An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this
Hi, when I try to use /spawn it comes up an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.. (I did delete my essentals spawn plugin because I wanted a hubteleporter plugin, but now I installed essentials spawn again and deleted the hubteleporter plugin.) I also got another problem which maby the last problem causes... : When people join my server they dont get to the spawnpoint or their last possition on the map...
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" internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
This does not help at ALL...
"When people join my server they dont get to the spawnpoint or their last possition on the map... "
Have you put anything there to do this? Doesn't just happen by itself.
This does not help at ALL...
"When people join my server they dont get to the spawnpoint or their last possition on the map... "
Have you put anything there to do this? Doesn't just happen by itself.