The Correctly Made American Flag Banner

copbot1001's Avatar copbot10017/14/15 10:08 pm
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7/22/2015 9:58 pm
Chellizard's Avatar Chellizard
Hello PMC!

I've been getting into banner more and more lately and have even opened a banner shop on a server I play on often that specializes in National Banners (Nation Flags). I aim to make and display every banner as customs and rules of that country dictate. Being an American citizen I exercise this same level of detail and accuracy with the Star Spangled Banner. I have seen both online and in game the most disgusting and twisted ways of making the American Flag that I have literally become ill. First off, this is not an opinion. We Americans take great pride in our nation and the American flag is a symbol of everything our country was, is, and ever will be. Making an incorrect American flag is not just wrong, but disrespectful. So I am going to go over how to make a correct American flag and display tips for in game. If anyone sees something they think is wrong please politely comment and I will check it and fix if needed.

How to make the Banner

The technical term for the American flag is as follows:
Red Banner
White Paly
Blue Chief Dexter Canton

This is a link to banner builder that shows the correct flag:

You can also reinforce the layers to make the lines more solid like this:

Both are correctly made its just more of a styling preference. Some people will replace Red with Pink and Blue with Light Blue to make a "distressed look" This is a gray area. According to the U.S. Flag Code:

"When a flag is so tattered that it no longer fits to serve as a symbol of the United States, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning."

Meaning a flag that has been damaged should not be flown and should be respectfully removed and destroyed.

Common mistakes

The first and most common mistake is the placement of the Union, the blue field where the 50 stars are. When making your banner you should have a Blue Chief DEXTER Canton not a SINSTER Canton which is a common mistake in Minecraft and real life. According to the U.S. Flag Code:

"When the flag is displayed against a wall vertically or horizontally, its union (stars) should be at the top, to the flag's own right, and to the observer's left."

This is important and many people believe the vertical flag (the kind displayed on a flag pole) can just be turned 90 degrees to fit a Minecraft banner when this is not true.

The second most common mistake when making an American Flag banner is to start with a WHITE banner and add a RED Paly. While the flag does have red and white stripes this design makes the outer striped white not red. On the actual American flag with 13 stripes the 1st and 13th stripe (the outer stripes) are red. As previously stated you must start with a RED banner and add a WHITE Paly.

I did see in one YouTube video that the banner was made so the Union was at the bottom which can be viewed as disrespectful. As U.S. Flag Code states:

"The flag should never be displayed with the union (the starred blue union in the Canton) down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."

When making banners that are meant to resemble the flags of nations please make sure you do some research on how the flag is to be displayed vertically so you know how to craft a correct banner. This is out of respect for that nation and it citizens. This is highly suggested when making banners that will be publicly displayed on servers where players of that nationality may see them.

Thank you for reading and happy banner making!

Quotes on U.S. Flag Code may not be exact word for word. They were obtained here:
Posted by copbot1001's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger

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07/22/2015 9:51 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion. We Americans take great pride in our nation and the American flag is a symbol of everything our country was, is, and ever will be. Making an incorrect American flag is not just wrong, but disrespectful.

copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion.


I'm an American citizen
I do not care that people make the flag incorrectly ingame
I think I might have just disproved your fact that is definitely not an opinion

I don't think you can speak for the 318,000,000 that live in the USA. If someone makes an incorrect flag, they just got it wrong, they're not trying to offend you. If that kind of thing offends you, then I hate to think what else would.

I can not speak for everyone that lives in the USA, just as he can't. Therefore I believe I am still correct when I say that finding a poorly made American flag disrespectful is an opinion and not a fact. It is not factually disrespectful. Whether or not someone finds it disrespectful is up to the individual.
07/22/2015 9:39 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
There is a difference between worship and respect. The fact you called the flag an object shows a lot about the "love" for your country.
07/22/2015 9:58 pm
Level 40 : Master Pokemon
Chellizard's Avatar
I can love where I live without loving the flag. The flag is a materialistic symbol. If girls can wear it on a bikini, then I really have no reason to respect my flag in such a high manner. I mean, sure, America is great. I was born and bred in the southern states, too, so I could even call myself a Confederate? But let's not go there. (:

Point is, you did hit us with the facts about the flag, but your opinion [based on the facts] will not get everyone else on your side.

It's like me telling everyone that the color green is to be only work on Saint Patrick's day, and no other day, and that's the only time it's acceptable. Sorta the same, but still an opinionated fact. Sure, you SHOULD wear green on that holiday, but you don't HAVE to. (:

07/16/2015 2:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
zoecGxhbmV0bWluZWNyYWZ0's Avatar

Not even Georgie cares. But seriously, like everyone has said you can't change how everyone does it and it won't set the world on fire if someone does it wrong.
07/22/2015 8:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
I'm not trying to force people to change. People make honest mistakes. I am just telling them how to do it right.
07/16/2015 1:36 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
As an American, I think the "flag etiquette" we have is absolutely absurd. Certain positions you can fly the flag in at certain times, lighting and weatherproofing required for outdoor flags (unless you want to take them down at the end of every day to put them back up in the morning and run out to take them down every time it rains), folding them in a very specific way... I love my country, but jeez.

Thanks for making a nice banner. I like it. Do I really care that it's "correctly made" so it isn't "disrespectful"? No.
07/22/2015 8:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
The US Flag Code was made to give the flag the respect it deserves. I don't agree with humans not being able to teleport at will. We have to be realistic here. I really don't think you love your country because you are so against taking a few seconds more to respect the greatest symbol of the U.S.A.
07/22/2015 9:05 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
I respect and love the ideals the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the Declaration and fought for in the revolution and the freedom we won as a country. I don't see why it's necessary to go out of my way to borderline worship an object in order to prove that I love my country.
07/16/2015 1:29 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Prince
sssilver's Avatar
I'm American and i love my country too, but i mean, it's a game. if someone was going around selling shirts or something that has the flag displayed incorrectly on them, then i would understand the need to say something, but this is really unnecessary.
07/22/2015 9:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
I'm not calling people out. This is preventative.
07/16/2015 1:04 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Goblin
Gbubble's Avatar
what the. its a game...
07/22/2015 8:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
Like that's an excuse? Still should be respectful.
07/16/2015 2:49 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
07/16/2015 3:03 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Banners give no exp.
07/16/2015 8:21 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
07/15/2015 10:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
I don't see why this post is getting such negative comments. It just supplies the information for anyone who wants to know how to make it correctly. Obviously not every American care because most of us don't even know how to handle the flag in real life. I'm not forcing anyone to make the flag this way. I simply showing how it should be made to properly resemble the U.S. flag while also encouraging this same level of respect and accuracy should be had with other nations flags. Making an "incorrect" Minecraft banner really carries no meaning but why would no attempt to make it the right way? If you are trying to make the American flag as a banner, do it as best you can. This post is to tell you how and what some common misconceptions are.
07/15/2015 9:28 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
When I say this is not an opinion I am talking about the correct flag. Some people think that where the union goes is simply a preference. I'm not forcing anyone to make correct flags. I am only supplying the knowledge of how to and the reasoning behind it. While not every American may be offended (most do not know how to properly display the flag anyways) it would not kill anyone to at least try to make a correct flag as some people may take offense. Yes it is a game, I am not calling anyone out, I am just simply informing people on how to make the proper flag, that is all.
07/15/2015 9:42 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
500poundsofnothing's Avatar
You phrased it so it sounded like every american is deeply offended by the fact that someone doesn't have expertise over proper flag presentation.
07/22/2015 8:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
copbot1001's Avatar
I never said anything like "every American is deeply offended" Please actually read my post before commenting nonsense. Thanks.
07/15/2015 10:12 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
10Andrew's Avatar
Now who on Earth could it be that is getting so offended by the flags...

Seriously, it's just a game and from what I have seen playing the game 99% of the people who make American flags "wrong", which supposedly offends your country, are American. Do you really think that people from Norway or the UK are running around putting USA Flags up everywhere?
07/15/2015 4:09 am
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
zoecGxhbmV0bWluZWNyYWZ0's Avatar
copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion. We Americans take great pride in our nation and the American flag is a symbol of everything our country was, is, and ever will be. Making an incorrect American flag is not just wrong, but disrespectful.

copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion.


I'm an American citizen
I do not care that people make the flag incorrectly ingame
I think I might have just disproved your fact that is definitely not an opinion

I don't think you can speak for the 318,000,000 that live in the USA. If someone makes an incorrect flag, they just got it wrong, they're not trying to offend you. If that kind of thing offends you, then I hate to think what else would.
07/15/2015 2:20 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
OfficialVelocity's Avatar
This is a game, not real life! Making the American flag incorrectly and being offended by it is something only very silly people do. It could be an accident, or they want to make it look better to their design.

Don't take offence by some flag that people make incorrectly, be offended by the people who try and ruin the flag in real life.

07/15/2015 2:03 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion. We Americans take great pride in our nation and the American flag is a symbol of everything our country was, is, and ever will be. Making an incorrect American flag is not just wrong, but disrespectful.

copbot1001First off, this is not an opinion.


I'm an American citizen
I do not care that people make the flag incorrectly ingame
I think I might have just disproved your fact that is definitely not an opinion
07/15/2015 1:11 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Hero
Runninlikcraz's Avatar
Uh, what? o.O
07/14/2015 11:16 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Kioki's Avatar

Also, this is the internet you can't exactly force someone to not make a different color of a flag. Finally, you aren't the first to make this.
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