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Published Dec 10th, 2024, 12/10/24 9:33 am
- 227 views, 2 today
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Pengu's SprintStep
A tiny data pack that lets you run up blocks by doubling your step height while you're sprinting!Conflicting modifiers?
- If your `step_height` attribute is set to 1 or above (enough to step up a block) by another `attribute modifier`, it won't be doubled from sprinting as you may already run up blocks.
- If your `step_height` attribute is set to more than the default 0.6 but less than 1, your `step_height` may increase past 1.2, which is the value this data pack would normally change it to.
- If your `step_height` attribute is set to anything less than 0.5, you won't be able to sprint up blocks, as it will never be more than 1 when doubled by this data pack.
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.21 |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Version 1.0.2 for 1.21.2 - 1.21.4 : by Penguh 12/17/2024 1:19:36 pmDec 17th, 2024
What's Changed
- Fixed modifier no longer getting applied every tick, causing slow and unresponsive behaviour
- The attribute modifier no longer applies if your `step_height` attribute is already 1 or above
- Updated the README / description with some conflicting modifier cases
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makes it compatible with other packs?