Json ui helpcode
Does anyone know how to make it so that if a panel moves past a certain point, the portion of the panel beyond that point becomes invisible? had something working but i broke it somehow.
thinking kind of like how a uv works where it only renders what is inside the box and any that spills outside such area remains non visible
thinking kind of like how a uv works where it only renders what is inside the box and any that spills outside such area remains non visible
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sounds like you want to use clipping. just set the panel's "clips_children" property to true, and all of its children (the elements in the 'controls' array) will not be visible or interact-with-able past the edges of the panel. note that any child with the "allow_clipping" property set to false will not be affected by this.
thanks for the help will try really you are a lifesaver thx