Need a volunteer programmer

Mitchy18699's Avatar Mitchy186993/8/12 1:36 am
3/9/2012 8:48 pm
craftboom's Avatar craftboom
Hi, i need a volunteer html programmer.
If of course you help and we make money out of my site you will recieve a 10% lump sum of the earnings but no guarantee

Posted by Mitchy18699's Avatar
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon

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03/09/2012 7:56 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
can a mod please lock this thread. i didnt mean it to become a big thing
03/09/2012 8:48 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer
craftboom's Avatar
Of course you didn't. You said you write in C# but are having trouble with HTML. You should be writing HTML in your sleep.
03/09/2012 1:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
theking1's Avatar
Thanks guys you have been very helpful.
03/09/2012 11:07 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Karenthian's Avatar
Click to reveal
Programming is; communication with a computer

The simpler you make the programming language.
The thinner you make the communication channel.

...And the longer it takes to relate your idea (program).

for example:
The other-day i made the simplest programming language you might ever need!

It has only 4 things in the language 0, 1, { and }

how it works:
Click to reveal
zero and one push there respective value onto the stack.
left bracer ( { ) pops one value off the stack and continues execution if the value was one, if it was 0; then it jump to the end right bracer ( } )

Here are some simple programs to demonstrate
NOT: {0}1
OR: {{}1}{1}0
AND: {{1}}{}0
XOR: {{0}1}{1}0

I constructed the language purposefully so that it can be used to-do anything that any other language can do ... and it only has four things in it! and there all simple!

... But is this programming language LEARN-ABLE??? ... absolutely not!
In-fact i would challenge anyone to write a program able to do 8-bit multiplication using this !

In Lua however; multiplication is simple, you just type the 'multiply' (X) symbol.

The ease ( simplicity ) of a language is practically irreverent to your ability to produce useful work with it, only your own ability to learn the specific language matters, and that's something you can't know until you try ; )

Two things; firstly bravo... that's a clever language indeed. Technically you can do anything at all in computing with it, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to convert a print statement into it....

You're absolutely right though; there is a lot of contention about what is a "good£ programming language, and there are a lot of arguments that the "best" language is the most base one, because it's the "purest". Now if you want real purity; code in assembly! I dare you!
If you want code that is readable and it's actually nice to code in, pick a high end language. This is my strongest argument for Java; with all the built in libraries you can get a LOT done with relatively terse code. Many incredibly difficult concepts are done for you, so you don't need to work out the specifics yourself you can just do it. Also if you DO need to work out the specifics, you can (for those situations where you need a little more control).

My advice if you want an easy language is; there's isn't really one. Each language has its own foibles and tricks to it that make it better/worse than any other, the real trick with programming is getting the hang of turning what's in your head into instructions. Once you get that concept down, any language is easy as you just have to learn the syntax.
However, for a simple one do try Java. It's like a golden retriever... big and bulked out with fuzz, but reliable and fun to play with.
03/09/2012 10:04 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
For the sake of completeness; i figured out multiplication in my language.

2-bit multiplication
4-bit multiplication
03/09/2012 9:44 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Programming is; communication with a computer

The simpler you make the programming language.
The thinner you make the communication channel.

...And the longer it takes to relate your idea (program).

for example:
The other-day i made the simplest programming language you might ever need!

It has only 4 things in the language 0, 1, { and }

how it works:
Click to reveal
zero and one push there respective value onto the stack.
left bracer ( { ) pops one value off the stack and continues execution if the value was one, if it was 0; then it jump to the end right bracer ( } )

Here are some simple programs to demonstrate
NOT: {0}1
OR: {{}1}{1}0
AND: {{1}}{}0
XOR: {{0}1}{1}0

I constructed the language purposefully so that it can be used to-do anything that any other language can do ... and it only has four things in it! and there all simple!

... But is this programming language LEARN-ABLE??? ... absolutely not!
In-fact i would challenge anyone to write a program able to do 8-bit multiplication using this !

In Lua however; multiplication is simple, you just type the 'multiply' (X) symbol.

The ease ( simplicity ) of a language is practically irreverent to your ability to produce useful work with it, only your own ability to learn the specific language matters, and that's something you can't know until you try ; )
03/09/2012 9:17 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
theking1's Avatar
A great tip but im looking for a easy programming language
03/09/2012 9:11 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
theking1's Avatar
Thanks man for the tip i will be checking it out.
03/09/2012 9:08 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
That's easy! it's called 'Do' and it's a hierarchical - visual - serial language.

Unfortunately for you, i invented it and have the only compiler in existence : P

This is what it looks like:

Back to seriousness tho, I would suggest starting with something that will give results fast; like Game-maker, but once you hit a limitation; don't just accept it, expand your understanding.. if you need to learn new things to overcome that limitation then do so.

Eventually, you'll want to increase productivity and power. then you'll want to learn a data-driven written programming language like Lua... after that, you'll decide what's next ; )

But i wouldn't start with Java or C. those languages are much more concerned with maintaining the computer itself during program execution, and will scare you off the whole subject.
03/09/2012 8:22 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
theking1's Avatar
Redstone, Im a complete noob at programming and i want to teach me programming, so I want to ask you a question. What is the easiest programming language?
03/09/2012 8:17 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Maybe i should do a project on games-design with a little programming mixed in.
03/09/2012 8:08 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
theking1's Avatar
This is a very interesting topic you guys have have brought up.
03/09/2012 8:05 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Just now : P
03/09/2012 7:59 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
well when will you pm me?
03/09/2012 7:56 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
03/09/2012 7:53 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Ofoarse, I'll PM you.
03/09/2012 7:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
franciscoc's Avatar
Use WordPress, there really isn't a need to build website from scratch these days.
03/09/2012 7:37 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Hey, sorry for the slow response; i realized there is an episode of star-trek i missed!!!!!

A custom C++ engine with embedded script logic is very common in A-class games.
Grand theft auto
.... ect

A good thing about using unity is that the source will be very easy to carry over to a custom engine in the future... so stick with unity for now.

About writing a custom engine...
You can now write a super-fast C++ engine without ever touching any C++.

This engine i wrote in the better part of a day, has no bugs at all ( although the game script may do ) and uses an extremely efficient C++ controlled OpenGL viewport which should be complex and fiddly to implement... how?

I used a macro-language called Multimedia Fusion 2 (mmf2), a visual compiler which sits much higher in the hierarchy of execution then any conventional programming language.

Using MMF2 you can integrate any part of any language in a simple environment which leaves no room for errors (assuming the parts are all error free)

I simply chose library's (called objects in MMF2) for OpenGL, Lua, Music and mouse control, then coded the game logic inside the Lua object...

Literally from nothing at all (no premade engine and no tutorial code) i wrote that in a day and i've done it before; MMF2 is an INCREDIBLE tool which cannot be compared to any of today's conventional languages.

But again, for the moment; you guys have steam to build a game, and you have a place where you can make that happen now ( unity3d ) i would suggest you have a great time with that, but once your readdy to expand, if you get some time to yourself, or if you guys find you have enough steam... Clickteam.com has some amazing things to show you, if your mind is open to see .
03/09/2012 7:49 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
can i add you on skype or something, you are very advanced in this stuff and i would like to talk to you
03/09/2012 7:30 am
Level 40 : Master Network
ZaphodX's Avatar
Stop bumping. Bump at most once every 24 hours. This is totally the wrong forum to be asking/seeking help on this sort of thing anyway.
03/09/2012 7:23 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
03/09/2012 6:40 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Thats still kinda true, it's basically the slightly uglier sister of Lua; tho they are REALLY similar.

In unity; the engine is maintained by a completely static C++ core (which is compiled before you get it) and you basically control it thru 1 of 3 systems; the first was C sharp which is compiled once each time a person making there game in unity saves.

There was a problem !... highly dynamic programs (like multifaceted games) are cumbersome to write and slow to execute on such a rigid system like this.

Then they implemented Python, and in the spirit of reaching people, JS.

These languages are completely dynamic and most importantly both support First-Class functions, which makes them excellent and fast for implementing game logic.

So the choice comes down to Python or J-Script...

Basically it comes down to semantics, js was written from scratch for small-scale web-applications and data-base access applications. ( which is obvious by the fact it has no support for advanced inheritance or Just-In-time execution )

Also Python has been improving allot lately, and although it's well beyond redemption for use by the programmers of the future, any skills you pick-up learning it will transfer easily (unlike JS which will die and have a lonely funeral)

So basically of the three supported by unity. Python is the best.
Also as a bonus, finished python code looks very visually appealing.

Good luck,
03/09/2012 6:44 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
thanks, i will talk to the staff of venomouspt to changing to python and i will show them this.. can't thank you enough. one last thing tho. we want to make an fps( don't want to leak info yet) what is the best program/ language to use. is it still python and unity?
03/09/2012 6:15 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
RevolutionalRedStoneYour using Unity to save time by not writing the engine from scratch, and you shouldn't waste time writing a site from scratch either:

Use a web-template or site builder, having a website (even if it looks a little cheesy) is a great boom for any project.

You also shouldn't be wasting time with Java-Script or C#, there both non-declarative languages which will take you guys ages to learn, and are only necessary when you decide to write a full custom Engine.

Everything you could need is accessible thru Python and it's the most formally correct and extensible script usable in Unity3D. (and you guys will pick it up in no time ; ) )

I would LOVE to help you guys out, but I'm also gonna be tied-down for a little ( I'm writing the computers page for Minecraft's Wiki )

Best of luck! and if you have any specific programming questions; I'm sure available for that : )

thankyou can you explain why python is so good. last i heard was don't learn it..
03/09/2012 6:12 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Hey Mitchy18699,

Your using Unity to save time by not writing the engine from scratch, and you shouldn't waste time writing a site from scratch either:

Use a web-template or site builder, having a website (even if it looks a little cheesy) is a great boom for any project.

You also shouldn't be wasting time with Java-Script or C#, there both non-declarative languages which will take you guys ages to learn, and are only necessary when you decide to write a full custom Engine.

Everything you could need is accessible thru Python and it's the most formally correct and extensible scripting available in Unity3D. (and you guys will pick it up in no time ; ) )

I would LOVE to help you guys out, but I'm also gonna be tied-down for a little ( I'm writing the computers page for Minecraft's Wiki )

Best of luck! and if you have any specific programming questions; I'm sure available for that : )

Also don't worry about these guys!... aim for the stars, you might just hit the moon : D
03/09/2012 4:38 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Karenthian's Avatar
I mean no offence but it's a bit of a flimsy offer, and for a business site most web-dev's want "real" money.... I've heard of websites being built for £1000+ per page, so it's quite serious....
I think you are honestly better learning/doing it for yourself.... firstly because of the aforementioned "£1000+" but mostly because no web-dev will ever make it look how you want it to look... the only way it'll look "just right" is if you do it.
03/09/2012 4:27 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Karenthian's Avatar
Okay, then that's fair enough, but like you say "I was put in charge of HTML/PHP" so shouldn't that be the priority? You're going to have to learn both eventually (I assume you need the c# etc. for the game developing) but you're supposed to be doing the website, so shouldn't you focus on HTML?
Regardless; PMC isn't somewhere you should be looking for a web-dev... and I don't think anyone is going to design a business site for the promise of "10%, no promises"....
03/09/2012 4:28 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
i guess
03/09/2012 4:18 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Karenthian's Avatar
Dude.... if you're doing C# and Javascript already; HTML is a cake-walk.... seriously, if you know both of them you should be able to learn HTML in a matter of an hour, and build web pages with no problem.
Hell, most programmers START with HTML because of how easy it is compared to such things as C#, C++ and Java...
03/09/2012 4:22 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
well i can do it but the thing is i need a website but im TIED up with c# meaning i am LEARNING it and making stuff in it leaving little time for html
03/09/2012 3:54 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
UnbreakableEnigma's Avatar
Mitchy i can do it in 2020 when im done my schooling to become a programmer XD im in grade 8
03/09/2012 3:55 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
03/09/2012 3:50 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
03/08/2012 3:22 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Pangamma's Avatar
^how do I "like" a comment?
03/08/2012 3:14 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Blacksmith
shadowwrath's Avatar
The awkward moment when he says that you're going to earn at LEAST $100,000. Not only that but he works for a "business" with that type of grammar. I find you to be quite stupid and in need of some enlightenment.

Good day sir.
03/08/2012 2:38 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Quite a business model you have planned. Some details?
03/09/2012 3:44 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
I actually have a lot planned. I work for a new company called VenomousPT.
They are going to develop PC and maybe xbox games.
I am one of the lead developers.
The thing is we have to learn C#, XNA for c#, Javascript, unity 3d, some sort of modelling and i was put in charge of html/php for the website ... (venomouspt.com(nothing on there since i am busy)
Meaning i need some help as i am tied up in c#, modelling and unity 3d.
Maybe the 100k was an exaggeration but helping to set up the website will certainly earn some cash. (not cash but a payment into a paypal account).
Probably a few thousand dollars and all you need to do is help with some code.
For the website i will need a few pages. Just simple ones really that i can put up Service info a download link all sorts of things. But i am not joking about earning cash and i am not a terrible person and making it all up. VenomousPT will have released its first game by 2014 (yes a long time away but will offer other serviced between then)
03/08/2012 2:21 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
bertiej12's Avatar
I can do it?
03/09/2012 3:46 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
Can you pm me exactly what you can do. but like i said in my previous post the 100k is an exaggeration
03/08/2012 2:16 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
03/08/2012 2:07 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
ok listen by 2020 10% will be $100,000 at LEAST so if i can a programmer for my website at around that time you will have earnt 100k
03/08/2012 2:11 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Sparkles's Avatar
Good luck on that.
03/08/2012 2:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
millinman's Avatar
hahahaha ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! 8 years and $1,000,000 in this economic time would be a VERY lucky person... especially for someone looking for employees on a minecraft website... for shame...
03/08/2012 2:15 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
thanks but i know it was sarcasm.
i work for a business that will make plenty
03/08/2012 1:53 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
i need an actual PERSON if i can get one. i have tried it and i am not very good especially since i have to learn
03/08/2012 1:51 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
roboneian123's Avatar
mitchy... didnt u greif the server u helped make.. u greif shinyspartan < something like that> server. DIDNT YOU :OO
03/08/2012 1:53 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Mitchy18699's Avatar
nope i don't grief and i've never heard of shinyspartan
03/08/2012 1:37 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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