Servers on my multiplayer server list disappeared???
So I just got back home from school, right?
I left my minecraft launcher open when I left...
and now I came back on, and... My server list is empty???
Entirely empty. Nothing's there. Has this happened to anyone else?
If so, how do I restore it?
I left my minecraft launcher open when I left...
and now I came back on, and... My server list is empty???
Entirely empty. Nothing's there. Has this happened to anyone else?
If so, how do I restore it?
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This happened to me several times. The list is there, leave the game, come back a bit later and the whole list is gone. Not sure what caused it, tried to restore it but couldn't figure it out. Had to re-enter the all the server details manually each time.

To be fair I don't touch like 70% of the servers in my list
But it was nice to see them all over the years of me playing MC so it kinda hurt a bit :(
But it was nice to see them all over the years of me playing MC so it kinda hurt a bit :(