Minecraft Data Packs / Other

wild update part 2

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    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    adds new caves biomes over grown dripstone caves a lush cave type with dripstone and magma caves with basalt pillers
    replaced spiders with cave spiders in magma cave
    magma caves have extra diamonds
    added sandstone caves a version of the normal caves with lumps of sandstone and a red sandstone version and icy caves and biolight caves with froglights added mud caves caves filled with mud and shroom caves fill with huge fungus made of mushroom blocks
    added cave wastes the old cave design
    and surface biomes like the desert has palm trees and lakes and birch forests have fallen leaves and fallen logs now
    datapack is a joke name as far as i know theres no wild update part 2 on the beach i have added turtle eggs
    plan to stop after 1.19 is out
    no longer making this pack
    update logs will be for post pos and to confirm support found user to take over will link that one when ready
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

    20 Update Logs

    Update #20 : by danjhop 07/21/2022 12:52:32 pmJul 21st, 2022

    should work in 1.19.1 pre 6
    can’t be bothered to test it

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    09/10/2022 1:41 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
    Will with work with your better caves datapack?
    09/10/2022 5:06 am
    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    It’s the same pack just with out the altered surface biome changes
    07/12/2022 3:16 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Collective
    Hi there! I really enjoy this pack and think that it would make an amazing addition to my server.

    I was wondering how, If possible, I would be able to edit the probability to make the magma caves and biolight caves to be less often. And lower the amount of froglights that spawn in biolight caves.

    Kind regards
    07/13/2022 8:58 am
    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    did you try more then one world some seeds have mega biomes and others micro biomes or some were inbetween
    07/13/2022 5:11 am
    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    Sure it’s basicly open source the licence is to stop people copyrighting it not stop editing do what you want
    07/07/2022 3:32 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
    beautiful datapack only one suggestion press f1 when taking screenshots and remove froglight caves and fix birch fallen logs and position yourself better during screenshots and remove all resource packs when taking them and get out of minecraft namespace and make worldgen better
    07/08/2022 9:58 am
    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    The biolight caves are meant to have frog lights a light based biome and like the minecraft namespace for things that fit in

    fallen logs are a bug I can’t fix
    07/08/2022 6:22 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
    you definitely can fix the logs
    07/09/2022 5:11 am
    Level 58 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
    How everything I tried just failed to work at all what I set it to surface hightmap was the only thing to work
    if you have a working example I can try it
    07/09/2022 2:06 pm
    Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
    have you heard of vpatch
