What do you wish they would add to Minecraft that hasn't already been in a vote?

nymphei's Avatar nymphei11/17/21 5:33 pm
11/25/2021 12:18 pm
Lordslash2007's Avatar Lordslash2007
Posted by nymphei's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Artist

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11/25/2021 12:18 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
Lordslash2007's Avatar
More tree variants, built-in parallax occlusion for default resource pack, better blending between two biomes, and a rare occurrence of two biomes mixing together, for example: jungle biome and caves biome creates a jungle caves biome where there's jungle tree's living in the caves but there's a waterfall and sun shaft in the cave also. More accurate biome placing for example: Deserts and badlands never spawn near places with snow or ice anymore. A new mud block that works the same as powdered snow but spawns only in swamps, and instead of the water just being a couple of colors some swamps have area's that have lime water to show that there's lots of algae there. The water should also be more realistic for example: If you pour a glass of water on the ground it's not going to make more water its going to keep the same amount of mass. Everything will fall unless it's stable so that means caves and stuff can randomly collapse after breaking a single block and blocks will also break or get damaged when they fall from a great height and when mining a block instead of the cracks disappearing over time they stay. All animals will spawn poop and you can use it as manure to make your farms grow faster and if you feed your animals things with high fiber (like wheat) than they'll poop more often, all ingots are renamed to bars for example: copper bar, iron bar, gold bar. If you mix copper and coal together you can make bronze which can be used to make bronze armor which is more durable than iron but provides less armor points. Instead of a gold pickaxe it will be replaced by an aluminum pickaxe and gold won't be able to be used for anything like armor or tools but will be able to be used for things like materials. New types of fuel also like crude oil and etc. Instead of apples not being visually on a tree you'll be able to see them on the tree and there's a chance that a tree will drop a rotten apple which you can use to make a potion of food poisoning and raw meat can also be used to make a potion of food poisoning. Instead of being away from civilization completely when you spawn you'll have a past life that's randomly chosen on spawn which will give bonuses for example: Your past life was that you were an athlete so you run faster and lose less hunger energy, and hydration when running. You have to worry about energy, water, and hygiene now but energy will regenerate if you have enough hunger bars. Instead of losing health completely when dying you have chance to lose your limb or injure your limb if you lose your limb you'll have to make a makeshift prosthetic leg which will give +1 armor but slightly slow you down and you'll also have to repair it or make new prosthetic legs. If your arm is lost then depending on the which arm is lost you won't be able to use it that means if you lose your left arm you won't be able to use shields. Your able to use all items in both hands but cannot swing to swords at the same time so you can hold a sword in your left hand but can't use one on your right hand and left hand additionally at spawn it's randomly decided if your character is left-handed or right-handed if you use a sword or shield on the dominant hand then you'll get bonuses for example: you get more damage on your dominant hand but do less damage on your non-dominant hand and your enemies can evade your attacks less when using your dominant hand but can evade your attacks more when using your less dominant hand and if you use a shield on your dominant hand you'll be able to hold the shield for a longer period of time but if you use the shield on your less dominant hand then you'll take some damage when blocking attacks with a shield but still take less than if you weren't holding up your shield and if the attack of your enemy is powerful you have a chance of falling over, when holding your shield the chance of that happening is less but if you're using your characters non dominant hand then it's greatly increased. If your jaw gets injured you will not be able to trade with villagers until its healed. If you swing your sword, hold your shield up or run you consume more energy. Instead the night and day cycle lasting 10 minutes it will last a full 24 minutes and it is also real-time so it the night and day cycle will keep going even if you exit the game and if you have an internet connection and give Minecraft access to your location it will automatically scan your areas weather and figure out if its snowing raining etc, and make it so if it's raining in your area it will also rain in the game. Dynamic lighting is built-in now. There is 1 new shield that's completely made iron which is more durable and blocks more damage but since its so heavy you won't be able to hold for as long as a regular shield. Energy is consumed based on how heavy the armor is and how strong you are and speed if also reduced depending on how heavy the armor is but the speed reduction will be less if your character is strong and if your character is strong you'll also consume less energy when your energy consumption is increased because of weight. Villagers are removed, instead of villagers it will be replaced by indigenous tribes. You can be the leader of a tribe by gaining reputation and doing quests for one of the tribes but if you gain reputation and do quests for other tribes it will lower your reputation with other tribes depending on the tribe you're helping or increase the reputation with other tribes depending on the tribe you're helping, the benefits of helping the tribes and gaining reputation from them is that you'll get better trades and better positions in the tribe then if the leader dies if you have enough reputation you'll be the next leader in line and can command them to do things like start wars and etc but if you don't treat them well enough the people will have an up rise and try to kill you. Slime now bounces on the ground when dropping it that also includes slime balls. Your crops will grow faster, slower or die completely depending on the weather and climate. You now have to worry about temperature if it's to hot you'll die of burning or die of dehydration if it's to cold you'll die of frostbite. The night and day cycle affects the temperatures also but you can also fight against it by putting fur on your armor which will also give your armor a bonus of +1 armor and in hot places you can apply a layer of slime on your armor which will increase your chance of slipping though. You have to purify water now to by making a charcoal filter because you have a chance of getting dehydration or dying if your drinking water from the sea or you can cook the water in a furnace to purify it. Metal objects will rust over time now making your armor less durable and will have a low chance to crack making it even less durable and making your armor give less armor points. Depending on your characters intelligence your armor will be less durable or more durable.
If your high or on a mountain then you'll have a harder time breathing which means you'll lose more energy. You can make backpacks now.
You don't have to hold a totem of undying and it will automatically be used if you die. If you get wounded you must put a make makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding or you might bleed to death. Injury's to the head when you're not wearing armor will almost always be fatal or it will lower your intelligence.
11/23/2021 1:39 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Advolton's Avatar
I have always wondered about having a looting system instead of killing a player, npc, etc. Essentially, when killing someone, nothing falls from the player or floats on the floor, but you use "E" or something to loot the body and take what you want from the players inventory.

I know it would be weird, but still cool.
leather neck 1775
11/23/2021 8:35 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Soldier
leather neck 1775's Avatar
more tree variant guns nukes and albino animals
11/23/2021 12:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
i dont personally want guns or nukes due to the fact that i like the authenticity of the game and that may ruin it, but the rest of those? absolutely.
11/20/2021 4:40 am
Level 48 : Master Dolphin
MystSpaTimeTrav's Avatar
Red dragons :C
11/23/2021 8:33 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
we need some form of sky boss yeah. and more air-born mobs
11/19/2021 10:05 pm
She/Her • Level 26 : Expert Princess Button Pusher
star_weaver's Avatar
11/19/2021 3:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator
Spuduking's Avatar
Better support for custom dimensions/worldgen
YSG the Fox
11/19/2021 11:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
YSG the Fox's Avatar
Minecraft: The Meme Update

What is it:
This update would add anything related to memes, as a reference to today's culture

Minecraft: The Tournament Update

What is it:
This would add tournament-related things, like Bracket Boards (showing matchups against 2+ players), Trophies, etc.
11/19/2021 10:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
6_6_6_6_6_6's Avatar
Solar eclipse: Runs only at the day, only Creepers spawn, you wear a Diamond Helmet.
Lunar Eclipse: Runs only at the night, Creepers turn red and your armour will have half the durability.
A solar eclipse rarely occurrs when the Minecraft moon is New moon and comes through the day.
A lunar eclipse rarely occurrs when the Minecraft moon is Full moon and goes through the penumbra and the umbra.
leather neck 1775
11/23/2021 8:36 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Soldier
leather neck 1775's Avatar
there was a lunar eclips a cuple of days ago i mised it but ill see one agin becuse the next one will be in 600 years aculy i wont see it
11/24/2021 10:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
6_6_6_6_6_6's Avatar
Sure! that was Friday, November 19, 2021. (Partial) and the Total was: Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
11/19/2021 12:17 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
maybe not those affects but amazing concept!
11/19/2021 8:43 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
THCDPRO's Avatar
More strcutures in the overworld and end new end biomes better pvp
11/19/2021 12:16 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
tru they need to revoke the pvp update nobody likes it lmao
11/19/2021 8:31 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Cherry blossoms
child illagers (evoker kids would be super fast and annoying ngl) I made a post about this on mc page
Copper Golem
(My reasons for these is all the mob vote mobs have good potential and deserve in too. We could've had a flower cow, but noooo, a green guy with a smiley face on his chest rigged the vote and now we have a gaming squid.)
11/19/2021 12:17 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
great idea! but i did specify they cant have been in a mob vote
11/19/2021 12:01 am
Level 45 : Master Dragon
SirKrunk's Avatar
a "chilled" zombie variant
11/18/2021 11:43 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dragoboom's Avatar
New end mobs
11/19/2021 8:20 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
we need whole end BIOMES lol
but seriously we need purple and green trees-
11/18/2021 11:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Skinner
ImYourEnder's Avatar
More ocean life and more structures, the current ones are so rare and there aren't that many, luckily the 1.19 update fixes that a bit :3
11/19/2021 8:21 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
i know they did an ocean update, but we really do need more structures. the elder guardian isn't much of a boss either, maybe something a tad better.
11/19/2021 9:58 pm
Level 27 : Expert Skinner
ImYourEnder's Avatar
The only new dangerous mob was the Drowned, the Oceans are like the safest place at this point and with how large they are, we definitely need a few more structures as well
11/19/2021 8:44 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
THCDPRO's Avatar
11/18/2021 10:00 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Creeper
MrCreeper's Avatar
creepers with new variations like ice, reverse, etc.
11/19/2021 8:44 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
THCDPRO's Avatar
is that a coincidence mrcreeper
11/19/2021 9:50 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Creeper
MrCreeper's Avatar
11/19/2021 9:56 pm
Level 27 : Expert Skinner
ImYourEnder's Avatar
11/18/2021 9:41 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PearlPanther's Avatar
the only way I can see mojang adding dog breeds is if they lose so much touch with their community that they gotta do major fan service, dog breeds wouldn't add anything exciting, and I don't think mc is set in the 1700's + so-
11/19/2021 10:06 am
Level 30 : Artisan Farmer Peacock
Orcraftia's Avatar
So why in 1.14 did we have more cats? While they're at it, go for dog breeds!
11/19/2021 8:19 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
to be fair we have multiple cat and parrot breeds, just no dog ones. i think its kinda unfair as well
11/18/2021 9:14 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Farmer Peacock
Orcraftia's Avatar
I really want more dog breeds :p
11/18/2021 8:46 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Creeper
MrCreeper's Avatar
more dog breeds
11/18/2021 8:19 pm
She/Her • Level 34 : Artisan Mage Fox
yogurt_the_lizorb's Avatar
more dog breeds
11/18/2021 11:21 am
Level 76 : Legendary Creator
Wyvernity's Avatar
Proper ways to do stuff with data packs and commands.

Editing player data, string type in /data command and checking inventories with predicate files would be awesome
11/18/2021 7:07 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
PaniZima's Avatar
fantasy/magical biomes, more types of villages, new structures, animals, creatures..
11/18/2021 9:24 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
minecraft needs a collab with the biomes o' plenty creator
11/18/2021 10:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
PaniZima's Avatar
that would be lovely... we really do need more fantasy stuff
Coffee Gamer 360
11/18/2021 6:56 am
Level 70 : Legendary Enderdragon
Coffee Gamer 360's Avatar
Chocolate cake.
11/18/2021 6:49 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
New structures in Overworld. We got Bastions in Nether which proved legitimately challenging and they need to be entered at a slow and methodological pace if you're going to have any chance of surviving them. You can't just rush through them and expect not to get knocked into lava below by Piglin for example, which without a fire resistance potion could almost certainly lead to your demise and loss of items.

Someone on Minecraftforum suggested in a non poll thread adding in another undead mob, vampire, that spawns in these castles. If you die, your corpse causes another vampire to spawn and you need to deal with additional vampires the second and third time around. Some structures could have area mini bosses where some mobs have enchanted gear, which would've been a far better way to rebalance the games mechanics, instead of adding in more tedium via nerfs, which adds in artificial difficulty. Players are still rewarded for their work with area mini bosses in the game, which is a good way to handle difficulty as it keeps people interested in your game when you give them new quests to conquer and perhaps even more loot to find, even adding in new dimensions would have been good even though adding new dimensions has been in a vote.

Also as HoboMaggot said multithreaded support for servers needs to exist and be improved upon if it already does,
so having extra cores on a CPU are not wasted and so people's home machines can handle high player counts. It would also mean
higher simulation distances wouldn't hurt servers too much even with just a few people in.
11/18/2021 8:12 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
Features allowing access to players with much early progression is most like intended by Mojang (just like the deep dark will be accessible to so).
Other sandbox progression-based games like Terraria and open world mmorpgs/rpgs like Zelda have this as well, so its not unique
(e.g. Terraria allows people who freshly starts a world to go into dangerous biomes)
11/18/2021 9:23 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
nymphei's Avatar
i do want to point out they are adding the deep dark cities which will be boss-like cities and monuments have proven to be difficult for most players, as well as woodland mansions (until you remove all the entities of course).
11/19/2021 9:46 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
AGTRigorMortis's Avatar
That is true, but the Warden is a unique type of mob that is to be avoided, and it doesn't grant players any useful item when defeated, so it's not a boss, but rather a monster that you're not expected to fight at all.

What I'm getting at here is new structures that have mini bosses that do have rewards for defeating them, and aren't quite as OP as Warden is. You're not even expected to fight the Wither unless you are prepared to do so, which is why it doesn't just spawn at random, it has to be created.
11/17/2021 8:27 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
Overhauled command system that allows us datapackers to do much more stuff
Multithreaded gamelogic so servers/game lobbies dont die when 100 people are on one
Planet Minecraft


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