be better
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ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "shadow_lands:disk_wool"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_lava"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_water"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_clay"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_sand"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold_extra"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_copper"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_lapis"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diamond"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_redstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_iron"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_coal"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_deepslate"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_tuff"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_andesite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diorite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_granite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_dirt"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_small_dripstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_dripstone_cluster"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_lava"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_water"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_clay"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_sand"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold_extra"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_copper"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_lapis"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diamond"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_redstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_iron"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_coal"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_deepslate"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_tuff"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_andesite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diorite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_granite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_dirt"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_small_dripstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_dripstone_cluster"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_lava"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:lake_water"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_clay"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:disk_sand"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold_extra"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_copper"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_lapis"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diamond"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_redstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gold"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_iron"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_coal"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_deepslate"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_tuff"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_andesite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_diorite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_granite"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_gravel"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:ore_dirt"
[ERROR] Feature: Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_small_dripstone"; Not a JSON object: "minecraft:rare_dripstone_cluster"
FATAL]: Failed to start the minecraft server
com.google.gson.JsonParseException: Error loading registry data: Unknown registry key in ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:worldgen/feature]: minecraft:decorated
at net.minecraft.core.RegistryAccess.lambda$readRegistry$6(RegistryAccess.java:219) ~[?:?]
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent(Optional.java:178) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.core.RegistryAccess.lambda$readRegistry$6(RegistryAccess.java:219) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.core.RegistryAccess.load(RegistryAccess.java:210) ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.resources.RegistryReadOps.createAndLoad(RegistryReadOps.java:37) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.resources.RegistryReadOps.createAndLoad(RegistryReadOps.java:31) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.<init>(MinecraftServer.java:451) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.<init>(DedicatedServer.java:94) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.server.Main.lambda$main$0(Main.java:243) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.spin(MinecraftServer.java:327) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(Main.java:242) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.main(Main.java:293) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-187]
at io.papermc.paperclip.Paperclip.lambda$main$0(Paperclip.java:42) ~[app:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]