Why is art so much hated?

RenegadeRad's Avatar RenegadeRad10/16/15 2:11 am
10/20/2015 12:49 pm
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar CroatiaTheMan
Hey there guys,

Today I would like to discuss something serious, as I am at the point of choosing my career, A discussion with some of the family members made me angry.

I am actually thinking of going into IT or Journalism, but when I asked others about art, because I am a hobbyist they all said one thing - "Art is for failures"

Now, the question is why? Art is actually one of the things which has been there since the beginning of humanity, and even maths, science are a type of art.

Why parents think that one should only choose Maths, Science and do engineering? Why does every parent want this? Not everyone can go on top : /

What are your thoughts?
Posted by RenegadeRad's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer

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10/20/2015 12:49 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
I think like Irish said that you need to sell enough art to make a living so I'd say you should put art like a side subject to study
10/20/2015 12:45 pm
He/Him • Level 72 : Legendary Nerd Nerd
Irish's Avatar
Art is a very hard subject to get established in. You need to be able to produce/sell enough art to make a living, plus getting good at some art types takes a while, such as drawing anatomy.
10/20/2015 9:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Not for failures at all, though it's quite a difficult career however. Painting obviously is very difficult to get any type of famous in (to make enough money for a living). Knowing some artists myself i would not recommend it as a career if you want a large paycheck, this might change depending on how it goes but yeah. But i can guess it's a very rewarding career, and also kind of a brave move going rather for the thing you love than for what has the fattest paycheck.

If it's your dream go for it, if it's not you should try to find your passion. If it's your dream to be a youtuber for example, it's your dream not theirs.
10/20/2015 7:47 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I'll play Devil's Advocate here and say this:

They're not entirely wrong. Art isn't dead, per-say, but it's over-saturated. There are so many artists, graphical designers, game artists, painters, photographers, etc. that the harsh reality is, you won't make an impact worth a damn. Yes, there is that shining beacon of a chance, where you become a renowned painter, loved by all even after your death.

The chance of that happening is very, very slim.

Look. It's a fun pursuit, it grows you as a person, and if it makes you happy, so be it. Just make sure you have something you can fall back on, if everything goes south halfway through your degree.
10/20/2015 9:42 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
For the first time in my lifetime, I partly agree with this guy.

However, that's a depressing and even silly way to think of life. Sure, there are millions of artists, graphical designers, painters, blah blah, but that does not mean it should discourage you. In a world of seven billion, it is almost if not entirely impossible to make a living off doing something that isn't done by a million other people. Again, that doesn't mean you should not try.

So yes, give it a try. What have you got to lose?
10/20/2015 12:40 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
I guess there is the risk of studying art actually, and then not getting a job at the end of your studies... and then not being able to pay back student loans- there's that xD

I think people pursue art often thinking it will lead them onto to be the next 'big thing', but it's often not the case sadly- which is wrong I think as creative people work hard to bring us stuff like television, theatre, artwork etc. etc. I'm not trying to knock art and what not- but yeah what people have said about gaming, now that is a competitive field, extremely as the supply of students actually exceeds the demand.

Yet if art is what you wanna do I agree with Zatharel, go for it!
10/20/2015 1:55 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
AGoFish's Avatar
I am 18,
I am a tradesmen, I work as a Builder and I studied 2 years at a school based around Technology and arts,

They had an arts program running there, but after a year it was closed and the school because 100% focused on the trades, Engineering, Builders, Plumbers, Cabinet Makers and so on,

Want to know why the arts program was shut down? Because it's a dead industry, your parents are right, Art is for people who aren't going anywhere in life,

Art isn't an essential asset to human life? Yes we've always appreciated art at it's finest, but there is no need to study it,

Doctors, Builders, Lawyers, Personal trainers, (I could go on forever) are all workers that people need, You hire a builder to build your house, A doctor when you're sick? I Lawyer to help you with the law, what do you hire an Artist for? That's a rhetorical question and if you don't understand that, you probably should study Art

I will get a lot of hate from this I am sure, but I am 18, full time employed in an industry that is always growing, I drive my own car, (Fully Paid For) I pay taxes and rent an apartment, and I play Paintball as a hobby, I earn 75k a year on average and claim 3k back on tax,

If you still aren't convinced after my point of view... Study Art lol,

10/17/2015 5:21 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
Art makeing can make you alot of money.
even if you do it in "computers".

But Dxl is right: Family wants you to have a great future, and they don't accept arts or video games as a job because there have been so many people in history of humanity that chose to do that and starved and they were living like vagabond dogs. But there are also many cases where art and what not led to succes.

i don't listen to my parents what should i do.
nah im makeing games.
10/20/2015 1:40 am
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
yoda473's Avatar
No offense, but the way I see it, by the time you do get around to becoming a game designer, it'll be really hard to actually get a job, because a very large chunk of today's children/teenagers have that dream, too. Although, if you already do have experience in programming or graphic design or something to do with game designing (being a gamer doesn't count!), then you do have a head start and a much better chance at getting a career in that field. I reckon most will one day go to make an indie game and realise they don't actually know a thing about game design.
10/16/2015 10:14 pm
He/They • Level 74 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Drzzter's Avatar
I'm thinking they just wanted you to be successful and wealthy in life. Art can be a difficult thing to make money off of as there is so much competition. I am ALL for art, I love it, I attempt to make it. I find it to be a great hobby, it's very relaxing and pleasing, but it might not be the greatest choice as far as being successful.

I don't know your parents or the discussion you had with them, but 'Art is for failures' is certainly not the case at all. A lot of my favourite, most laid back people I've ever met were extremely artistic and imaginative.

If you want to get into art and journalism go for it, it's a very satisfying hobby/job.
10/16/2015 10:04 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
I'm asian too ! Anyways, it's just your specific friends who hate it I guess. Art is very much appreciated by just about anyone I bump into. I get praised so much for my drawings at school even though I hate them myself. Art has a pretty much rough history. Most of the more famous artists in history was hated during their time but after they died, they became famous. Art is a good career. Nowadays there are a lot more jobs revolving around art. Concept art for games, movies. 3D animation, architecture. Even start a youtube channel around art! Nothing is wrong with art, nothing is wrong with math, science, or engineering either. They all are great subjects and have an equal chance of being successful. It's just that people tend to believe that the science and engineering ones pay better, which I do kinda believe too from my knowledge, just uh, do whatever you like . Art isn't hated at all! It is respected by every culture, country, religion, etc. in the world.
10/16/2015 9:32 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
30k a year for not doing tens of thousands of boring hours? what is this? Sign me up.
10/16/2015 9:29 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Egyptian
Sumpumpolis's Avatar
I would caution your parents by saying that if you're living in an industrial, first world country, making the most money possible is a stupid goal. You should do what makes you happy, and honestly, you should make enough to scrape by doing anything, unless you have some other problem like an addiction or emotional issues, etc.

Most jobs that people call stupid (like being an artist) can be achieved and make you a lot of money if you just put the work in. For instance, my dad is a classical violinist. I'm studying archaeology, and I already have a job before graduating.

Would you rather work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for the rest of your live for say, 80k a year instead of 30k, or would you trade 50k a year to avoid the tens of thousands of boring hours for the rest of your life? personally I'd trade a lot of money to avoid that

I would say your parents have a right to expect you to study certain things if they pay for your college, but if you have a conversation with them explaining why it isn't necessary to study, math, engineering, business-that kind of thing- and why you think you can be successful with another subject, who knows, maybe they'll understand.
10/16/2015 8:35 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Phonzyart is for people who cant work so they take their mouse and make a picture

Look people, another bigot! That's going in my collection!
10/16/2015 8:18 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
Phonzyart is for people who cant work so they take their mouse and make a picture

Don't be a jerk. there's more thing i would like to say but....
10/16/2015 12:41 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Star's Avatar
Hmm, I believe that those who think that art is for failures are referring to the fact that jobs in the field of "art" aren't as plentiful or high-paying unless you really get yourself up there. It's not really a good idea to major as a visual artist or anything like that without anything as a backup.

Parents tend to push their kids more into the science and math majors, partially because they pay well, and partially because you're almost guaranteed a job once you're out of college. In the art field, it would be difficult to get a job since most companies will be looking for the "best of the best". However, if you get a degree in science or math, it's likely that you'll get hired just because you have enough experience.

I dunno, just my two cents, although most of this was based off of what my parents had told me. I planned on majoring in visual/graphic arts, maybe for video games or something, but then I decided that I would just major in physical therapy and be an artist as a side-job. :v
10/16/2015 12:33 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
Art isn't hated, but it's one of those things that if you pursue it without a fallback you're going to have a bad time.

Personally I'm studying to be an engineer, but I'm keeping a few projects up within my spare time as a hobby.
10/16/2015 12:31 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Well, best of luck then, Aeropulse. I'm going for Environment/level design myself I think, though I have all traits of a generalist game designer minus the programming, which I am only progressing through extremely slowly.

Now, to return to the OP's posts, if your parents are pushing you to go for a sciency direction, make them aware that the game industry has already exceeded the movie industry in terms of size, and is still growing. while a skilled and experienced engineer can achieve a six figure salary if they remain in service long enough, their monetary gains are simply trading hours of work for a certain amount of money.

This holds true for a game designer as well, of course, except that you have a lot more flexibility. As game designer/artist, you will be in high demand in most growing companies. Of course, competition will be fierce as well, but you can set yourself apart more easily.
As an engineer, if you want to compete with another engineer in your field for a certain job, you can only use your references. After all, science and engineering are based on facts, and facts at a basic level do not change. So only what your previous employers say about you, or what projects you have worked on will allow you to distinguish yourself.

As a game designer/artist, you can actually directly show your potential employer what your skills are by showing them your work. This may not be 100% accurate for what your employer will think of it, but it is a LOT more accurate than a reference from a previous employer stating what you worked on and how well you did.

Another way to convince your parents is to show them results. If you want to go for art, make a drawing per day. If its character design, draw a face each day, and try to make it better or different each time. For environment design, do the same but with a house, structure or landscape.

If you want to go for writing, write a page per day, or even a paragraph. For journalism, write that page not on fiction, but on reporting a recent event, trying to make the read engaging while still holding completely true to the fact.

This goes for any creative subject.

If you do this while keeping up with your normal schoolwork and grades (however boring they may be), and then after a few months show your parents some of that work (or maybe someone else if they're REALLY blind). It should show them what sort of progress you have made, while keeping you in practice and helping you master it.

If all else fails, try convincing your parents that what you are doing can actually make you money.
My parents were very much against me playing as much Minecraft as I do. But when I showed them how much money I could make by doing commissions for servers, they were fine with it. Note that I don't do those commissions nearly as often as they probably thought.

That's all the advice I can really give you, apart from "survive until you're independent". Which is very much true for anyone who's parents disapprove of whatever path they've chosen, no matter the situation.
10/17/2015 12:19 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Wow, this is something I can, do right now
10/16/2015 12:17 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
By the way, if you want a good direction to take with art, direct yourself towards Game Art. its a hugely flourishing area right now, as a lot of talented artists are using it to join big gaming companies with their abilities.
If you do, there are a couple of fields to consider.
First off, concept art. This involves being able to quickly produce a lot of ideas and accurately "sketch" them in a way that makes it clear what the idea is to someone that spends most of their life programming (game developer)

Next, Character design. Similar to concept art, this focuses on designing the build, looks and attire of ingame characters, as well as (sometimes) the way they move (though that is usually left to motion designers if you're in a Triple A team).

Then there's environment art, where you focus on bringing the world around the player to life using whatever art style has been decided on, whether full realism or some cartoony indie style.

If you specifically like to 3D model you can focus on that for props and level design as well.
If you like to work with textures and bumpmaps, that may also be a good direction, though the jobs available specifically for that will be restricted to large Triple A teams.

These are all game art directions I can think of at the moment, though I'm sure I forgot a few. All in All, unless you specifically like abstract artforms, this should allow you to go in a direction with art where there are a lot of jobs, and always will be as long as the game industry keeps growing.

EDIT: since you noted that art specifically isn't your only option, I'd like to say that my previous post applies to ALL creative directions, including Journalism, though that is all about truth reporting in reality, which a lot of people don't seem to realize.

Regardless of the creative direction you want to go in, the game or movie businesses are likely to have a spot open.
Anxiety Opossum
10/16/2015 12:22 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Pixel Painter
Anxiety Opossum's Avatar
I was actually going to post something like this but you beat me to it. I'm going for a career in character concept art and modeling, myself
10/16/2015 12:06 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Guys, it is not like I literally want to do arts, I love journalism, Article writing, Fiction writing and Graphical art. But I was angry at the case that people say "art is for failures'

Also, i like architecture. Im so confused what to do and what not.... and I am forced to pursue what I don't want.
10/16/2015 11:58 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I think one reason why art is such a lowly thought of direction is because "art schools" and colleges try to teach Art the same way they teach Sciences or humanities. It doesn't work that way. Those 2 subjects tap into the logical half of the brain, while art taps into the creative half, which works vastly different.
They also do not teach how to use what you learn (if you learn anything in the stupid way they try to teach it) to make money.
Science and engineering tracks don't teach that either, but if you're a graduated engineer you're gonna get a job unless you mess up or get REALLY unlucky.
Art, however, has much less job opportunities, requiring you to think of your own ways to turn your efforts into cash. And since you never learn how to do that in school, a lot of people fail and end up (proverbially) working at mcdonalds.
10/16/2015 11:41 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Art is NOT for faliures! Go for whatever YOU want.
10/16/2015 11:39 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
LetsGoTrippin's Avatar
"Rationalism is the enemy of art, though necessary as a basis for architecture."- Arthur Erickson
10/16/2015 11:37 am
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
Math, science, and engineering have plentiful jobs and are reliable. Art as a career has a LOT of unknowns. If you can find a steady job as an artist somewhere then you're set up for a while, but artists often have a lot of downtime between large projects which is part of why you always see them freelancing.
10/16/2015 10:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Art is Amazing (only if you can Master it )
10/16/2015 10:10 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Thats_a_Klevername's Avatar
Just do what you want to do... Art! People should follow their career dreams and not let others get in your way. Lol you can do a ton with art do it right I have a great career. Logos banners art paintings man a lot of art is worth a lot so don't let people say its not.
10/16/2015 10:08 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
Actually art pays pretty much high, I once saw a blue painting on a canvas that sold for a ton.
10/16/2015 10:00 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
zaleomHD's Avatar
how old are you? if you're older then 15 you should start to think if you want to have art as a career.
10/16/2015 10:48 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
I am 15
10/16/2015 9:54 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
I know art is "easier to live off with" but I want to pursue my creativity... Its not like I want art to, you know, just live an easy life...
10/16/2015 12:11 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Ladybug
Xenoniuss's Avatar
Art is everything but an easy life, art is NOTHING like an easy life at all. (Why do you even think it is?)
And science and math's are not art...

If you want a job, don't take art. Finding a job something art related is really hard, like, really, really hard. Most people who studied art can't or barely make a living, 99% of them has a job next to anything art related.

Don't get me wrong, I have art aswell, not on university level, but it is definitely not the way to go. That is what most people get wrong, they think art is easy because it's just drawing, that is why they say it's for failures, but it's so much more...
10/16/2015 9:15 am
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Tomazo's Avatar
I think parents simply say it because jobs about science are paid better than art jobs. And I think art is a necessary thing in the life of people, because it helps them survive the everydays (while they work with science). I am not good in maths too, and I love to draw.
10/16/2015 9:03 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
zaleomHD's Avatar
Art nowadays is easier to make a living off, it's your life not your friend's life.
Caporal Dxl
10/16/2015 8:55 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
Not all parents are like that.

But yeah, you should choose whatever inspires you in doing more of what you think that would be good. Also, there's no reason to be mad at your family, because they don't see with much enthusiasm what you thing is awesome. They're different. So, if you feel you do great art and it makes you do more and more as you progress, then go ahead and choose that path.

Family wants you to have a great future, and they don't accept arts or video games as a job because there have been so many people in history of humanity that chose to do that and starved and they were living like vagabond dogs. But there are also many cases where art and whatnot led to succes

Btw, this is probably the most inspiring thing I ever wrote.
10/16/2015 5:26 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
I think the thing with art is that perhaps you don't need to study it in order to get a career in it. No self employed artist requires a degree after all. However, if you wanna do something creative and arty with a company maybe, then yeah I would say go for it and follow what you want to do.

I've recently moved to university actually, and am studying English with Creative Writing, love the creative part of my course, and I hope it leads me on to doing something that I love as well.

I live my the motto that: if I work hard in the present, then I can't blame myself for what happens in the future. The decision of what you study should inevitably be your choice (I'm lucky enough that my parents let me do what I want), so I feel bad for you that they are making the choice hard for you- wish you the best of luck
10/16/2015 4:59 am
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
Adyxia's Avatar
Art - as a career - is something pretty hard to get going in.
I mean one of my relatives does 'Arty' stuff for a career, and they go to all kinds of exhibitions, etc, so it can be a good career if you work hard at it.
I think it's that initial stage that turns people away. The fact that it is hard to start off in.
I was considering some kind of Art themed career (such as character design), which my Mum wasn't too keen on because of what I mentioned (I dropped Art anyway because I hated the course - it was so repetitive).
10/16/2015 4:04 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
"Art is for failures" ... I feel like I would hate the people that you know.
10/16/2015 3:33 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Beyrahl's Avatar
I feel like people who dislike or have that opinion don't go have much of a imagination and probably also didn't go for what they wanted in life and think it's too late.
Everyone i've met that doesn't really like Minecraft or art in general have been extremely hard for me to reason with on most topics. Stick to what makes you happy, don't let someone else try to live your life for you.
10/16/2015 2:58 am
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Halorules555's Avatar
Most of my friends are artists but they don't get so much hated. I think you're friends just don't appreciate it.
10/20/2015 1:42 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
alan's Avatar
You say that, But look at your profile pic bruh. Hehe
10/16/2015 2:25 am
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
yoda473's Avatar
Weeeell... I wouldn't agree with saying that Maths and Science are an art. Science is the acquirement of knowledge, while art as a general term is the application of the human creativity and imagination into a specific object or activity. Maths is the solving of number-related (can be non-numeral in some areas of algebra) problems.
I guess your family doesn't consider art as a career because they believe that it doesn't input to society, even though it does. Look at Raphael or Leonardo. They did awesome stuff but they were artists. I think anybody would have a hard time calling them failures.
10/16/2015 4:04 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Yes, I can agree on the first point lol also the second one.

Man, Its not like I hate Maths & Science, I love them both. But I am not a veteran in them both and maths is really pressurizing for me. My parents, whome I cannot argue with, want me to pursue maths and science as a carrer, do it from the top university and stuff. I can study them, but I don't want to make them my career. It will destroy my life, I don't want to be a robot doing jobs with no passion and a dull life. I want to do work as passionate dude working hard on his talents. But no, they just want me to grow up, be an engineer, become a dull fellow, get a job, get married, have kids, and make them do the same, so that they can continue this.

This is only because parents want a reputation in society, not because they care what their kid wants. If I argue, he (my dad) will throw me out of the house.

I cannot even post more than 20 blogs and stories I have due for PlanetMinecraft because he has told me I cannot do this fiction and blogging, if I want I can only loll about this site for 20 minutes.

This is the biggest problem in my country, My friends only support me, but what can they do? My teachers and Parents are after me because I am imaginative and have a good mind, but again, this bull*** of that I should be an engineer.

Sorry, but I am extremely angry...
10/16/2015 7:41 pm
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
yoda473's Avatar
I know what you mean. My parents have always pretty much hated videogames in general. I mean, it's not like I want to have a career in it or anything, but they're always pressuring me to study in maths and stuff. Your job should be what you love doing, not what you're good at. It's better to be happy than to be rich.
Anxiety Opossum
10/16/2015 8:21 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Pixel Painter
Anxiety Opossum's Avatar
Truer words have never been spoken.
10/16/2015 5:00 am
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Halorules555's Avatar
Where do you live?
10/16/2015 2:12 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Oh, as for fact, Im asian xP
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