Gfiti Deleted Most of my skins

Shad0wsp3arz's Avatar Shad0wsp3arz7/6/12 12:59 pm
8/3/2012 7:49 pm
the_soup's Avatar the_soup
I got all of my skins except 2 of them deleted and they were deleted by Gfiti. The reason was quick delete. but they were all from me. I dont know why someone would do this. so im back at lvl one or something with sucks. I want my skins back and for the admin to be demoted. ive seen other people have the same problem before. please respond
Posted by Shad0wsp3arz's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Pony

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08/03/2012 7:49 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
Locked, PM a site mod if you'd like to discuss this further.
08/01/2012 7:31 am
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
Protip: Only post content you made yourself.
08/03/2012 3:13 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
hornet5517's Avatar
08/01/2012 6:35 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
Animatrix's Avatar
If I recall correctly, there was a bug about 2 weeks ago that ate some submissions. They should be back by now, though. If it's really imprtant, PM Gfiti explaining the situation.

EDIT- Ninja'd by Exu, agreed 100%.
08/01/2012 6:35 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Shad0wsp3arzI got all of my skins except 2 of them deleted and they were deleted by Gfiti. The reason was quick delete. but they were all from me. I dont know why someone would do this. so im back at lvl one or something with sucks. I want my skins back and for the admin to be demoted. ive seen other people have the same problem before. please respond

gfiti iz tutally aboosiv amdin he shud b dimoted.

All joking aside, your skins were stolen. Everyone needs to stop complaining/lying about their skins being removed by an 'abusive admin' and the skins were obviously against the rules.
Get over it, kids!
08/01/2012 6:23 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
He is a test account of Cyprezz.
08/01/2012 6:33 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
hornet5517's Avatar
Ohhhhhhhhh, what for?
08/01/2012 6:16 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
hornet5517's Avatar
Gsprays was the other admin. I've never seen him on. (@Clue)
08/01/2012 6:04 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
rlaszlo100de admin that person

Number 1. The only admin is Cyprezz.
Number 2. These skins were stolen, and if it was a mistake there is no reason to demote them.

StudnickyShad0wsp3arz - I am browsing your deletion history now. 'Your' skins were remixes of existing skins. The stolen skins include:
Halucid's Templar of Justice
Halucid's Skin of Kacboy
IanBaker's Street Fighter - Ryu
P A D D Y's Albert Einstein

You also had an Amnesia skin that I cannot readily identify, but it clearly does not match your other skins, which were all part-picked from minershoes.

Every skin deleted was completely appropriate. You will be permanently banned if you post stolen skins again.

ExLeonhardt - These are color-overs of existing skins.
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steve the Engineer
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steampunk Mechanic
Mo' Creatures Wraith -> Wandering Ghost
Delmark's Fine Suits -> Cloud Strife in a Tux
You also copied four Link skins that have been around for so long that I don't even know who the original author is.

Because you are such a fan of part-pickers, I feel the need to remind you that the "parts" in the minershoes armory and skincraft selections are all stolen from other member's submissions, and therefore, using them is stealing by proxy. You should not be using these applications and websites, you should be creating content completely by yourself.

silentduke53 - your skin uses a VERY common skincraft base, and a cape that has been stolen and recopied so many times that the original creator is lost. Also, your language is not suitable for this site.

All three of you have been issues a three day upload ban to re-familiarize yourselves with the site rules. Perhaps then you may understand what constitutes an acceptable submission, and post original work. I sincerely hope so, if you wish to remain on Planet Minecraft.

Since you feel that your rulings have been un-just, I will now review all of your profiles personally.

Any more questions?

Not really. I agree 100% with this. Monitoring of these people/s would be wise.

Actually, there is this other admin, who has this weird name I can't remember. He has never posted a thing, though, and I have never seen him.
Akvari, your proof is in the picture.
08/01/2012 5:57 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
akvarista11's Avatar
i have tath problem but with my skyblock gifi tild me aht was stolen it was only and only mine
08/01/2012 4:56 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Emma5000's Avatar

This is beautiful. <3

T'is indeed.
08/01/2012 4:12 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar

This is beautiful. <3
08/01/2012 3:43 am
Level 27 : Expert Herobrine
The_Forougite's Avatar
this deserves a bump
08/01/2012 3:19 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Shad0wsp3arz - I am browsing your deletion history now. 'Your' skins were remixes of existing skins. The stolen skins include:
Halucid's Templar of Justice
Halucid's Skin of Kacboy
IanBaker's Street Fighter - Ryu
P A D D Y's Albert Einstein

You also had an Amnesia skin that I cannot readily identify, but it clearly does not match your other skins, which were all part-picked from minershoes.

Every skin deleted was completely appropriate. You will be permanently banned if you post stolen skins again.

ExLeonhardt - These are color-overs of existing skins.
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steve the Engineer
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steampunk Mechanic
Mo' Creatures Wraith -> Wandering Ghost
Delmark's Fine Suits -> Cloud Strife in a Tux
You also copied four Link skins that have been around for so long that I don't even know who the original author is.

Because you are such a fan of part-pickers, I feel the need to remind you that the "parts" in the minershoes armory and skincraft selections are all stolen from other member's submissions, and therefore, using them is stealing by proxy. You should not be using these applications and websites, you should be creating content completely by yourself.

silentduke53 - your skin uses a VERY common skincraft base, and a cape that has been stolen and recopied so many times that the original creator is lost. Also, your language is not suitable for this site.

All three of you have been issues a three day upload ban to re-familiarize yourselves with the site rules. Perhaps then you may understand what constitutes an acceptable submission, and post original work. I sincerely hope so, if you wish to remain on Planet Minecraft.

rlaszlo100de admin that person



Since you feel that your rulings have been un-just, I will now review all of your profiles personally.

Any more questions?
08/01/2012 2:41 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
WaterNode's Avatar
Another job well done by the wonderful Planet Minecraft Moderators.
08/01/2012 2:46 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
AustinTheHobbit's Avatar
cant tell if sarcasm...... or literacy
08/01/2012 2:40 am
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
silentduke53I made a Nite Owl skin (I put it back up) And a mod removed it. I made it from other skins and then re-textured with other colors and designs.


Do not Upload:
Skins that you did not make, or that use parts you did not make. This includes:
• Skins mady by other persons
• Minecraft textures (Blocks, Steve and everything else)
• Skins/parts from sites like Skincraft, Minershoes or Novaskin
• Any other work that you did not make yourself
Recolored Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only recolor them.
Pixel Adjustment Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only change a few pixels
Single-color, "flat" or random/scribble Skins
Also note that single-color skins, with just an outline and/or a few other pixels on it, still count as single-color.
Skins that have transparent parts
Nude Skins
Portrayals of offensive characters (Example: Hitler, KKK)


This is why your skin was removed and shall be removed a second time.
Also I'm cleaning up your post because I don't appreciate your rudeness directed towards the staff who was doing their job.

Got any proof, oh mighty Turtle Lord to whom I bow? Didnt think so.

Proof in your inbox.
08/01/2012 2:30 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
silentduke53's Avatar
silentduke53I made a Nite Owl skin (I put it back up) And a mod removed it. I made it from other skins and then re-textured with other colors and designs.


Do not Upload:
Skins that you did not make, or that use parts you did not make. This includes:
• Skins mady by other persons
• Minecraft textures (Blocks, Steve and everything else)
• Skins/parts from sites like Skincraft, Minershoes or Novaskin
• Any other work that you did not make yourself
Recolored Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only recolor them.
Pixel Adjustment Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only change a few pixels
Single-color, "flat" or random/scribble Skins
Also note that single-color skins, with just an outline and/or a few other pixels on it, still count as single-color.
Skins that have transparent parts
Nude Skins
Portrayals of offensive characters (Example: Hitler, KKK)


This is why your skin was removed and shall be removed a second time.
Also I'm cleaning up your post because I don't appreciate your rudeness directed towards the staff who was doing their job.

Got any proof, friend? Didnt think so.
08/01/2012 1:45 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
WaterNode's Avatar
Shad0wsp3arzI got all of my skins except 2 of them deleted and they were deleted by Gfiti. The reason was quick delete. but they were all from me. I dont know why someone would do this. so im back at lvl one or something with sucks. I want my skins back and for the admin to be demoted. ive seen other people have the same problem before. please respond

Msg him privately and discuss the problem.
08/01/2012 1:10 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
00blast's Avatar
Yeh that happened to me, dont try and reupload them, you get over it eventually.It sucks at first but then you can just make more and gamble if they get taken down.
08/01/2012 12:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Dreamadingding's Avatar
this guy souunds like a problem but silent duke you joined today how is your story believeable
08/01/2012 12:32 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
silentduke53's Avatar
I made a Nite Owl skin (I put it back up) And a mod removed it. I made it from other skins and then re-textured with other colors and designs.
08/01/2012 1:30 am
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar

Do not Upload:
Skins that you did not make, or that use parts you did not make. This includes:
• Skins mady by other persons
• Minecraft textures (Blocks, Steve and everything else)
• Skins/parts from sites like Skincraft, Minershoes or Novaskin
• Any other work that you did not make yourself
Recolored Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only recolor them.
Pixel Adjustment Skins. Don't upload multiple skins when you only change a few pixels
Single-color, "flat" or random/scribble Skins
Also note that single-color skins, with just an outline and/or a few other pixels on it, still count as single-color.
Skins that have transparent parts
Nude Skins
Portrayals of offensive characters (Example: Hitler, KKK)


This is why your skin was removed and shall be removed a second time.
Also I'm cleaning up your post because I don't appreciate your rudeness directed towards the staff who was doing their job.
07/09/2012 11:07 pm
Level 23 : Expert Robot
liam55136's Avatar
There you have, problem solved. So now you guys can stop ranting and hoping for someone (who won't) to get demoted. Thanks creeperCarole for helping them. And to think, all they had to do was read the rules about skinning.
07/08/2012 4:47 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
Just to let you know, unless there is proof of significant abuse by a moderator no amount of "remove this person as admin" is going to get anyone "fired."

"Quick delete" is exactly what it sounds like. When someone reports a skin as stolen/unoriginal/mixed content/from minershoes/etc and the moderator looks at the skinner's submissions, it can be pretty obvious that most of the work is in the same catagory. So if you look at the first reason for deletion, you can be sure the rest have been removed for the same reason. Why do we have quick delete? because some people upload literally hundreds of stolen skins, taking HUGE amounts of moderator time to delete one by one, when we could be handling more important things like people who are uploading viruses and calling them mods.

So, think about the skins you made. Were they one or two colour skins (no skill required), or mixed content from miners shoes or some other skin mixing site? were they based on a mojang skin (as in "Steve in a suit, creeper in a tux?") Were they all the SAME skin with different colours ("girl in a purple/green/blue/orange hoodie?") Those are reasons for mass deletions.

(edit:) and for the record, I just looked at your deleted skins. Every one of them was a remix from miners shoes.
07/08/2012 1:32 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
I agree with Phazon, all these accusations in the last few days are ridiculous.

Don't steal, be original. Solved.
07/08/2012 12:05 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Shillk's Avatar
But I wasn't talking about your stuff. That's the difference.
07/07/2012 7:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Shillk's Avatar
It's astounding how people just read and believe, admins don't delete without having a reason. I believe the reason in this case was un-originality.
07/07/2012 8:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ExLeonhardt's Avatar
true but alot of my stuff was deleted for the same reason and i did all mine without someone else's work
07/08/2012 3:51 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
TheDenux's Avatar
You must understand me, it doesn't has to be because you did all the work by yourself.

The point is, that there are thousands of "Girl, creeper, policeman, etc." skins, and there's just so little difference between them, that's my guess why some of them are being deleted, to keep the quality of PMC high.
07/07/2012 6:43 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
TheDenux's Avatar
Yeah I read it, but I didn't knew about quick deletions. How about writing to Gfiti then?

My toughts are that it was deleted because of unoriginality.
07/07/2012 10:03 am
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
TheDenux's Avatar
What was the reason of the deletions?
07/07/2012 10:09 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ExLeonhardt's Avatar
if you read the thing you would know but it was for quick delete or in other words the admin thought it was stolen

and i know this isn't my fourm post thing but noone responded to mine so i'm watching this one for updates
07/06/2012 7:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
rlaszlo100's Avatar
de admin that person
08/01/2012 3:27 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
hornet5517's Avatar
Number 1. The only admin is Cyprezz.
Number 2. These skins were stolen, and if it was a mistake there is no reason to demote them.

StudnickyShad0wsp3arz - I am browsing your deletion history now. 'Your' skins were remixes of existing skins. The stolen skins include:
Halucid's Templar of Justice
Halucid's Skin of Kacboy
IanBaker's Street Fighter - Ryu
P A D D Y's Albert Einstein

You also had an Amnesia skin that I cannot readily identify, but it clearly does not match your other skins, which were all part-picked from minershoes.

Every skin deleted was completely appropriate. You will be permanently banned if you post stolen skins again.

ExLeonhardt - These are color-overs of existing skins.
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steve the Engineer
Kyn's Dwarf Red Beard -> Steampunk Mechanic
Mo' Creatures Wraith -> Wandering Ghost
Delmark's Fine Suits -> Cloud Strife in a Tux
You also copied four Link skins that have been around for so long that I don't even know who the original author is.

Because you are such a fan of part-pickers, I feel the need to remind you that the "parts" in the minershoes armory and skincraft selections are all stolen from other member's submissions, and therefore, using them is stealing by proxy. You should not be using these applications and websites, you should be creating content completely by yourself.

silentduke53 - your skin uses a VERY common skincraft base, and a cape that has been stolen and recopied so many times that the original creator is lost. Also, your language is not suitable for this site.

All three of you have been issues a three day upload ban to re-familiarize yourselves with the site rules. Perhaps then you may understand what constitutes an acceptable submission, and post original work. I sincerely hope so, if you wish to remain on Planet Minecraft.

Since you feel that your rulings have been un-just, I will now review all of your profiles personally.

Any more questions?

Not really. I agree 100% with this. Monitoring of these people/s would be wise.
07/06/2012 7:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
twinchicken86's Avatar
07/06/2012 7:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ExLeonhardt's Avatar
08/01/2012 1:19 am
Level 1 : New Ninja
AddictedHosting's Avatar
07/06/2012 6:14 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ExLeonhardt's Avatar
Shad0wsp3arzI got all of my skins except 2 of them deleted and they were deleted by Gfiti. The reason was quick delete. but they were all from me. I dont know why someone would do this. so im back at lvl one or something with sucks. I want my skins back and for the admin to be demoted. ive seen other people have the same problem before. please respond

i have the same problem but i lost 9 skins all made by me and were removed by the same person
07/06/2012 3:39 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
He/She probably thought it was stolen.Moderators don't remove stuff without reason.
07/06/2012 1:10 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
bloxs87654's Avatar
I've seen many reports of skins being deleted. It might be because it might look like a skin on a skin website or on this one. Could be someone posted you skin?
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