Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Vampire Transformations [1.14+]

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Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
Have you ever wanted to become a vampire? Reject your humanity for strangth? With this datapack you can do just that!

Stand between 4 red torches while hungry to embrace your evil side and turn into a ghoul - ghouls are poisoned by sunlight, but have increased physical capabilities!

Not enough? Add chiseled quartz to your altar, and with more hunger you will gain even more power, and grow even weaker to sunlight.

But that's nothing compared to the real power. Defeat the wither and the enderdragon to construct the ultimate altar and go beyond - conquering the sun and being able to float. Become the ultimate lifeform.

Morphing instructions

1) Human -> Ghoul

put 4 redstone torches around you and have hunger effect.

2) Ghoul -> Vampire

put 4 redstone torches around you, chiseled quartz underneath you and have hunger effect.

3) Vampire-> Overlord

put 4 end rodes around you, a beacon underneath you and have absorption effect.

4) Revert to human

put 4 redstone torches around you, have weakness and a corresponding block beneath you:

Ghoul - Gold

Vampire - Diamond

Overlord - Obsidian

Morph info

Ghoul - increased stats, posioned by sunlight.
Vampire - increased stats, night vision, jump boost if looking up, no hunger debuff, withered by sunlight.
Overlord - increased stats, night vision, jump boost an slow fall if looking up, no hunger debuff.

Tips to evade sunlight:

1) Any block above you will provide cover

2) Rain / Thunder block sunlight

3) There is no sun at night

4) Invisibility potion provides defense against sunlight

5) Nether has no sun

Installation Guide

1) Unzip archive

2) Put datapack into "datapacks" folder of your world

3) Type "/reload" in the world
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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09/01/2021 11:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
It wont let me use datapacks in 1.14 because there is no datapack button what do I do
07/25/2020 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Are u ever gonna update this to 1.15.2???
07/29/2020 12:13 am
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
I'm not sure. I might make a better one in a couple weeks tho, with enemies and other cool stuff!
04/22/2020 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bruh, I still wither even at night time. I really want this pack to work properly
03/15/2020 3:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Lemon
"reject humanity"?
"conquer sun"?
"become the ultimate lifeform"?

I can sense some JOJO here...
04/18/2020 12:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Become the ultimate lifeform is givin' me some real Shadow the Hedgehog vibes
02/05/2020 5:34 pm
Level 48 : Master Pony
i love this datapack this lets me become 3 forms of a vampire and it lets me go back to human at anytime when i make a purification alter for whatever form i'm in good work you earned a diamond from me
07/26/2019 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So I am taking damage when I go outside at night?
07/27/2019 12:52 am
Level 34 : Artisan Procrastinator
No. You only get poison (as ghould) or withering (as vampire) under sunlight. If you go out during rain/thunder or at night - you will be completely fine. Any block above you will stop sunlight. Also, a potion of invisibility makes you immune to sunlight.
07/26/2020 7:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Will you pass it to the 1.16.1?
