Minecraft Data Packs / Other

The Best Jester Origin - Origins (Fabric)

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Overgrown's Avatar Overgrown
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Hello! I got another commission Origin and this time we are playing tricks and being a little mischievous. So, the Jester is an interesting Origin, it does a few things I never really thought of or seen other Jester Origins do but granted, they aren't that many of them. It works on 1.19 and maybe 1.18 but that version is untested. I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for the lack of uploads, I have been working on Irl projects as well as a fun time job, but it has managed me to get a better laptop that will help me pull out better content and I'm so excited!

The Best Jester datapack is made for the fabric mod, Origins. You must have it for this pack to work. This datapack also uses the Pehkui mod which you must have to use one of the powers and it also uses ExtraOrigins for the "Little Bastard" power.

This Pack Adds:
- Custom Origin

Origin Detail:

Icon: Music Disc 11
Impact: remove_circleremove_circleremove_circle
Description: No show, you can't perform!

Positive check_circle:

- Fresh Act: You can change heights from normal, one & a half blocks, and one block tall. [​Primary]
- Pockets: You have extra storage. [​Secondary]
- Dart Games: You can throw any arrow without a bow. [​Right Click, Held]
- Little Bastard: When you are in your two smaller forms, you can ride other players and mobs. [​Right Click]
- A Performance Was Demanded of Me: Once near death, you get Resistance II (20 sec).
- And Now I Have Delivered: Once near death, you get Strength I (20 sec).
- Encore: Once near death, you glow (20 sec).
- Can't Catch Me: You have Speed I and can jump two blocks high.
- Just Rotten: Eggs you throw applies nausea and deals 2 hearts.
- String Bean: You have one block extra reach.
- Total Jacka$! Stunts: You have no fall damage.

Neutral pause_circle_filled:

- Scraped Knee Crawling from Hell: Nether Spawn.
- Show Stopper: When you die rainbow fireworks go off damaging people around you.
- Sticky Hands: You can climb walls but can't hold shields.
- Swallow The Flames: You are immune to fire for 20 seconds after touching it. Has a 20 second cooldown (lava still hurts).

Negative remove_circle:

- A Growing Boy: You get hungry faster.
- Immune System of a Peasant: Wither affects you worse, Poison effects faster.
- Unjolly Bad Show: Villager's prices are higher than normal and Wandering Traders won't trade with you.
- You Have IBS: Bread, cake, and pies give you negative hunger.
- Wet Cat of a Man: Touching water gives you Slowness II, Weakness I, Hunger, Nausea, and you drown faster.
CreditOvergrown (Developer)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

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05/12/2023 3:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
milasisveeltecool's Avatar
hello i was playing with some friends but i ran into the issue that i was on forge but evryting worked exept changing how tall you are i am aware that the little bastard needs extra origins but changing size only needs pekhui right well i doesn't work so can you help me /fix it
02/17/2023 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
eulithis's Avatar
I have no clue if you still checking this but I was wondering if the "Fresh Act" ability is connected to extra origins, I am currently using this pack in a server I'm in and i unfortunately can't use it :(
02/17/2023 5:07 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Overgrown's Avatar
No, the ability to uses Pehkui which is listed as one of the mods required for it to work fully. Do you have it installed?
02/17/2023 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
eulithis's Avatar
it was directly installed into the modpack, but apparently there are some issues with pehkui on the server side of things thats causing the issue. I mainly wanted to know about the origins thing, thank you so much for responding and letting me know :)
02/18/2023 6:36 am
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Overgrown's Avatar
No worries. I've never had someone install it directly into a modpack, it usually works fine if you load it up as a datapack in the datapacks folder. As for the server side problems, there's usually a bug fix depending on the version. I usually recommend the latest version of any mod if possible since that's the one with the most bug fixes in that moment in time
08/29/2022 2:29 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Strawberry
Ivrl's Avatar
In the neutral traits "Show Stopper" and "Wet Cat of a Man" have the same description, is this purposeful?
08/29/2022 7:02 am
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Overgrown's Avatar
Oh no, lol good eye, I totally missed that. I will update the description, thank you for letting me know
08/25/2022 8:21 am
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Sus Fish
Zulfish's Avatar
Clownpierce orign
08/25/2022 10:03 am
Level 75 : Legendary Botanist
Overgrown's Avatar
Found out about him recently actually but maybe? Guess it will remain a mystery
