Wardens Return on Java (Wardens Evolved)
I had the idea to reconstruct Warren’s return on Java and probably add mods. I was wondering if anyone has ideas for possible gameplay or Easter eggs or what not. Any ideas will be taken into consideration. You'll be added in the credits if your idea is used trust. It will take awhile because I might not get my cousin who helped me make the original on the project. This could take a couple months I’ll keep updating yall.
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It's On Its way! Wardens Evolved should be released by the end of this February!

Here to bring you guys an update I currently have the spawn area built and the start game sequence built I also have the portal diving bell constructed and I'm also working on a lore-based Easter egg. I included a body camera shader so that everything is a bit more eerie and wardens now have a spawning sequence that provides music and other sounds. Also, you are now able to revive your teammates. I've been putting a bunch of time into this and I will keep putting more time I will most likely update you guys later this week or next week.