Need help , ideas please

0liverpowles's Avatar 0liverpowles8/29/17 12:15 pm
4 emeralds 275 9
8/30/2017 4:57 am
0liverpowles's Avatar 0liverpowles
Hi there , I run a server that is both doing well and not doing well.

Donations wise we're doing great , In our 2nd week alone I've received enough donations to keep the server going for another 4 months!

The problem I have though is that a lot more players have stopped playing and less people are joining the server. It's nothing to do with a lack of dedication or anything because I spend 12 hours a day on the server non-stop working on it. I'd be fine with this to be honest but I feel bad for all our regulars , there's no new players for them to help out and create friendships with and I'm only able to create around 15 quests a day for them to do...

I would really like some suggestions of what I should do because I don't want to see the server slowly die and honestly I've put a lot of time and effort into it.

Any suggestions would help but please
Posted by 0liverpowles's Avatar
Level 23 : Expert Prince

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08/30/2017 1:28 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
TheCursedPick's Avatar
I actually played a bit longer after posting the original feedback, and there was someone who joined and helped me understand the server better (: so here are some other things I thought about.
The shop, the shop seemed to be lacking in.... a lot of stuff. It had the basic iron, gold, diamond which is great, but not much else. If you could update the shop then that might help a little.
Since one quest is to kill 100 zombies, maybe you could have zombies spawn a little bit more frequently so someone isn't spending hours just to find and kill a few zombies...
Other than these I don't see much else to do. Maybe advertise the server on some more sites?
08/30/2017 4:57 am
Level 23 : Expert Prince
0liverpowles's Avatar
Thanks for giving it another shot , I never would of thought the shop was a problem but I'll go add to it rn. We now added a tutorial after spawn and the 100 zombies quest , There is a higher natural spawn rate on zombies and we have a zombie arena. I have advertised the server on 11 different websites :(

Thank you for your help
08/30/2017 12:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Roshani's Avatar
just calm down and analyse the problem,,,nthing is impossible in this world,...just find out the solution of your problem.
worked @vbuycars, Providing Cash For Cars Los Angeles.
08/29/2017 3:34 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
Isz's Avatar
I went on it, there was nothing to do and it simply wasn't explained very well.

I picked my super power but it didnt tell me how to use it, in the world the only quest i could accept told me to kill another player but there was no one to kill.

I then i found a quest from the nurse in a different building to kill 100 zombies, only found one zombie.

After running around for a a little while longer I found a few sheep and nothing else to do so i logged off.

Maybe i missed out on a huge chunk of stuff you'd built/done
08/29/2017 3:43 pm
Level 23 : Expert Prince
0liverpowles's Avatar
You have missed a lot indeed. As I said in the reply to TheCursedPick and in the update logs , I am working on a tutorial to help new players but as I said , I spent 15 hours straight today and had to sleep. The main quest lines first 2 quests are being changed now that we no longer have an average of 8 players. There's more then those two quest lines though. In the hospital that you found that quest there's 5 other quests and in the spawn warp you was at there was 17 available quests! There's also warps which there is a sign telling you to look at and I am sorry that I cannot have more players on to point these things out to you. A suggestion would be really helpful.
08/29/2017 2:37 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
TheCursedPick's Avatar
Okay, I played a bit on your server and I noticed that I couldn't access any of the quests. Maybe that was just me but I tried the command and nothing. I also think that you should go more in depth to explain the server rather than just the rules because I had no idea what I was doing (got killed by BruteMan). Also, it sounds to me like the quests are just solo things, maybe have some that you can do with a friend(s) also, is there really anything else to do other than quests? If there is than ignore this but, maybe add some sort of mini-game. Something for them to enjoy other than quests. Oh, and when I got on there was no one else. Maybe add some more helpful explanation for newbs so that when you or the staff aren't on, people won't be lost.
Wish you luck
-Cursed4ever, builder rank of Blue Water World
08/29/2017 3:37 pm
Level 23 : Expert Prince
0liverpowles's Avatar
Aight , I understand what you mean by you couldn't access the quests. There is a sign facing you at spawn that explains which quest to take first. Quests are solo for the first 5 then can branch into raid quests and group quests. We are adding new "Minigames" of sorts also which I think I had mentioned in the update logs and if not then they will be implemented into the server tomorrow. These are things such as mazes and puzzles. You would've known what to do and not have got lost if you read the sign but some people are lazy like that and don't like to read so I shall put that into consideration. A tutorial is being create to explain to players but Your point of no one being there isn't something I can help. I was on the server for 15hours today making new quests and areas so I was hardly able to stay awake and decided to get some rest until I was woke up by a regular. I can't help that there is no one online :/ Thanks for your suggestions though and I would really like to hear any other suggestions you have for me.
08/29/2017 12:17 pm
Level 49 : Master Creeper Hugger
Cookiesz's Avatar
What do you do to advertise your server? On PMC, you can update your server every 24h. I suggest you start with doing that.
08/29/2017 12:19 pm
Level 23 : Expert Prince
0liverpowles's Avatar
I do updates usually every two days and I've always added a lot. If you look on the servers page then you can see the update logs. Thanks for the idea though , I'll make sure I update every day!
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