Double Toggle Light Switch

zunebuggy12/13/24 3:18 pm
12/15/2024 6:07 am
I know how to make a Redstone light switch for a room, but I am building a large mansion and have long hallways. I wanted a switch at one end of the hallway and another at the other end of the hallway. If the hall lights are off, if I switch either switch (lever) I would like the light to come on, but if they are on and I switch either switch, they will turn off. I have this in my actual house at the top of my stairs and the bottom of my stairs and at both ends of my hallway.

I was wondering if this was possible?

In my actual house this does mean that sometimes the switch is in the UP position when the light is on and sometimes the switch is in the DOWN position when the light is on. Since in Minecraft, UP position means not energized and DOWN position means energized, I don't know if this configuration is possible, but if anyone has ever found a way, please let me know.

Thank you.
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Level 1 : New Miner

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12/15/2024 6:07 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Engineer
This is easily possible. You're looking for a so called "latch": this is a circuit that can hold its current state, and also switch between on and off. There are various versions of such a circuit, but this is an example which never failed me:

latch circuit

As you can see, it's quite simple: 2 sticky pistons which are 2 blocks apart and share a redstone block between them; this is the powersource which gets toggled. Then 2 blocks on top with a redstone torch on each side, as well as 2 redstone dust on top of that. Once you press the button both pistons get de-powered and powered, roughly at the same time, but only one can actually move. Thus resulting in the redstone block getting moved back and forth.
12/14/2024 6:04 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
IRL this is generally called 3-way wiring.
The clearest illustration of how it works I could find quickly is here (from https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/146438/add-additional-circuits-after-3-way-switch/146442 )

Because redstone power frows from a source out and needs no return path, you will need to adapt the circuit.
Basically, you want an XNOR gate [q.v. https://minecraft.wiki/w/Redstone_circuits/Logic#XNOR_gate ] but you may need to add repeaters depending on the length of the hall and the loaction of the lamps.
