Constructive Criticism Wanted

onelungx's Avatar onelungx3/22/18 3:05 pm
3/25/2018 11:44 am
Stubbs1's Avatar Stubbs1
There are Two different building that i have completed in my Twon since my server restart i was hoping to get some feed back on! and you wont hurt my feelings i promise, just be honest and all tips are welcomed! but i am no where near a Great builder by any means, i really havent been playing MC but for maybe a year total and most of that year of play has been working on Admin stuff and helping my communities not really playing the game so to speak, so i have recently decided that i really need to start working on my build techniques and quality and what not so here we are
Posted by onelungx's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco

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03/23/2018 6:26 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Can I be honest?
Both of your builds looks awful, but not so much because they're both kinda just Boxes, the reason I don't like them is because of over-detailing. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad ;p (I did that kind of stuff myself when I was new to building)

The trick to getting better builds (from my point of view at least) is to focus on the shapes, depth, and making sure the build looks like it belongs together with itself, and the biome.

I made a quick little Imgur Album that might help you a bit (Because I'm bad at explaining with text :D )

I hope it helps you ;) Otherwise feel free to send me a PM or something if you want more help ;p
03/23/2018 11:03 am
Level 26 : Expert Network
Skylxr's Avatar
Can I give this reply 100 emeralds? Like, damn.
03/25/2018 11:42 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
No need for that many emeralds, I'm just here to help ;p
03/23/2018 6:50 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
Holy Crap, did you just type up all the descriptions/tips that follow each photo in that album??? and if so jsut to help some random noob such as myself??? if so you went above and beyond in creating a nice, extensive, and detailed guide one could follow!
and yeah might sting a little hearing the opinion of Awful, but being blunt with your opinion of the builds is what i need and i thank you for that as well lol i would certainly be interested in any more '' lessons'' you might care to run by me and would even be down to meet up ingame and discord possibly and do some builds together if you would be willing and or interested.. if so my discord is on my profile and i am in there like 20-24 hours a day 8 )
03/25/2018 11:44 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
I would be more than happy to make a few Building Guides for you.
However I'll probably make them a bit more detailed since the guide that I made for you in my post abouve was rushed because I actually had to leave in 30 minutes when I was making it, and I finally returned home now to read your post :D

Eitherway I've added you on Discord (I'm: What?)
03/22/2018 3:07 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
Details don't help your build much if your build is a box to begin with.

I'd say these would look a lot better if you had experimented with different irregular shapes when you were laying out your floor plan rather than "this is a square/rectangle and now I'm gonna put details on it".
03/22/2018 6:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Network
Skylxr's Avatar
While I do agree that boxes generally aren't good to look at, give them a tiny bit of credit. They did say they were no good builder by any means, so if you can make a box look impressive, which it does look fairly impressive by the way, then it's a good starting point to expand on later down the road. You've gotta start somewhere!
03/23/2018 4:51 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
hey hey, Thank you as well for the compliments and standing up for me and my builds! to hear impressive was very nice because i myself was very pleased with how the design ended and really like my first build i felt good about or slightly proud of lol. but there is always ways to improve and new things to learn! especially for me at my lvl of experience.
03/23/2018 4:46 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
Azie, thank you for being straight forward and willingness to offer
suggestions i am really trying to get all tips i can to improve! that is
certainly important and can improve builds greatly! i really am a very
inexperienced builder with only a handful of builds under my belt so i
have many areas of builds to improve upon, one of the main ways i
thought i could improve my builds the most is by the details though
because my builds usually consisted of 2 diff block types and some
windows so they were dull/bland as all get out and when compairing a few
other builds to mine i felt that that area may show the most for me to
start workiing on 8 ) those buildings that i posted are seriously i
think the most recent of only 5 builds where i tried to add detail.

again thank you for the input!
03/23/2018 11:47 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
0ct0ber's Avatar
My initial impression of this was some kind of modded fortress. It has the look of silver wood. I could imagine it somewhere cool and quiet; a rocky mountain fortress up high, or a fortress of the frost and silence (snowy area). The unusual architecture and details I think make it seem more mysterious and unfamiliar; the floating torch posts also add the idea of magic. If that was what you’re going for- a more mysterious and magical look- I’d say continue to improve this style.

If you are going for more standard building, or you planned on putting this in any type of setting, I would reduce the amount of stuff going on at once on the building. With more complex builds, or even with just having a change of shape such as a roof going in multiple directions, it is hard to make the complexity or certain parts not look awkward, mostly regarding proportions and patterns. You’ll often need to completely remove and re-adjust a wall or redo most of the building once you’re mid-progress just to fix an off proportion by one block (speaking of which, the pillar in the first image to the right of the entrance is three blocks wide).

As for becoming a better general builder, I would try multiple styles and highlights. This doesn’t mean you necessarily need to do a lot of different genres, but just try building different things with key differences in their qualities. For example, don’t build another house and use the same patterning you did here (unless you are trying to improve that style and not general building); try something significantly different, maybe even consider having much less “detail” on the walls/outside and making it simpler. But if you find this idea less fun, or want your builds to have some consistency, you can. Do what you want to do. You may even find things you like after building more varied creations, and then encorporate that into another build or your style.
03/23/2018 1:58 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
Hey thanks for the input, your description of the impression it gave you made me feel good when i read it 8 0 and really i have no particular style or preference that i was going for and or am trying to improve on, i am trying to keep an open mind, try anything no matter my personal taste and hopefully not limit myself. and also pilar you mentioned that is three wide.... i had actually noticed it right after i made the post i laughed at my self about it for a min the corrected the problem but didint update the photo =\ one thing though i do need to work on is making a beautiful detailed home/shack/living area in a tiny place(1 Chunk to be exact) since my server is Towny and is set up chunk by chunk and the purpose behind my town in the server and the reason i am primarily only selling 1 chunk per member in here is not to be a douche or greedy but rather give players a place to temporarily call home, safely acquire currency as i do all i can to help them learn and understand the workings of Towny (there is a lot to it and its frustrating at times) then once they are comfortable enough and have saved up the money to establish a town all their own they are free to do it as they please! 8 ) sooooo all that said a lot of my builds will be helping new members in a 16x16 area and its hard for me its hard for me to grasp small and detailed.... detail requires space and freedom my silly mind seems to not be able to stop thinking that !
03/23/2018 8:23 am
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
haha429's Avatar
Maybe work on the first one. A little plain. And just play around with shapes; don't be afraid to be wrong on the first few tries.
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