I need some help!

ItsDaCreeperOfficial's Avatar ItsDaCreeperOfficial6/18/18 6:46 pm
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6/30/2018 10:53 am
ItsDaCreeperOfficial's Avatar ItsDaCreeperOfficial
I was on mcpedl.com and I found a addon that added more items to minecraft. I was wondering how I can do this too, because i want to make a pack like this w/o mods.

Also, have you ever played on a server and seen floating text? I am also wondering how to do that (in Bedrock edition, of course!)

Plz help me! Thx a lot!
Posted by ItsDaCreeperOfficial's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Creeper

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06/30/2018 10:53 am
Level 26 : Expert Creeper
ItsDaCreeperOfficial's Avatar
It not working
06/19/2018 6:41 amhistory
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
ShelLuser's Avatar
A really nice way to get floating text (which can even be clickable) in some kind of "hologram way" is by (ab)using an area effect cloud. This is basically an entity (comparable to a pig, sheep, etc.) which means that you can detect if someone tried to use it. And also apply some specific properties to it. For example:

/summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~1 ~1 ~ {NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,CustomName:"This is an hologram, m000!",CustomNameVisible:1,Duration:32766}

Note that example applies to the Java edition, I have no experience with Bedrock but can well imagine that the summon command isn't all that different.
06/18/2018 7:09 pmhistory
Level 2 : Apprentice Engineer
TriusMalarky's Avatar
You can actually add pseudo-items to Minecraft without mods. This would be done by telling Minecraft to handle items of a certain ID with certain NBT tags, such as lore or fancy name, in a different way. Many plugins/one command addons do this. For instance, the GunSmith plugin tells Minecraft that, when a Diamond Hoe with, say, durability of 47 is right-clicked with, an action happens that is essentially shooting a gun. It also uses a Resource Pack that tells Minecraft that a diamond hoe with certain durabilities has a certain texture, which is actually quite cool as it looks almost modded but it isn't.

This is sort of complex, and would involve large amount of setup and possibly coding, but, of course, if you want to do it single player you can set up a server that no one else knows the IP for, set up the plugins, and proceed to play by yourself. This would require some knowledge of config editing as well as a small amount of time, but you can customize it oftentimes and can be better than mods depending on your view.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: SnickerToodles is correct on the floating text bit, if that's what you are asking for. I also recommend the Holographic Displays plugin for easier control over it, if you are using Spigot or Bukkit on whatever you are playing. No configuration needed, it is plug 'n play, and easy to understand.
Use https://wiki.ess3.net/mc/ for the colors, which are integrated into Holographic Displays. I have found that normal summoning doesn't work with colors, so Displays helps a lot.
06/18/2018 6:55 pmhistory
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
SnickerToodles's Avatar
I don't think there's a way to add new items without mods, but don't quote me...

The text is invisible armour stands. Try this (just keep in mind that the text will be visible through walls, I have no idea how to fix this):

/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1b,PersistenceRequired:1,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,CustomNameVisible:1b,CustomName:"Text here"}

If you need to delete the stand, use:

/kill @e[type=armor_stand,r=3]

Edit: The syntax might be different because Bedrock edition, but if you look up summon commands on the Wiki, that should send you in the right direction. And who knows about the mod thing, I have no idea what's going on with that version of the game.
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