Do you girls try to take advantage of there gender on games

coldhawk's Avatar coldhawk4/24/13 3:42 pm
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5/3/2013 9:45 am
Cipher_Punk's Avatar Cipher_Punk
i was wondering what you think about girls trying to use there gender to take advantage of people on games
Posted by coldhawk's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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05/03/2013 9:45 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
05/03/2013 9:43 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Alien
Punkred's Avatar
I dont really get this kind of behavior on my server but it does happen from time to time. Some people realize the girls on the server want to have the same kind of fun just like them. I think though too many guys are the ones playing as female skins trying to horde items from other guys lol.
05/03/2013 6:31 am
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Wulfyk's Avatar
Okay boys and girls gather up, have a seat and take your coco. Old uncle Wulf have story for you about human mating dance.
First you need to know that humans can be divides into two grenders that differ with various features, begin with body, trough mind, socjal and cultural expectations ending up at seeing world. Simple right? You can say "Oh, but boy and girls are alike and we all human". You have right to some extend, true is we differ to match goals and needs that nature have for us. You can yell, scream, tell it's unfair but thats how world works - Male are simple minded with busted physical features, Female are complex minded with more pain resistance. End of story.
Second put that two grenders with all their flaws and advanteges into society with culture, that is evloving changing and giving restrains to both of them. From acient times males was seen as hunters and protectors of herd - So that means boys need to be strong and brave. Females had to take care of eldery childs and preparing meals - girls should be femine, caring, know how too cook and kind. Sounds familiar? Yup thats sterotypes that are somewhat curse for us all.One more thing you need to be aware of - that all of us hate feeling of being alone. Therefore looking for "second half" is somewhat priorytized (not for all, but for most of them).
Third finally we are in the internet, with gamers of both grenders. Lets take a look at both of them with start from boys. As i said before they are simple minded - what that means? They brain work as big archivie divided into sections and individual lockers for any inormation gathered. Boy log on into MC server, he sees other player with female skin. For males who dominate technological world - female companion is really a treasure. Someone to share his passion with, and won't nag about promise to go shoping when he bought GTA5. So thinking process looks like this:
"Girl! I will be nice for her, and then she will like me for sure and then we can be a couple and we will live happy ever after"
Just for record male population is bigger to around 40 year old, after that age there are more females - that means much competition from male side. Tadah we got to point where poor girls are drowning in diamonds and stuff. Of course in younger males lack of progress raises agression and they start to be a D*ck.
Lets reverse situation. Look at it from female complex point of view. Girls brain is like internet - everywhere are links to other threads, everything is mixed and tresspassing itself. Orgins of woman logic. So depending on various experiences girl had she will take males attention diffrently. Notice to yourself that girl need more time to actually choose partner for her.
"Oh uncle Wulf, but we all herad about love at first sight, you saing that it dont exist?"
Love at first sight is fantasy, of course we have times when girl have that butterflies feeling for boy she just saw, but before actual deision - "Yup he is prince charming" and that moment some time and trials must be passed. Males must met some certian qualifications to be considered as partner material. So simple: "O'MAH GAWD U R GURLL! HAVE SOME DIAMONDS!" is rather annoing.
"But uncle Wulf, there are girls that act they like it!"
So called "Attenton Who***"? Yes for some girls getting attention of other grender is most important thing. They simply need to be worshiped to fight their real life complexes. So they act like divas, celebrities and give others females bad name. Sadly there isn't anything you can do about it. Saving yourself agnist yourself is something everyone of us need to do.

TL;DR version:
I know you young lot don't like walls of text and books are somewhat evil beings, but i recomend you to understand that fenomen spare couple of minutes and read it whole. But i bet all of you just scrolled down and read this version.
Boys and Girls - differ. Boys to get girl wanna be nice and do what they can to get girl. Girls takes longer time to decide wchich boys suit her needs. Clash of both interests bring frustration and nasty situations. End of story.
05/02/2013 10:05 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
MistyCloudABC's Avatar
Well, let's say not all girls do that. For example, I'm a girl and I don't do that. See, girls these days think their so epic and popular. Yes, they've been lying thinking that if they lie, there wouldn't be problems.

Most girls do that because they're all into "boyfriends" and "girl drama." They want boyfriends and can go overboard with it. It's annoying and they don't notice they are actually embarrassing themselves.
05/02/2013 9:58 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Wulfyk's Avatar
Can be deletaed, ( i frogot i pasted it here -,-) I would do it myslef bu i dont see button to do so...
05/02/2013 4:43 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
DSasaki's Avatar
Girls be like "Hey Imma girl anyone who gives me Diamonds will be my boyfriend"
05/02/2013 4:38 am
Level 42 : Master Unicorn
Tux2's Avatar
I don't know what it is, but most people think I'm a girl until they actually see me or someone corrects them. Of course being called "Ma'm" on the phone by countless support technicians, going through drive throughs, or any other voice only communication doesn't really help matters. But, back to the online part, when I first joined this one chat room years ago everyone kept calling me a "she" and it took me about a whole month to get it through their heads that I was actually a guy (I don't think there's anything girly in the name "Tux2").
Because of these things I have experienced for myself the whole thing about dumping tools, equipment, etc. at the "poor girl's" feet. At times, it's amusing, at other times, it's frustrating, and at other times it's quite helpful when you're new to a game to get fed a whole slew of tips from an expert gamer. In one game I play, the male characters look ugly and I wouldn't be caught dead with one of them, so I picked a female avatar. In the game you can ask to become "friends" with someone which allows you to teleport to them, PM them, etc. I had to turn OFF the incoming friend requests because I couldn't play without 20 new requests per hour (you guys do the math)! I made a male character later just for kicks and turned friend requests back on. 5 requests per day possibly?
As a guy I do treat girls with respect and dignity, which means letting them figure it out the hard way sometimes. As a server owner all new players are treated the same by me and all the players. I do have a fairly large population of female gamers on my server, as well as two of my admins being female, so that kind of levels the playing field.
Being percieved online as being a girl does have it's perks, and one of my friends, who is a girl, does use it to her advantage sometimes, but not in an annoying way. Of course, some of that might stem from the fact that usually the females in a game are usually getting pestered quite a bit by the guys, so getting something a little extra once in a while seems like fair play.
Does this whole post make any sense? Or did I stray too off topic?
05/02/2013 3:49 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nether Knight
Your_Addiction's Avatar
I find this topic ridiculous. I've played a lot of minecraft, and never once have I seen girls using there gender for handouts, nor have I seen guys trying to give them things just because they are a girl.

Even if a girl were to try take advantage of her gender, I doubt anyone would actually do anything for her.
05/02/2013 3:38 am
Level 36 : Artisan Spider Rider
nnana's Avatar
I have to say, I've experienced the special treatment. I can't help it when someone tosses me items (flippin' character always picks them up automatically) but in survival servers in the past, male players always insisted on having me move in with them. I want to have fun and mingle and whatnot, but sometimes it's just awkward. Once, I somehow I ended up as some guy's "Minecraft wife" even though I didn't even consent to it. It was weird.

But recently, I only ever play with my brother on PVP servers, and my current skin is a naked chicken man with a leaf, so no special treatment here. I've never even tried using a female skin on a PVP server. I know how that community is.
05/02/2013 3:35 am
Level 1 : New Engineer
CaptainBlastXD's Avatar
The girls sometimes take advantage of their gender.....but they most of the time wanna be treated like men
05/02/2013 3:31 am
Level 26 : Expert Unicorn
Lithiel's Avatar
I don't see the need for special treatment beyond what common players could do for each other. It shouldn't have anything to do with gender, and instead depend on how kind the individual is that I'm playing with. I'd in tern be gracious to others just the same.
the gravity block
05/02/2013 5:40 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
I agree. Im a guy and i don't (think) i have ever treated a girl differently just because of their gender. Ill usually help anyone if they ask but I'm not sure why this is such a big rant because i barely ever see this on servers...it happens though
05/02/2013 2:07 am
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Doughty's Avatar
The way I see it, girls should be treated exactly the same as guys, and they should expect to be treated that way. When women were finally granted equality, there was no hidden clause in there saying "Women should be treated as higher due to their gender" No, it means all men and women are equal, and should be treated that way.
Honestly, in an ideal online community, no one would disclose their gender, but do to preferences and wanting to express yourself (especially on Minecraft with skins) it would be wrong to do so. I do believe, however, many girls purposefully make it obvious that they are girls due to the fact (unfortunate as it is) that they will be treated as special. A girl on the internet is no more special than a guy on the internet, and it's about time people act that way.
05/02/2013 1:58 am
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
I have never seen this.

People often talk about this subject but I have never really seen it.
There are a lot of girls on the internet, but most of them just... act like a normal girl :l

Then again, I don't really talk to many girls... Pretty much just Exurbia and Snowylips..
Don't most girls just curl up with a good anime and a warm bowl of clam chowder?
That's what all girls love... right?
05/02/2013 3:22 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
I'm a bro, bro. <3
05/02/2013 3:24 am
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
*cough* Annabelle *cough*
05/02/2013 3:27 am
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Doughty's Avatar
My brother's name is Annabelle... My parents decided they wanted a girl so bad, they refused to pick out any boy names, thus he was stuck with Annabelle
05/02/2013 4:43 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
05/02/2013 3:18 am
Level 34 : Artisan Spider Rider
Noxyoursox's Avatar
Can't speak for all girls, but I do love a good anime with a bowl of clam chowder.

I don't normally state my gender (unless someone refers to me as male, then I politely correct them). I get mistaken for a guy a lot, which I don't mind too much. I've been harrassed about it occassionally--although much more often in real life. I've been given help I didn't need, want, or ask for--again, more often in real life. The attitude is there, but not all guys are sexist and not all girls are whiney babies taking advantage of it.
05/02/2013 1:44 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
If girls expect to be treated equally, that's where it should end. At "equal". No special attention, no lack of attention. Exactly equal. I know there are people who disagree, but honestly I could imagine girls getting annoyed at being given extra attention, for something they couldn't control.
05/01/2013 7:21 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
belzabethiblish's Avatar
Pft, you not only games but this applies in real life too.
04/25/2013 1:29 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Pangamma's Avatar
the_soupOne flame on here and this post will be locked.

All I can think about is kitchen jokes now. Dammit, come on! D: Gahh my mind is terrible! lol
04/25/2013 1:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Bighairyman12's Avatar
Lol, I love this topic...it makes me think im stupid....>:D well i have an opinion its just its a lil inapropriate for lil guys to hear XP
04/25/2013 1:23 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Unless you are kinda scumbag, people (guys) will generally be a lot nicer to girls.
'Nuff said.
04/25/2013 1:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
this is true

Guys are just naturally nicer to girls...
04/25/2013 7:40 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
I just got told "HAY SAMKEE00 YOU A SEXY GIRL". That was uncalled for.
04/25/2013 7:27 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
I tend to play on warrior cats RP servers, where the population is mainly girls and boys are cherished for the fact that they exist and read warriors. Not like, worshiped, we're just happy they're on and will RP with us instead of us having to all pretend to be guys.
Legendary Duck
04/25/2013 5:37 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Legendary Duck's Avatar
Girls and boys should be treated the same. No matter what. The end of it.
04/25/2013 1:50 am
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
That also makes them look like they want sexual attention (Scuse the language) and makes us genuine girl gamers look bad.
04/25/2013 2:18 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Yes, there are the select few who do ruin the image of most female gamers (in game, and even here on PMC). In Minecraft, most of them wear a generic teen girl skin and walk around and expect diamonds, etc. just because they are female. And if they don't get what they want the cry out for attention, and that makes all females seem needy. I'm not going to lie, I've even seen girls in the chat room cry out for attention just because no one is paying attention to them.

And that leads to males either a) giving them attention hoping that they can get a girlfriend or b) treat them badly. Now not every male will treat a girl badly or treat her special, but that is the case sometimes. And then if the girls get what they want they will expect to be treated like that all of the time, thus making them take advantage of their gender.

I think I'm not only speaking for myself, but for a lot of female gamers, we just want to be treated normally. We don't want guys to be rude to us, or be super nice. We just want to play the game and enjoy ourselves like everyone else.
04/25/2013 1:46 am
Level 25 : Expert Prince
MaximusDoobius's Avatar
I go on servers all the time and while many girls don't take advantage of their gender, many do. Why only the other day i was on Kladkatt and some little girl came on saying 'i show mai boobs 2 hooeva cn giv me dimond toolz!' I really hate it when females do that because it's pathetic and ruins the game.
04/25/2013 1:17 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
To be honest, that was most likely a guy dressed up as a girl. The vast majority of females *don't* like the sexual harassment they will oftentimes receive wearing a female skin.
04/25/2013 1:38 am
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
I've been a moderator on one server and admin on another server. From experience, a lot of comments that would seem sexist annoy me (who wouldn't be?) I have also copped a lot more abuse and sexist comments from people and when you've copped it, it's easy to shrug off.

Girls, if you are a staff member, I have some advice, if you're being treated badly I would just deal with it as it is. It's not an easy road at times because some people are stubborn morons.

Also to comment, not all girls are the damsel in distress, and personally if I have a guy hit on me in game I straight out reject them. If someone's being sexist I don't take them seriously and just diss them by banning them or muting them.
the gravity block
04/25/2013 12:56 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
Yeah I understand where youre getting at creeper Im just saying that (Im pretty sure) Ive never tried to help a girl just because of her gender nor has that ever really affacted my decisions..
04/25/2013 12:58 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Then none of what I'm saying applies to you.
04/25/2013 12:54 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
imalittlecreeper, the first post was a joke (i know, i'm horrible at jokes ) but, yeah, i am a very nice guy when i comes to meeting new people.
04/25/2013 12:57 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
(Just a tip I see your level one so here, at the top of the post you can click the quote button and the person gets notified faster like that) And I won't doubt that your nice but I'm speaking in general.
the gravity block
04/25/2013 12:50 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
Know what? Kindness it's kinda obvious when they see your skin and they are like 'UBHBSUOYBOUYSDCUVYTA TAKE ALL MY DIAMONDS FUYBEUOVUDBCUYDVCTUDUBUDBDB' Or 'Hey, want to make a house my last one got griefed'[/quote]

Not all guys are blabbering idiots when they are trying to impress a girl but yes, it often happens
04/25/2013 12:46 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
imalittlecreeper, if a male player wanted help, i would help them. If anyone needed help, i would help them. Male or Female, i will help them if they need the help.
04/25/2013 12:51 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Well thats not what you said in the other post but whatever if that's the truth then no big deal but I hope others that do that read that post.
04/25/2013 12:39 am
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Neptonic's Avatar
Ok, I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore, it's 'their' not 'there' in the title. I went a whole 30 minutes before cracking though.

P.S. I thought my TFC anecdote was pretty funny/informative. guess not
04/25/2013 12:59 am
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
I found it amusing, if it makes you feel better.

But in all seriousness, I've never seen any of this crap happen.. Though it appears to nonetheless..
04/25/2013 12:35 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
imalittlecreeper, i'm just saying, if a women asked for help, i would help them. If they don't want help, i would leave them alone.
04/25/2013 12:41 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
So we get special treatment because we're girls? If only that worked with getting drafted into the NHL but it does not so at least I won't accept it unless I think it's truly kindness not just helping the other gender
the gravity block
04/25/2013 12:44 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
Meh you never really know...
04/25/2013 12:45 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Know what? Kindness it's kinda obvious when they see your skin and they are like 'UBHBSUOYBOUYSDCUVYTA TAKE ALL MY DIAMONDS FUYBEUOVUDBCUYDVCTUDUBUDBDB' Or 'Hey, want to make a house my last one got griefed'
04/25/2013 12:54 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Not all guys are blabbering idiots when they are trying to impress a girl but yes, it often happens[/quote]
Trust me when I say ALOT of guys are blabbering idiots, and (not implying anything to you) most of them won't admit it. It's natural for people to be like that. But humans are not natural at all so I think that law does not really apply to humans anymore.
the gravity block
04/25/2013 12:38 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
Meh I dont care WHO asks for help..If I feel they need it ill be glad to help! If they dont want any help then I leave them alone and go on playing my minecraft
the gravity block
04/25/2013 12:30 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
[/quote]I personally just give tools to newbs without even asking which of the 3 genders they are![/quote]

I'm not sure if you are stupid, or plain rude. There are only 2 genders, and your jkes are not funny. This might offend some people.[/quote]
How would this offend anybody??? I personally found it funny....
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