My game.

Jedi's Avatar Jedi7/6/15 12:48 pm
7/23/2015 10:09 pm
Azie's Avatar Azie
My game is a first person city life simulator, unlike games like GTA it has rich business mechanics, a stunning parkour system, massive player customization, stunning destruction physics, and stunning graphics with Unreal 4.

No it won't be free, yes it will have multiplayer(eventually), and no I don't have current screenshots.

I'm making it with Unreal Engine 4.8.

I'll be posting screenshots pretty soon.

A bit about me
I'm a digital artist and programmer, I've been making smaller games all my life and its time I make something bigger, something that will make a mark in gaming history.

I have over 4 years of programming experience, and 2 years of modelling experience.

And no I don't want help.

I don't feed trolls, jerks, or anything of the like.

Do NOT say "Get other people to help you", I'm fine on my own.

Posted by Jedi's Avatar
Level 29 : Expert Artist

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07/23/2015 10:09 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
Sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. The past few pages have just been petty arguing. I'll be locking this now.
07/23/2015 10:06 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
ObsidianOwen's Avatar
may I also say, THERE IS NO POINT OF THIS THREAD IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL GET YOUR WAY! But hey, if you just want a game to play with friends, make it a block game, like Nelson Sexton. I've never seen a game developed by a single man that wasn't a platformer, or a voxel game of some sort.
forgot about you
07/23/2015 9:59 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
if you've gotten far without us, then there is no point of this thread. And yes we are losing something, a great game flopping.

This isn't even constructive criticism, this is you people thinking you run this game and that you're the only people in the community that matter.

No we aren't. I agree he's being a jackalope about it, but if you'd like, can I talk to you in PM about what I have against you? I'd like to help this thread be "cleaner".
07/23/2015 9:58 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
if you've gotten far without us, then there is no point of this thread. And yes we are losing something, a great game flopping.

This isn't even constructive criticism, this is you people thinking you run this game and that you're the only people in the community that matter.
07/23/2015 9:55 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
ObsidianOwen's Avatar
JediIf y'all don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.

I'd like to know why you won't respond to any of my posts when I was clearly helping you. When someone suggests something to you, you don't just ignore it and declare it as hate. Don't expect to have the perfect thread with no criticism.

Now onto the topic of whether you need a team or not.
you do.

You can't expect to "make history" or whatever you are trying to do with a solo man team. What it seems like is you are trying to get as much fame/money as possible. Quite a few examples:
-refuse to have a team, multiple times contradicting yourself
-tried making servers as dlc (which was outrageous)
-thinking you know how much you can charge on the game if you post it on steam (sorry to burst your bubble, you don't)

Now shall we go onto how you don't care about the community and you just made this thread for fame:
-no screenshots
-refusal to get a team
-refusal to put on kickstarter
-refusal to clean up your original post
-ignoring the people who give you advice, or declaring it as hate
-not taking suggestions

We are only trying to help. You don't need to be so famehungry/moneyhungry, man. We know you'd like to make a profit, but when you are downright making it OBVIOUS, at the cost of your community, that's where the problem is.
Whether you ignore this or reply to it, just know I am only trying to help you and make your game better, as is everyone else. You aren't making a game right, even then, your first game. You aren't perfect. You don't have the perfect plans. Far from it, actually. Whenever you will learn, I dont know, but the community is what will benefit you the most, not some silly ideas you have, which as follows, not listening to anyone else on this thread.

If you get this thread locked, you are missing a lot of opportunities, and your game will go far less than it will with us. Stop b****ing about the hate and do something about it. Sitting there in your stupid hyped glory isn't solving anything.


First off, I'm not getting a team until I feel I need one.

That means when I cannot proceed at a good pace without one.

There are screenshots, I just don't think they're relevant enough to go on the front page.

I don't want to kickstart the game because I'm highly anti kickstarter. For reasons I would rather not mention.

I'm not doing this for fame or money, I'm doing it because I want a nice game to play with friends.

The hyped glory thing is BS, you say if I lock it then it'll never get anywhere. I've already gotten pretty far without any help from any of you.

I've started modelling a Desert Eagle , and I've started making some art that will make the parkour system more visible for when I make the video.

Also, the like 7 of you aren't my community, you can only be part of the community once you have actually played the damn game. Even garbage joke games sell more then 7 copies, so your argument is invalid.

I take suggestions when they're actual ideas, not demanding that I get other people to help me make this.

If I fail what do you care? Seriously? Its not like you're going to loose something if I fail, only I have anything to loose by failure. So you can stop acting so damn indignant when I don't do everything you demand I do.

if you've gotten far without us, then there is no point of this thread. And yes we are losing something, a great game flopping.
07/23/2015 9:51 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
I've updated the original post to include pictures.
07/23/2015 9:47 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
JediIf y'all don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.

I'd like to know why you won't respond to any of my posts when I was clearly helping you. When someone suggests something to you, you don't just ignore it and declare it as hate. Don't expect to have the perfect thread with no criticism.

Now onto the topic of whether you need a team or not.
you do.

You can't expect to "make history" or whatever you are trying to do with a solo man team. What it seems like is you are trying to get as much fame/money as possible. Quite a few examples:
-refuse to have a team, multiple times contradicting yourself
-tried making servers as dlc (which was outrageous)
-thinking you know how much you can charge on the game if you post it on steam (sorry to burst your bubble, you don't)

Now shall we go onto how you don't care about the community and you just made this thread for fame:
-no screenshots
-refusal to get a team
-refusal to put on kickstarter
-refusal to clean up your original post
-ignoring the people who give you advice, or declaring it as hate
-not taking suggestions

We are only trying to help. You don't need to be so famehungry/moneyhungry, man. We know you'd like to make a profit, but when you are downright making it OBVIOUS, at the cost of your community, that's where the problem is.
Whether you ignore this or reply to it, just know I am only trying to help you and make your game better, as is everyone else. You aren't making a game right, even then, your first game. You aren't perfect. You don't have the perfect plans. Far from it, actually. Whenever you will learn, I dont know, but the community is what will benefit you the most, not some silly ideas you have, which as follows, not listening to anyone else on this thread.

If you get this thread locked, you are missing a lot of opportunities, and your game will go far less than it will with us. Stop b****ing about the hate and do something about it. Sitting there in your stupid hyped glory isn't solving anything.


First off, I'm not getting a team until I feel I need one.

That means when I cannot proceed at a good pace without one.

There are screenshots, I just don't think they're relevant enough to go on the front page.

I don't want to kickstart the game because I'm highly anti kickstarter. For reasons I would rather not mention.

I'm not doing this for fame or money, I'm doing it because I want a nice game to play with friends.

The hyped glory thing is BS, you say if I lock it then it'll never get anywhere. I've already gotten pretty far without any help from any of you.

I've started modelling a Desert Eagle , and I've started making some art that will make the parkour system more visible for when I make the video.

Also, the like 7 of you aren't my community, you can only be part of the community once you have actually played the damn game. Even garbage joke games sell more then 7 copies, so your argument is invalid.

I take suggestions when they're actual ideas, not demanding that I get other people to help me make this.

If I fail what do you care? Seriously? Its not like you're going to loose something if I fail, only I have anything to loose by failure. So you can stop acting so damn indignant when I don't do everything you demand I do.
forgot about you
07/23/2015 9:45 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
Same. He even flat out said he was ignoring me for giving feedback xD.
It seems like he only replies to the good things people are saying.

I was originally replying but I realized it would turn into a huge flame war.

H8rs gunna g8 m8

that's a good one. it actually wouldn't, you NOT replying is what is going to start the flame war, by outright stupidity.

There's a fine line between discussion/suggestions and hate. Get it right.
07/23/2015 9:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
Same. He even flat out said he was ignoring me for giving feedback xD.
It seems like he only replies to the good things people are saying.

I was originally replying but I realized it would turn into a huge flame war.

H8rs gunna g8 m8
forgot about you
07/23/2015 7:41 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
Camomano99Honestly reading these posts can get quite amusing.

I want to see Jedi reply to all of his "hate" posts.
But he won't because he got rekt on all of them and refuses to make a counterargument.

Yeah.. you have no idea how many times I've just wanted to explode at all the arrogance here

Same. He even flat out said he was ignoring me for giving feedback xD.
It seems like he only replies to the good things people are saying.
07/23/2015 7:37 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1279828's Avatar
forgot about you
07/23/2015 7:39 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
I want to see Jedi reply to all of his "hate" posts.
But he won't because he got rekt on all of them and refuses to make a counterargument.
07/23/2015 7:40 pm
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
Civeberg's Avatar
Yeah.. you have no idea how many times I've just wanted to explode at all the arrogance here. At first he seemed fine, but he's over-confident and just plain rude.
07/23/2015 6:02 pm
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
Civeberg's Avatar
After reading all 199 comments, I have come to this conclusion:

Jedi is definitely capable of doing it himself, but definitely needs to listen more to what the community wants instead of what he himself wants. You may shape the game itself, but the community will determine whether it will be a success.

Anyway, great work so far! I'll probably buy it when released (as long as it's not like 30 dollars for the alpha version ;-;)

EDIT: 200th comment
07/23/2015 5:32 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ranger
SuperSwoosh's Avatar
Hahahahah, I sometimes do too- you know what I'm sayin haahaha b-b-b-aa-b-bingo.
07/23/2015 3:35 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ranger
SuperSwoosh's Avatar
Quite a joke really, some of your previous ideas, server DLCS? Really duuude. Whilst it's true it's in the past I'm gonna have some trouble taking you seriously. Ahahaha, b-b-bingo.
07/23/2015 9:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
Uh, the server DLC's were an idea that was quickly discarded.
07/23/2015 4:57 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
Creatable's Avatar
I have trouble taking you seriously with your profile picture
07/23/2015 3:32 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
nikh's Avatar
Guys, he already said that he didn't need a team. Some famous games have been made with only one person.
Think about FNAF! Scott worked all by himself, and whether you love the game or hate it, you have to admit that it is very popular.
07/23/2015 5:38 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
snipscisor's Avatar
FNAF is very popular, but that was luck mainly.
The game is a point and click, mostly.
It's not as complicated as what this person is planning to do, you can't compare them
07/23/2015 2:55 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
BestMinerGavin's Avatar
Guys, just quit bothering him. He's obviously had quite a bit of progress or at least has been working quite a bit. You say he has no progress, when he's developing things. You say his idea isn't realistic, then you demand screenshots, which isn't realistic at all considering he's working on systems and things to script and code, not actual graphics. Geez, what is wrong with people?
forgot about you
07/23/2015 3:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
When did anyone say he has no progress?
07/23/2015 2:35 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
serdarminecraft's Avatar

I know this is late, but isn't physical bullets better? That's more real.

The only team I can see you needing for for voice actors. Since you said there will be a lot of player customization. We will expect different voices.

Good luck on your game.

P.S. Don't be so money hungry
07/23/2015 1:36 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Johnanater's Avatar
Click to reveal
Ab Aeterno
JediWell now that the poop has stopped flying, I can get back to actually giving you some useful information.

The guns are so heavy in recoil, at a few meters me trying to keep the gun pointed at the cube this is what happens
And I'm used to playing FPS games with intense recoil.

The bullets are perfectly accurate atm, they hit exactly where the crosshair is pointed, however keeping the crosshair on target is a bit difficult.

There will be some weapon upgrades that reduce recoil etc.

My team is working on the weapon system for our game right now as well. Just out of interest, do you use raycasting or do you instantiate a physical bullet? I normally use raycasting but our game is Western, so the guns were a little unreliable, so we're using physical bullets to have them affected by wind and range, etc.

What the -bleeeeeeeeepppp-

Who uses physical bullets??!?!?

I use line trace(Unreal's raycast system), and in unity you can bend raycasts for wind and bullet drop.

At the speed the bullets should be moving, the collision for a physics object completely breaks, in both engines. Your bullets won't be colliding with anything unless the bullets move so slow you can see them travel.

I know this is late, but isn't physical bullets better? That's more real.

The only team I can see you needing for for voice actors. Since you said there will be a lot of player customization. We will expect different voices.

Good luck on your game.

P.S. Don't be so money hungry
07/23/2015 8:33 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Soojung's Avatar
JediIf ya'll don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.

Stop what?

Providing you community input?

Trying to help you?

What you're trying to do is extremely ambitious, especially without some form of extended advertising which could allow others to help you and may provide fan funding, given the response to your ideas are sufficient. I think the fact that you didn't even provide a detailed form of how you would approach the game in terms of what you would develop first, a check list essentially seems to make me (And possibly others) hesitant about your ability to make the game - it makes you seem unorganised, not devoted.

There have been numerous users that have given you constructive criticism on how you should approach the creation of the game yet you've obvious waved it off and have replied to the comments in a sense as if they were hate comments. From what I or any gamer may know community input within a game is crucial, if not, vital towards whether or not a game can be successful or not - especially whilst it's in development. It allows the game to expand over a larger demographic, to be able to enjoyed - of course having to pertain to every single request that an individual or the community itself is demanding.

The fact that you seem to state that you won't do certain things because 'I can't afford to' and only brush aside those who advise you to use kickstarter program is basically contradicting yourself. It's basically like saying 'I hate fast food but hey, let's go eat McDonald's'.

Of course when I first read the post itself, I was excited and I was eager to support you in the development of the game - though reading through the posts only to find minor update posts and meaningless screenshots, well I don't know. Of course I am no game designer myself, but I am a consumer and I play just as much as an important role to how successful you can be and I honestly think that you should take into consideration what all, if not, just the majority of what the users have said.
07/23/2015 7:36 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
Cjak41's Avatar
Ok, so im not trying to hate, BUT why make a thread, on a public fourm and not expect people to criticize you? If you lock it, you will lose alot of community support aswell.
07/23/2015 3:10 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
JediIf ya'll don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.

It's not like we care. If you don't want our advice you might aswell lock it since you are using this forum for nothing.
07/23/2015 2:22 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
serdarminecraft's Avatar
JediIf ya'll don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.

07/23/2015 2:04 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
If y'all don't stop I'll have the topic locked.

Stop arguing about whether its hate or useful advice, and stop telling me I need a team.
forgot about you
07/23/2015 12:07 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
I'd like to know why you won't respond to any of my posts when I was clearly helping you. When someone suggests something to you, you don't just ignore it and declare it as hate. Don't expect to have the perfect thread with no criticism.

Now onto the topic of whether you need a team or not.
you do.

You can't expect to "make history" or whatever you are trying to do with a solo man team. What it seems like is you are trying to get as much fame/money as possible. Quite a few examples:
-refuse to have a team, multiple times contradicting yourself
-tried making servers as dlc (which was outrageous)
-thinking you know how much you can charge on the game if you post it on steam (sorry to burst your bubble, you don't)

Now shall we go onto how you don't care about the community and you just made this thread for fame:
-no screenshots
-refusal to get a team
-refusal to put on kickstarter
-refusal to clean up your original post
-ignoring the people who give you advice, or declaring it as hate
-not taking suggestions

We are only trying to help. You don't need to be so famehungry/moneyhungry, man. We know you'd like to make a profit, but when you are downright making it OBVIOUS, at the cost of your community, that's where the problem is.
Whether you ignore this or reply to it, just know I am only trying to help you and make your game better, as is everyone else. You aren't making a game right, even then, your first game. You aren't perfect. You don't have the perfect plans. Far from it, actually. Whenever you will learn, I dont know, but the community is what will benefit you the most, not some silly ideas you have, which as follows, not listening to anyone else on this thread.

If you get this thread locked, you are missing a lot of opportunities, and your game will go far less than it will with us. Stop -snip- about the hate and do something about it. Sitting there in your stupid hyped glory isn't solving anything.
07/23/2015 8:59 am
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
If you don't want people telling you that you need a team, you should probably give them something you want them to give you feedback on.

Remember that time when you said you had the "stunning parkour physics" ready, but you were too lazy/not in the mood to make a video?

That was a completely missed opportunity, just saying.

Also, if you ever need the thread locked, hit me up, but you've gotta have a better reason than "they're not telling me what I want to hear."
07/23/2015 7:27 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
I consulted with a higher ranking moderator before you even posted this.
07/23/2015 12:05 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Pikachu089's Avatar
He has 15 pages of hate, which he has ignored, so why keep going at it? I'm not demanding that you stop, but it's not helping anyone, soooo...
07/23/2015 12:13 am
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Kioki's Avatar
because eventually he'll reply
forgot about you
07/23/2015 12:28 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
No he won't. He is ignorant to the fact that people are trying to help him improve his game.

Also, it isn't hate.
07/22/2015 9:58 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
I don't need money.

I'll hire a team once I can afford to.

Yeah... its quite strange the way Jedi is handling his problems. "I don't have money to hire a team and for some reason im going to ignore the fact that people will do the work for no upfront payment". "I could start a kickstarter or indiegogo but i don't need money"
07/22/2015 8:03 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Divach's Avatar
I might sound like a hater, but why'd you post something about a game you're making, needs no help and has nothing to do with minecraft on a forum that was made especially for minecraft?
07/22/2015 9:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
Yeah, it doesn't seem like this forum is going to be a good place to advertise, and he obviously doesn't want to take his game seriously and start a kickstarter and hire a team, so this forum post has little to no purpose.
forgot about you
07/22/2015 10:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
So true. He even stated that he was ignoring me, when he was clearly acting stupid when all I was doing is merely giving him advice because he is making horrible decisions. This game is going nowhere.
07/22/2015 11:31 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1279828's Avatar
07/22/2015 8:12 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Fisherman
mudkip45's Avatar
In all honesty I've seen MUCH more off-topic topics xD
07/22/2015 4:25 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
Cjak41's Avatar
I find this constant angruing entertaining lol. But i do hope your game is as fun as you say. Having it written on paper makes it sound amazing. But you gotta pull it off right
07/22/2015 7:50 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
okoloto's Avatar
If you keep saying you need money for things then put this on kickstarter
07/22/2015 11:40 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
I don't need money.
forgot about you
07/22/2015 7:00 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
I'll hire a team once I can afford to.
07/22/2015 8:10 am
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
zoecGxhbmV0bWluZWNyYWZ0's Avatar
Or indiegogo, although I haven't had much hope with it.
07/22/2015 6:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Button Pusher
RadiantGaming's Avatar
Jesus, the hate is real.
07/22/2015 12:06 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
HassanPCMR's Avatar
Our advice to have a team, is just that. Advice. And also, you say you don't have resources to hire a team, but for certain things, there are people who will do the work for free if they get some of the profit when the game is released
07/22/2015 12:07 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
ObsidianOwen's Avatar
07/21/2015 11:12 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
ObsidianOwen's Avatar
so far reading this, I don't think Jedi has taken suggestions. Why did you make this thread if you can't? lol
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