Convince Me to Quit Minecraft (Intervention)not_interested

Dermugettum's Avatar Dermugettum2/28/24 5:57 pm
3/5/2024 5:17 pm
g_r_e_y_'s Avatar g_r_e_y_
I know, this is a weird place to talk about how bad Minecraft is, or why I should give it up. I posted a while back saying that I was going to stop, yet here I am, still hooked on a blocky game that Mojang is constantly f***ing up with needless changes.

It's probably been about 11 years, so I'm just an old codger remembering how much better Minecraft used to be before the Caves and Cliffs Update, Mojang's environmentalist agenda, and the dumbass datapack-breaking changes made in this week's snapshot.

I really want to stop, but I'm not confident that I can keep that resolution. The last few times I've been baited by some new feature in the game that piqued my curiosity or opened possibilities for things I could make. The steam always ran out fast, so I know that it's not really worth it. So, have any ideas to keep me from caving in again?
Posted by Dermugettum's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Miner

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02/29/2024 1:12 am
Level 26 : Expert Princess
star_weaver's Avatar
quit minecraft for good or for just a while?
02/29/2024 2:37 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
For good
02/29/2024 2:52 am
Level 26 : Expert Princess
star_weaver's Avatar
assuming you have it linked to microsoft and you have nothing else important on the account you could get a third party to change your password using a password generator so you would lose access to your account and then just not buy the game again and pick up another similar game that doesn't change as often. if that doesn't work then I'm afraid I'm out of ideas
02/29/2024 5:18 am
Level 32 : Artisan Chef
michaelo's Avatar
I'm still not sure why you get so annoyed about things, but idk what else you can practically do besides uninstalling and deleting accounts. I have a feeling you'll be coming back again though when they add data driven items and blocks.
02/29/2024 4:24 pmhistory
Level 21 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Well if that were the case, Mr Mojang Stan, why are you commenting?
02/29/2024 6:26 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Chef
michaelo's Avatar
Because while you might hate the new item stack components at the moment, I think you will like the new things that they enable in the future. I think that rather than quitting the game, you can just not play it when you don't enjoy it.
02/29/2024 4:50 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Cyborg
GodRage's Avatar
Share your Miencraft-life with someone you hate...

More seriously, just delete anything you have related to minecraft. Unsubscribe to Minecraft youtube channels, delete bookmarks...

And replace your addiction with a new one in real life. You like playing boardgames ? Google for a board game event in your city!
02/29/2024 5:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
02/29/2024 6:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Sheep
SirSqueeko's Avatar
Play Final Fantasy XIV
03/01/2024 9:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
BlasTG's Avatar
Go live in an Amish community
03/01/2024 10:38 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
RocketStudio's Avatar
Try to don't think about the game. Don't do anything reloated to it, and look at GodRage's comment
03/01/2024 11:13 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
Ins0mn1a's Avatar
Mojang can never reach the old times, it's simply never gonna have that small indie game feel. With Lena Raine and Microsoft digging more and more out of our beloved game, soon the game we knew will be completely burried in a new one. It can be debated wether its still a good game, but Minecraft isn't gonna be Minecraft for much longer. Your time is limited with it, let that help you leave it while you still have may good memories.
03/01/2024 11:14 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
Ins0mn1a's Avatar
I'm rooting for you, you can do it
03/01/2024 11:56 pm
Level 49 : Master Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
find a new hobby to fill in the time
03/02/2024 12:00 am
Level 39 : Artisan Collective
S673R2's Avatar
I mean you could just play older versions of minecraft, theres even servers that let you play on pre alpha with friends like its 2011 again. but if you really dont want to support mojang anymore then try finding new hobbies, for example I love board games and drawing! try pottery maybe? its a whole world out there!
03/02/2024 12:01 am
Level 34 : Artisan Lego Builder
IcyDice's Avatar
Play with legos
03/02/2024 4:41 am
Level 41 : Master Nerd
NoahzArkade's Avatar
Play Roblox, it's really bad updates will get you interested.
03/02/2024 4:41 am
Level 41 : Master Nerd
NoahzArkade's Avatar
Learn a new instrument like maybe a piano
03/02/2024 4:42 am
Level 41 : Master Nerd
NoahzArkade's Avatar
Read Diary of a Wimpy kid or Captain Underpants
03/02/2024 4:43 amhistory
Level 41 : Master Nerd
NoahzArkade's Avatar
Play Minetest, it's free, learn more about it here.
03/04/2024 12:04 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Computer_Boss's Avatar
I have played longer and the way I learned to quit and get back into the game was by thinking of life differently as minecraft is an imitation of life itself. Don't overthink it and just enjoy it while you can, be creative, be you, do what makes you happy. If that means going back to an older version, then so be it. If that means embracing the modern game and its evolution from old to new, so be it, it is whatever you want it to be, you don't play Minecraft, that's just the survival campaign, you make Minecraft the way you want.

Aside from this I'll try to answer the qualms:

1. Being hooked is usually nostalgia or an attachment to the game through emotion or it being such a high hour played game that playing something else is strange or unpleasant

2. I highly disagree with this and think Mojang hate is mob mentality and people cannot appreciate evolution or modern technology, we do fear/hate what we do not understand and for a small bit I was the same way, of course this is my opinion, I play older versions for rented servers and the latest for a canonical survival/hardcore playthrough.

3. Refer to number 2, but this one I don't get, the cave update in my opinion completely revolutionized the game, caves were incomplete before this, after this the campaign features in my opinion have been outstanding, ignore mob votes, it's just a mob, mobs are like little sprinkles on top of an already complete game, like side editions, the combat of Minecraft pve isn't that good in my opinion, and keep in mind the mob vote is a community event of 4 shelved concepts.

4. In terms of agendas, it's true that Mojang leans left and also leans environmentalist, while I do not see a problem with either of these and everyone has their opinion, it really does not have an impact on the game, and sharks and fireflies are more than likely shelved also, but it is strange that their reasons for not being in are, those, you know the ones. And while I'm at it, keep in mind agendas are just a PR thing with companies like mojang, they want as little controversy as possible, so despite what I and others think, what happened to notch was a PR move. In other words don't take it seriously, just corporate stuff.

5. Snapshots are snapshots for a reason, they are going to be broken because they are experimental versions of the game for the purpose of player and developer testing of the newest features, expect whatever it is to be fixed soon, and if not, if it stays that way, adapt and overcome, when I went from 1.7.10 to 1.12.2 to 1.20.4 it was a journey of learning commands differently to the game changing entirely, it will come with practice, and keep in mind things will eventually break and evolution has to happen when things are updated. Plugins also break in newer versions of the game, it's just how this game works, it's a game that both the developers and players try to develop for, so it goes through game breaking changes frequently, think of beta 1.2.5 to now, it's a lot different and new things had to be learned and adapted to. Hope you don't mind the slight derailment.

6. Simply fatigue, after how long you have played, it makes sense to be tired of doing the same thing over and over, and it is ok to quit, don't feel enslaved or attached, if you really feel drained then do not play, games are for fun, not to feel bad.

I know this was supposed to be why you should quit but I did want to put my two cents in because it didn't seem like the reasons justified the dislike of the game, I tried to explain the draining/fatigue the best I could because I think this is what is happening to you no matter how good the game gets, even when the game gets new features you say you get excited for, you still feel drained and dread playing, this is fatigue.
03/05/2024 5:17 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
g_r_e_y_'s Avatar
I don't know what “caving in” means, so someone define it for me (yes I am an idiot)

Now, I don't know how old you are, but assuming it had been 11 years, you are probably in your 20s. At that age, I think its time to switch to different games. You should try different games on steam, or maybe try console games, or whatever you like. Or maybe quit gaming as a whole, and probably focus on life more, socialize with people. Or maybe since you're socializing with people, you can see if they can play Minecraft with you.

For my side, I have my own “game quitting” story too. So to make it short, I quit playing Roblox in 2018-2019. Back in 2017, I played Roblox pretty much everyday. What did I do because I quit roblox? I played different games on my PS4. Then in 2021, I decided to play Roblox “one last time before I quit”. I got hooked into the game, and now I play Roblox pretty much everyday. So try playing different games in the meantime, that's my advice.
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