Terraria Datapackpublic
Hello, I am trying to create a data pack to replicate the game terraria. I know there is a mod that does this already but I want to test my limits and see how much of this is possible in the vanilla game.
I have a few questions about how I should implement some of the features, any answers mean a lot to me thank you!
1. How should I implement the crafting system? As the terraria game has a very different way of crafting than Minecraft. Including workbenches, furnaces and other things.
2. What should I do about item durability?
3. Is removing the boots armor slot smart or should I make 4 armor items for every set?
4. How should I create accessory slots?
Please answer if you have any ideas! THANK YOU!
I have a few questions about how I should implement some of the features, any answers mean a lot to me thank you!
1. How should I implement the crafting system? As the terraria game has a very different way of crafting than Minecraft. Including workbenches, furnaces and other things.
2. What should I do about item durability?
3. Is removing the boots armor slot smart or should I make 4 armor items for every set?
4. How should I create accessory slots?
Please answer if you have any ideas! THANK YOU!
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I know you can make items unbreakable by doing: give @a iron_sword[!damage]
As per crafting, there isn't any way to limit what you can craft on the crafting table if the recipes exist and are loaded as Jsons, so you might have to implement some custom crafting where a player puts items in a barrel (that looks like the respective workbenches, furnaces and other things) and when the players does something, like jumps on the chest for example, you check whether the configuration is correct in the chest and give the crafted item to the player.
Accessory slots with custom UI are the most challenging as you have to get the UI elements to the location you want them on the screen using titles /action bar /tellraw, then using custom sprites as custom Unicode characters. Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eifs8BW1jNc as I'm not particularly sure how this works.
As per crafting, there isn't any way to limit what you can craft on the crafting table if the recipes exist and are loaded as Jsons, so you might have to implement some custom crafting where a player puts items in a barrel (that looks like the respective workbenches, furnaces and other things) and when the players does something, like jumps on the chest for example, you check whether the configuration is correct in the chest and give the crafted item to the player.
Accessory slots with custom UI are the most challenging as you have to get the UI elements to the location you want them on the screen using titles /action bar /tellraw, then using custom sprites as custom Unicode characters. Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eifs8BW1jNc as I'm not particularly sure how this works.