Need relationship advice

Veritas025's Avatar Veritas0256/24/18 11:49 am history
7/4/2018 10:44 am
PostFarmer's Avatar PostFarmer
Sup guys? I'm Veritas, a really really old member here. Use to do a lot of redstone, and mod designs back when I was young. Don't know if anyone actually uses these forums, but I remember when planet love craft used to be a "meme" or whatever it was. Don't know if it's still a thing or not, but that's basically my introduction since I don't know where else to get advice from😂😂
So basically I'm looking for advice obviously. I have this crush I'm really good friends with for a while now, and she's been super depressed because she recently broke up with her ex. Lowkey I'm kinda happy they broke up, but I've been doing my best to comfort her and help her. So basically I'm really confused. How do I actually help someone I like, with a break up? Where should my mindset be? I genuinely do feel bad and sorry for her, I've been through it and that experience sucks. Like I said I don't even know if anyone uses these forums anymore, but thanks for reading
Posted by Veritas025's Avatar
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer

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06/24/2018 3:15 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
Used to be a meme you say? Planet Datecraft will never die :)
07/02/2018 6:51 amhistory
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Well, just tell her that you're her true love after all and then perform true love's kiss!

...Just kidding. Here's the real advice:
Now, as someone who's a female and is currently in a relationship with somebody in real life, I can see how sucky a breakup can be for her. She was probably expecting a boyfriend who was kind and always there for her, but most likely got dumped for no reason at all. Those kinds of cloddy boyfriends are probably the worst to deal with. Now, you on the other hand, you seem to be a very nice guy and you sure do care for this person. If I had a say in this, in order to win her over, you can do either one of these things:

1. Distract her from the matter by simply having a conversation with her or giving her comfort items she requests like chocolate. Now, girls (especially teenage ones like me, currently) are filled with uncontrollable hormones. Sometimes their sadness/anger can last for a long time and nobody can do anything about it. What do you do in a predicament like this? Just get her mind off of the matter. Unless she flat-out denies a conversation with you because she's trying to cope with her sadness, just get her mind off of it. Talk about interests that you know can spark her fancy, and if you have a common favorite TV show, offer her a chance to watch an episode of the specific show together. If she likes memes, show her some funny memes! A huge fan of chocolate? Buy her some chocolate! The possibilities are endless!

2. Honesty is the best policy. Personally, what I like from guys is their strong personality and their honesty in general. Maybe the reason why your crush broke up with her "boyfriend" was because he wasn't too honest with her. Just reassure her that you will never break up from her and flat-out say you will never cheat on anybody either. If you say anything in an honest intention, really perform these honest actions, with or without her presence. This will prove to your girlfriend that you will be there for her every step of the way.

Welp, that's all the dating advice I can give for now. This is Peridot XJ9, signing out!
07/03/2018 12:38 am
Level 27 : Expert Taco
Noah's Avatar
My advice is not asking relationship advice on a minecraft forums
06/27/2018 11:55 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Kourier's Avatar
Stop playing minecraft and start playing fortnite.
also get a mug that says "The wage gap doesn't exist"

Or just watch raccoon eggs video on how to get pussy
06/24/2018 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ParkControl's Avatar
dont confort her or be nice to her, she will want you as a friend if you do.
07/04/2018 10:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
PostFarmer's Avatar
Ok, let's be honest. If you're someone who wants to start a relationship but you're in middle school or elementary, I suggest you give up as that won't last xD

Anyway, you shouldn't ask for advice on a Minecraft forum as 99% of it will be misleading. Letting your relationship run by itself and not depending on guides to the perfect relationship would probably feel better.
07/02/2018 7:31 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
Hmmm, I agree with Peridot XJ9. The girl you like is sad and it's your task as her friend to cheer her up and forget about her ex. Take her out to do something fun, go see a movie, take her out for coffee, dinner, whatever. Just you and her. BUT be careful not to end up in the friendzone, make sure that she knows your intentions. Trust me, the worst thing that can happen is a scenario like this one is her saying, "Thanks for helping me get over my ex. You're such a good friend.". Good luck and tell how it turned out!
06/27/2018 2:56 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
Just don't tell her the next day like someone I know did haha
06/27/2018 12:20 amhistory
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
ChronoFury's Avatar
While people suggest comforting her, it's a surefire way for her to see you as a good friend who cares for her and not as a potential boyfriend.

If you'd really like her, be honest and tell her upfront, although I would wait for at least a few weeks after the breakup.
06/24/2018 11:13 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
RumblingStone's Avatar
If you want both, you should be straight out!
Tell her that you got the feelings, if you are ok with just friends. Tell her!
If you just comfy her without action you are kind of lying to her, while you tear yourself apart from the inside!

Thats for most cases!
06/24/2018 11:06 pmhistory
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
thunderbolt73's Avatar
I think for a few weeks, just be nice in general. Try and keep her mind off of the break up. Then, if you still have a crush on her after a while passes and she is hopefully over it, ask her out.
06/24/2018 4:47 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
It's a difficult situation you're in and the best thing you can really do is just to be there for her, and since you're best friends you should also know wether she's the type of person who gets their heart broken and then doesn't want to have anything to do with love in the next few years, or if she's the kind that goes and quickly finds someone else.

If she quickly finds someone else, just hold on and when she gets older (Assuming she's not abouve 25) she'll most likely fall for the one guy who was always there for her (you).
If she (like me) have a broken heart and refuses to love the next years, then it's a long waiting game, and making moves on her will most likely scare her. At least that's how I feel :p

But I hope it helps ;)
06/24/2018 2:50 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
Only The Best
Only The Best's Avatar
I don't use these forums alot (as you say) but I would recommend just comforting her until she accepts it/becomes happier. I would also reccommend to not make any moves on your case until she is happy, which will make u look like a better guy and also help her out. #PlanetLoveCraft
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